my buddy and i are sick over the demise of the movie. as time marches on movies are being reduced to nothing more than fast-moving, shaky camera scenes that don't allow anyone to sit and absorb THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF ALL THAT IS NO LONGER A MUST IN A MOVIE--THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as long as our eyes are filled with visually slick effects nothing else matters. movies are frenetic anymore. not all, but it seems a trend. can you even imagine a movie like places in the heart even being brought to the screen in this day and time. it would probably be laughed out of the studio exec's office for being too slow, too story-driven, too character-driven.
gamer was ridiculously bad. horrendously bad. but somehow this dross makes it to the screen when there are so many deserving unknowns out there who have decent, even wonderful, stories to tell.
"so then, you must be the idiot who needs to explain it to me huh?"
um... if ur trying to tell me that isn't a question mark at the end of that sentence then u might need to go back to elementary school. but, on the other hand, i'm begining to wonder if u've actually graduated from there if u have to resort to name calling in an attempt to gain an upper hand in an internet argument. if that's so, i commend u on the use of the word "rhetorical", pretty big word for a little man.
"I trust everyone; I just don't trust the devil inside them." - John Bridger
Ouch that hurt my feelings. I'm trolling? I didn't seek out a film forum to bash the film in question then get upset when people defend it. Or use punctuation and grammar jives to try and win an argument.
number two, Y-O-U are the one making this racial, not me.
number three, Y-O-U are the one tossing out labels. i don't appreciate labels either way, against me, or against white people either. so there. can you cease and desist now? preciate it
number four, the post was to someone else (so repeat number one)
number five, what do you mean, 'colored folk'? man you krayzee. hahaha. you musta saw tropic thinda huh. boy you cracks me up
number six, i dont 'call' my self anything. but my bitches 'call' me when they need money or love, or when they want to cook daddy supper.
number seven, you are right, i am not a whitey. i am a middle aged black man.
number eight, i aint mad atcha brother. peace owt. i know you din' mean no harm brother.
----------------------------------- "Where.... can I put my ash?"
it is clear that beatyPeaty has singled me out because of the color of my skin. there seems to be no other point behind her attacks.
beaty, i had hoped that these boards would be a place where racial tensions could be left behind for the greater camraderie of movie buffs, but sadly i now see that senseless racism follows us everywhere-- even onto these boards.
sorry you didn't take the time to absorb my well-presented points from my earlier posts.
and i hope you get a grip on your racism soon. it can rot one's heart, bro.
----------------------------------- "Where.... can I put my ash?"
b-, exactly right!! i didn't like it so i didn't watch it. i left once it reached critical mass of laughability after 30 minutes like so many people who have posted on the gamer board.
however, i take comfort in the fact that a movie was made that even idiots can understand. idiots shouldn't be left out. they have rights too.
yeah, man, that's hilarious, isn't it? hahahahahahahahaha. so funny. it is a LOL moment when a movie lover gives a movie some money and a chance only to be disappointed. insanely funny. my side hurts.
they got my money, and so have a lot of examples of film refuse in the past and there will be many more in the future no doubt.
as a lover of the cinematic experience, that is a gamble i am willing to take.
but i'll still post on these boards my thoughts, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
they got the money, yeah. but the joke will be on them when down the road, they ruin their own industry at which point they wont be getting ANYBODY'S MONEY.
go back to swineland, jerkweed
(you can change the world too, by refraining from stupid posts like your last one)
eh what story. any half-informed person knows that 'shaky-cam' or even excessive motion blur for that matter, are common techniques used to hide poor quality special effects; compositing or editing.
"The only time there was shakey cameras was during the action or chase scenes"
yes, it has been difficult to get out a lot since my stroke and i have to rely on my teenage grandson for transportation. he is the one who wanted to see gamer and i was a captive audience. so yes, as a vietnam war veteran i suppose i am way too old to learn anything new.
wow, kramedog, who doesn't get out much? i who just threw out there my opinion without insulting anyone except possibly the people who made gamer who are rich and successful and don't care what i think anyway or you who copied and pasted my very words into your response complete with insults?
look, after my stint in nam i taught teenagers for 30 years. teaching teenagers makes one an expert at deflecting insults.
however, you are entitled to your opinion, but reel in the anger, okay?
You need to look at it within the genre... name a better video game movie... This is a typical action movie and it entertains. It's not trying to be Casa Blanca, its a freaking Video Game movie. I can't believe someone so pretentious would even pay to see this. Why on gods green earth would you do that? If you don't like mindless action movies then don't go see them.
I really enjoy B movies and zombie movies and every other movie that sets out to be something and does it. Even if its so bad its funny, its a movie :) I see 2 movies a week and can take a movie at face value and tell what kind of movie its going to be from the preview... why can't you? Is it that hard? It seems pretty easy. If you scoff at the preview, then don't pay to see it. If you didn't see the preview then its your own fault for not researching when you're so pretentious. Case closed.
lara croft was a better video game movie. i dont know others but surely there are better ones. besides, your premise is wrong anyway.... it shouldnt be a good video game movie, it should be a good movie in general
also, it was not presented as a mindless movie, the trailer made it seem as if it had a plot. THAT'S WHY I WENT TO SEE IT. oh but you are right, after this..... i WONT SEE IT again.
anyone who liked this TRASH and WASTE OF CELLULOID should have their head examined
jr, thank you so much for clearing this up for me. it is WRONG for someone who is pretentious to enter a theater blind to a movie's merits or lack of without pouring over research and boards and reviews and trailers and comments and critics and articles. it is WRONG for someone who is pretentious to view a cross-section of movie genres. i should just stick with the pretentious movies. for my pretentious self.
and for the record, i didn't scoff at the preview. i saw it and was intrigued by it. i wanted to see gamer because of it. gamer just didn't deliver the goods when the goods counted.
look, when people are fleeing the theater after 15 minutes as they are for this one (have you read the other posts on the gamer board?), it is just a BAD movie, no matter what genre it is.
and by the way, i think gerard butler is awesome and watch anything he does gladly, except this one.
""If you scoff at the preview, then don't pay to see it. If you didn't see the preview then its your own fault for not researching when you're so pretentious. Case closed.""
jr scott, you left out one category--- what if i SAW THE PREVIEW AND LIKED THE PREVIEW (which is true)...but then later found that the movie itself was nothing like what was sold in the preview.
because... my brother... that is what happened.
so what is your 'case closed' retort to this? i wanna hear
Since a few of you addressed my comment I thought I'd reply back:
If you saw the preview and thought it looked good, then you are right, my argument doesn't apply to you.
I saw that preview and was expecting a hilariously awful video game movie and got what I expected, so I wasn't pissed. Me and my movie nerd friends had some laughs at its expense; it was bloody and violent, had mindless action, a giant F'n Ludacris, a ridiculous dance fight scene and a cringe inducing closing line of "well played" from a guy that looks like an Apple store employee. Thats worth 9$ any day :)
Just a heads up, you will want to skip Zombie Land no matter how good the preview looks to you. It will be bloody, violent, have mindless action, something that, you can refer to as a "Bif F'n fill in the blank", corny dialog and more than likely a cringe inducing closing line. I on the other hand will see and enjoy the hell out of it.
P.S. In response to a another comment, Tomb Raider was not better in my opinion but I can see how an AJ fan would like that movie. I'd argue Wizard from the early 90's was better: A Power Glove that works?!?! OMG! That's funny! Caaaaaliiifoooornia Caaaaaliiiifooooornia... and a sneak preview at Mario 3! Rad... When I was 5 and saw this movie I wanted to travel around the U.S. playing in professional video game contests. I refuse to watch it today knowing much like Thundercats and He-Man it will be much lamer than I remember *hangs head in shame*
i'm goin to agree with the main dude, i'm kinda sick of most action movies where it's basicly decent plot with flasy visuals and a hard as nails hero who has a heart (awww) i loath the shakycam phenonema with a passion, namely because i usually can't see the action. i know that, like it or not, all action movies will be like this for another new while until a movie comes along to set a new trend Die Hard and The Matrix changed the'll be a new decade soon so we're bound for a change in pace (yaaaay)
you want a better video game movie... eXistenZ... it did a better job in every way.
but my biggest problem with Gamer is the fact that the story is always repeating itself... like the fat guy... I understand the first time that he is stupid and fat and disgusting... and that he is addicted to the game. BUT you don't need to tell me the same thing 50 times...
and why do they go in the rave... I mean there is no reason to go in there... the only reason is because the writers/directors want an action scene in a rave... that is the only reason... and that's a bad screenplay
and the future was simply not believable... too many questions... and no answers... you need to be able to see yourself living there in 10-20 years... the best exemple I can think of is Children of Men, Gattaca or even Blade Runner... well Blade Runner would be more like 40-50 years in the future but it's still a good example of how a futuristic environment should feel like.
and the ending... was very lame... the guy nodding at Gerard Butler' character... like he's saying good job man you deserve to win you're a good guy... very bad...
1. A:"This movie is bad..." B:"If you don't like the movie, don't watch it!"
Whatever happened to criticism Mr B? Mr A is not saying the movie should be legislated against. He (presumably) paid a cinema ticket to see it (as did I earlier this evening) and he thought it was crap. Even if he torrented it, it's still a piece of art, and since we're not in a PC cotton-wool world, if it's rubbish, it's rubbish.
I enjoy 'cerebral' films - say, a very heavy dialogue piece like 12 Angry Men - and I enjoy action films in equal measure. Not all entertainment has to be clever, but Gamer's action scenes are so hackneyed and repetitive you simply don't get anything from watching them. The bleached, desaturated look is straight out of Three Kings, the shaky-cam is straight out of Bourne, Cloverfield and a thousand other recent pieces, and the gunplay is tactically meaningless. Some guy falls down sans appendage. Why? Because he was a target for the main protagonist. In Gamer it's simply bassy loud noises, which don't even feel realistic to anyone who's been around fired weapons. The martial arts is substandard and repetitive, with Kable winning by writer's fiat and not skill.
You can see what's happening. You can see the progression as they move down the street and become separated. The gunfire is echoey, urban and real. It still falls to some writer's fiat problems but overall it's superior to Gamer because it's original and skilful. Anyone can shake a cam filming a guy shooting someone, not everyone is Michael Mann.
i am mr. a in your post and have been ridiculed and insulted by many mr. b's who thought i should have never set foot in the theater to see gamer since there was even the smallest chance that i might not like it. this is a ludicrous assertion on their part. operating on preconceived notions and biases can prevent me from viewing many worthwhile and enjoyable movies across many genres. i don't close my mind off to any movie without giving it a chance to prove itself or not. a very cinema savvy buddy taught me that.
your comments on gamer were most interesting, correct, and well put. and yes, as a michael mann fan myself, not everyone can be michael mann. unfortunately.
Loony Bin Jim, no one expected to walk into this movie and see something akin to schindler's list. i do not fault anyone who saw the trailer as i did and now realize they relied on smoke and mirrors to disguise a weak plot.
jim, who the hell said anything about the future of society? huh? wtf?? not me... reread my posts if you think that. btw i liked crank. a thill and well constructed plot, not boring, etc
'Preciate your comments PlatinumScreen. It's a sad day when not only the "It's just an action movie" line is sufficient, but apparently all you need to make said action movie are some muscle, too much bass in the soundtrack, too much grey and bleach in the film, and some explosions to boot.
this film is visually arresting, but too tiresome to endure on the big screen.....about 30 years ago, this is exactly how I imagined 'future movies' but 3 decades on, the reality is a let-down.