MovieChat Forums > Water for Elephants (2011) Discussion > Best/Worst movies from books...

Best/Worst movies from books...

My two favorite have got to be Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and To Kill A Mockingbird. Two that I would love see made are Flowers for Algernon and The Catcher in the Rye. The latter will probably never happen being that J.D. Salinger was adament about not having any of his works made into motion pictures. Any favorites? Ones you hated? Suggestions for future ones?

We love because He first loved us.

- 1 John 4:19


I preferred The Long Hot Summer film version over the book. Faulkner is great, but Paul Newman is greater in this case

Just got back from Harry Potter DH part 2, and I liked the book better. The film was alright, and did some things as well as if not better than the book, but overall, the book was much better.

Have to say, HP DH part 1 was more emotionally engaging than part 2.

One Day trailer; it looks better than the book to me.



The Hunger Games seems to have been a good adaptation. Books fans don't complain too much.


BEST = Exorcist; Jaws; Silence of the Lambs; Love Story.
WORST = Revolutionary Road (DiCaprio; Winslet); A Simple Plan (Billy Bob T); Before & After (Streep); Reservation Road (Ruffalo).


Loved The Time Traveler's Wife and The Color Purple.
Hated Flowers in the Attic, mainly because it should have been in many parts like the books. Would love to see it as a mini-series and follow all the books.

You know maybe if you eat more comfort food you wouldn't have to go around shooting people.


Lifetime just remade Flowers in the Attic, but there was a lot of unintentional comedy. I think they're making a sequel.

I think The Wolf of Wall Street was a good adaptation.


The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Gone Girl, Fight Club, Stand By Me, The Shawshank Redemption were all very good.


Dune is the worst adaption I'm aware of.

Not sure about best, but I agree Willy Wonka is a great one.
