MovieChat Forums > Legion (2010) Discussion > Why is there no attempt at ANY biblical ...

Why is there no attempt at ANY biblical or theological accuracy?

First off, this movie sucks hardcore without the incredibly wrong theology within it. That said, I'm am so very tired of movies using biblical stupidity to make crappy films.

The idea that God wiped the slate clean once, so obviously God will do it again ticks me off to no end, mostly because after wiping out almost all of mankind, God then told Noah that mankind would not be wiped away again. Easy bible story, Noah and the Ark, and yet so many film makers simply stop reading before the end of the story. "OMG, God has detroyed everything with a flood, let's do it differently because God will obviously want to wipe out mankind again". Seriously? Is anyone even trying?

Also, while angels and God are spoken of profusely, the fact that this movie claims the God of Christian faith, then Jesus should have probably made an appearance, you know, if for no other reason than to set the angels straight, "You know guys, I came and died so that mankind would live, so maybe wiping out the 'last hope for humanity' is pretty stupid. Also, if the child is really the last hope for humanity, then the child is probably ME, which means that God didn't tell you to wipe out mankind and kill the child since the child is me, and I am God. Thanks for your attention, now go back to your choir practice."

I watched the trailers thinking that it was Michael the angel fighting against the legions of evil to protect a child. I can get into that I guess since even if it isn't biblically accurate, it is at least in line with muddled theological thinking. But, the legions of angels coming down to wipe out mankind on God's orders by killing the unborn "last hope for humanity" is offensive to anyone who believes in God and has read the Bible. Not just the few verses that argumentative people memorize to show how "terrible" the bible is, I mean read the whole bible and then think how terribly offensive this movie is. You want to make an atheist friendly movie and mock Christian faith, then at least try to do it without being so obviously and offensively blind to your subject matter and read your source material. You want to mock the bible, God, and faith, then read the bible and some quality theological texts and then try not to be a jerk.

This script writers didn't even try to appear to have done any form of research and it shows in their foolish movie devoid of any real theological thought when it is supposed to be about God and angels.


k first of all, God said that he wouldn't flood the earth again as a means to destroy mankind. Secondly, The archangel michael IS most likely Jesus. Thats why he supposedly stood up for us because he's been one of us. I thought this movie was ok but i was stoned as hell at the time too. I think if someone were to make a scary movie with really accurate bible themes, it would make a killing because i know some morons would believe it and reference bible scriptures to prove the movies based on facts


So you're upset that one work of fiction didn't closely follow another work of fiction?


Perfect reply... I had a reply ready, but couldn't top this one... :)


That's Hollywood for ya.


LMAO pcr..............and the judges give it a 10!!!

And now, my beloved disciples. The moment of truth... the needle of love


Biblical accuracy? Wouldn't that mean the bible would have to be accurate in the first place?


Biblical accuracy? Wouldn't that mean the bible would have to be accurate in the first place?

Fine, describe said inaccuracies.


To describe all the mistakes and contradictions in the bible will require volumes upon volumes of text. But here's a nice digest version:


Sorry, but no. You can take anything out of context and "prove" contradictions.

The Bible isn't a set of sound bytes like your cartoon tries to illustrate.

Let me take one example (the only one I remember at the moment). Can anyone see God's face and live. He uses different verses to show that the Bible says no and yet it happens. When it also makes it clear in yet another (non-quoted) verse that it's the "glory" of God's face that man should not (or cannot) see.

Volumes and volumes? Hardly.

And, tell me this. Point to another book in the entire history of mankind written over a period of 1400 years by 40-50 different authors across three continents that hangs together even half as well as the Bible.


You know, it only works because you believe it must. You believe the bible contains no contradictions, and until you can 'prove' it to yourself, it means, in your eyes, that you are not understanding it properly.

Sadly those proofs never make too much sense.

And, tell me this. Point to another book in the entire history of mankind written over a period of 1400 years by 40-50 different authors across three continents that hangs together even half as well as the Bible.

First, learn your history, and try being consistent yourself. On this thread alone you've given several different starting dates for the composition of the bible. Neither is correct, BTW:

"Second, please don't cofuse the messages in the Bible, which in general are fairly simple, with all the interpretations, traditions, and customs of man which have grown up around it in the last 4,500 years since the first authors of the Bible started recording events."

"The Torah is considered to be over 3,300 years old, but many scholars consider the book of Job to be the first written and some place it over 3,600 years ago."

Now, in addition to contradictions, to evidence of different conflicting sources present in the material, which were edited in an attempt to reconcile them while giving support to a particular political agenda (which varied from layer to layer), the bible is also riddled with mistakes. Scientific mistakes, indicating it was written by people with no 'divine inspiration'. And historical inaccuracies, meaning more or less the same. You might wanna read the work of Israel Finkelstein, concerning bible archaeology.

Like I said in another post, the bible was most likely began in the 8th century BC, with the last redactions and additions possibly done as late as the 2nd century BC.


Does anyone else find it strange that someone who named themselves after the Norse god Thor is complaining about Biblical accuracy?


Someone commented on it in this thread almost exactly a year ago to the day. Wasn't you, was it?



I find your bible thumping rant of a fictious film very fascinating, yet disturbing.

”Deh Deh Deh, DA Dabacco”-Puert Rican dude from the ”I aint your Papi” episode of COPS.


Well, the bible isn't true anyway so it doesn't matter.

I think *beep* just happens, but that's just me.


Well, the bible isn't true anyway so it doesn't matter.

And you know this how?


starwolf, you seem to have a strong belief in god, and that's fine. If that's what you need to give your life meaning, I'm happy for you. It's just that when you ask people to 'prove' that god doesn't exist, or 'prove' that the bible is fiction you go off the rails. It's like me saying that there is an elephant in your living room but you can't see it, or touch it because I say it's in another dimension. I KNOW IT'S THERE, you 'prove' that it's not. Good luck with that.

This movie is just your generic run of the mill end of the world fiction story. Kind of like 'What if Superman and The Flash had a footrace?' Only Kate Walsh and the awesome special effect of Charles Dutton's back getting dissolved by acid make it watchable.

And now, my beloved disciples. The moment of truth... the needle of love


Its nothing more then a fantasy film, Based on a story book.
I don't see why this film even warrants 10 pages of essays.
