MovieChat Forums > Legion (2010) Discussion > Why is there no attempt at ANY biblical ...

Why is there no attempt at ANY biblical or theological accuracy?

First off, this movie sucks hardcore without the incredibly wrong theology within it. That said, I'm am so very tired of movies using biblical stupidity to make crappy films.

The idea that God wiped the slate clean once, so obviously God will do it again ticks me off to no end, mostly because after wiping out almost all of mankind, God then told Noah that mankind would not be wiped away again. Easy bible story, Noah and the Ark, and yet so many film makers simply stop reading before the end of the story. "OMG, God has detroyed everything with a flood, let's do it differently because God will obviously want to wipe out mankind again". Seriously? Is anyone even trying?

Also, while angels and God are spoken of profusely, the fact that this movie claims the God of Christian faith, then Jesus should have probably made an appearance, you know, if for no other reason than to set the angels straight, "You know guys, I came and died so that mankind would live, so maybe wiping out the 'last hope for humanity' is pretty stupid. Also, if the child is really the last hope for humanity, then the child is probably ME, which means that God didn't tell you to wipe out mankind and kill the child since the child is me, and I am God. Thanks for your attention, now go back to your choir practice."

I watched the trailers thinking that it was Michael the angel fighting against the legions of evil to protect a child. I can get into that I guess since even if it isn't biblically accurate, it is at least in line with muddled theological thinking. But, the legions of angels coming down to wipe out mankind on God's orders by killing the unborn "last hope for humanity" is offensive to anyone who believes in God and has read the Bible. Not just the few verses that argumentative people memorize to show how "terrible" the bible is, I mean read the whole bible and then think how terribly offensive this movie is. You want to make an atheist friendly movie and mock Christian faith, then at least try to do it without being so obviously and offensively blind to your subject matter and read your source material. You want to mock the bible, God, and faith, then read the bible and some quality theological texts and then try not to be a jerk.

This script writers didn't even try to appear to have done any form of research and it shows in their foolish movie devoid of any real theological thought when it is supposed to be about God and angels.



I know this is late but I wanted to put my two cents in. You and others brought up some good points. My answer to your question would be because the bible, in itself isn't accurate. Remember it was told to a prophet who used his own interpretation right? Besides, I think writers and directors should have the free will to expand on certain things and make it their own. Otherwise, would be boring. Now, I'm with you on movies/tv shows being accurate about certain things, but I also believe the stories from the Bible, when made into movies and such, are better when it is the writer's/director's own interpretation.


Why is there no biblical accuracy? Because it's a damned movie. Meant to entertain.


So I've scanned this thread and one thing I think that should be brought into focus, the idea of God. No matter religion or belief the simple idea of of a creator is not something one thinks up out of the blue. An idea so old that it preempts all linear (modern) thought. Now to debate as so may conscious forms do on this Earth, is to debate whether the wind blows or the trees move by themselves. And to classify texts by their language, the Tower of Babel is the precursor to all written form. After the fall writing and language empowered to weaken the bond and thought between people.


You don't think it could have been a very simple idea that had been thought of out of the blue so long ago it would find its originator deep in the pages of prehistory? Because that is what happened. Don't believe me? Our ancestors worshiped rivers as gods. They had creator stories revolving around animals. People took that idea and continued to add to it until we arrived at the place we are at now, a species divided by belief without evidence.

Stupidity is the hallmark of humanity, the torch that is passed down throughout the ages.


I totally agree. There are so many modern books out there like the works of Neil Gaiman, that make better use of angels and Christian mythology.

Why can't we get films that actually touch upon that mythology rather than adjust it to their own ends?


hey, I'm not familiar with Neil Gaiman work, can you tell me what books are you refering to? I love mythology and would liek to look into those books as well.


The Rule of Two is a hoax to fool the Jedi


Start with the Sandman series in graphic novels. Death the High Cost of living.

And I must recommend American Gods.


Basically this is newagers trying to re-write the Word of God. Satan using his two greatest weapons, Fear and Lies. They distort the truth, but fail. Don't throw pearls to the swine. In reality they lose and God wins!


Hail Eris!

I watched the trailers thinking that it was Michael the angel fighting against the legions of evil to protect a child. I can get into that I guess since even if it isn't biblically accurate, it is at least in line with muddled theological thinking. But, the legions of angels coming down to wipe out mankind on God's orders by killing the unborn "last hope for humanity" is offensive to anyone who believes in God and has read the Bible. Not just the few verses that argumentative people memorize to show how "terrible" the bible is, I mean read the whole bible and then think how terribly offensive this movie is. You want to make an atheist friendly movie and mock Christian faith, then at least try to do it without being so obviously and offensively blind to your subject matter and read your source material. You want to mock the bible, God, and faith, then read the bible and some quality theological texts and then try not to be a jerk.

Y'know, I was thinking maybe it wasn't all that great, but you reassured me. If it's that offensive to Xians, then it really is a good movie. The best art is always highly offensive to _someone_, and with so many centuries' worth of great Xian-friendly art that is offensive to various Pagans, atheists, and agnostics, it makes me feel good to watch an action movie that's really horribly offensive to Xians. But don't worry, the scales of offensiveness are still tilted heavily in favour of fans of Jebus, though I'm sure movies like this one have them feeling extremely put-upon, just as though they're regularly being fed to lions, or otherwise recreationally killed in the streets of North American cities, by raging, torch- and pitchfork-bearing mobs of Pagans and atheists, merely for their religion alone. Because, after all, that must be happening, right?

A copy of the universe is not what is required of art; one of the damned things is ample.


"biblical or theological accuracy"

hahahahahah. good one.
