MovieChat Forums > Splinter (2009) Discussion > AMAZING movie. Another ones like this? r...

AMAZING movie. Another ones like this? read!

Ok, I will not be writing on what was cool and what wasn't. This piece kickes ass hard.
I want to ask you people for movies similar to this description:

Required things, that have something to do with plot.

1. A monster/alien/creature movie.
2. The entity is partially explained in the flick. Not necesarily its origin, but what makes it tick and how to defend from it. Not necesarily kill it.
3. Remote/isolated/distant/never heard of environment.
4. Characters are discovering specifics of the entity on their own pace, not all things at the same time.
5. Suspence amd mystery!
6. At least SOME amount of action, or something that makes me go like: Oh, god, what happens next? what now!?!

Optional things that makes no difference and/or are not affecting the plot:

1. No annoying characters like in most Steven King's movies. ie, stupid/religious woman in The fog(remake) or stupid/annoying buisenessman from The langoliers
2. No stupid/sexy/highschool blondes and tits flapping around left and right.
3. The monster is preferred not being a zombie, although 28 days later redefined the genre.
4. No Uwe Boll. Actually that one should be in requirements.
5. Not necesarily a horror movie.

BUDGET IS IRRELEVANT! Same goes for the ending good/bad and the gore.

The most compelling examples of this description are:
The thing
Tremors (with its sequel)
The faculty
Pitch black
The sphere
From dusk till dawn (Sure, it's vampires, but that one goes here because you never knew what hit'em until half of the movie, and then it got all of the required things)

So please. Feel free to add something to this list. Maybe we'll discover something together.


Not on list (kinda surprised)

They Live 1988 -- weird for tone more - one story thing is unique

The Thing -- i like the original also The Thing from Another World -- James Arness before he was Sheriff Matt Dillon (for like ?? 20 years - 400eps of Gunsmoke) WOW!! wrong -- 600eps...


no one has mentioned The Thaw 2009 yet.

i really liked the Thaw which is a horror creature movie.


Sunshine and Pontypool may help fill your requirements. Enjoy.

"I wish you'd keep my hands to yourself"


Forgot one, the movie Dead End...makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
Requires dark room, solitude and knowledge of nothing that happens.

"I wish you'd keep my hands to yourself"


the ruins
the host
primeval (killer croc movie)
the relic
in the mouth of madness



The Ruins is another that at least fits the description. Really not that bad either. I don't think it was mentioned.


Why did no one mention Cloverfield, its a nice movie for this genre.


Leviathan (1989)
