Wow, that reviewer is a colossal douche.


How? It was a fair review. Well he's certainly right about Fuller House being regressive nostalgia


The Imdb rating is 6.6, dragged down by man-babies. Episode ratings all 8+.


what are they complaining about?


Typical fake review: "Canned laugh track"

Longer 1* troll review:

Absolute cringe
whydoiwatchthiscrap [actual user name!]
5 March 2021

In all honesty, she had better acting chops as a kid. Now she overacts, and it is just so cringey.

Its just another garbage American sitcom. Terrible acting. Lowest common denominator, laugh track, obvious jokes and gags.



They are just hating because the show is not sjw


Sorry but I don't think a mom who abandons a child in a supermarket without resources etc would be looking for you for years.

It would have been different if she left her at a police station, firehouse, hospital. That I could buy. Sorry Frye is obviously hard up for money herself. Maybe a CGI glommer could fix things lol
