MovieChat Forums > Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2010) Discussion > Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

I know th hachiko's story was real, but...

I mean c'mon all the times the cats are the bad guys, and the dog its a heroe

the cat's are noble and friendly too!!!

I want to see a film with cats!!!!

Anyway, i like that movie, what do you think?



I find dogs have that human heart inside of them, they're bigger and interact with you alot more than a cat, cat is too small. I love cats, got 2 myself. Dogs a mans best friend as they say. If you run over a cat you can carry on driving, but with dogs i think you have to report it or something, there is a difference, it wouldn't work as much on a film like a dog


If you and your dog are in a house and you die, the dog will lie by your side and mourn. If you and your cat are in a house and you die, the cat will eat you. That's the difference between dogs and cats. Obviously, I have a dog.


Because there is a saying, "Dogs have masters, cats have employees." Cats will never answer when you call out to them, they have mood swings, they will always scratch their owners, and in general they suck, but hey that's only my opinion. Peace y'all.




Because cats can't act. LOL


They're different creatures with different instincts. Dogs, like us, are 'pack' oriented. They work together cooperatively when hunting for food, rearing young, for mutual protection, etc. Only member of the feline family that behaves in a way that's at all similar would be the lion. But our 'domestic' cats are descended from small wild cats that lived solitary existences requiring them to be completely independent once they were weaned and capable of fending for themselves. Each individual feline (male or female) established its own territory which it jealously guarded and defended against all other members of its own species. Their instincts are not 'social' (except when the urge to mate draws them together). But unlike canines, they don't 'pair up' for life (which happens often among the dog's wild cousins, e.g. wolves) but go their solitary way again once mating has occurred. Domestic cats have adapted to some of our ways because they find it to their advantage to give up a certain amount of their 'freedom' in exchange for comfortable living conditions and an 'easy meal' every day. (Yes, cats are basically lazy creatures who like to have their meals provided for them if they can convince us to do so!) That said, however, cats that have been abandoned or left on their own will quickly (and with relative ease) revert to their natural 'wild' state and become surprisingly self-sufficient predators. Cats can seem fickle at times and be irritatingly unresponsive, while dogs are normally eager to please and are cooperative souls who make loyal members of the 'family pack' (whether it's canine or human). Cats refuse to be subservient or do our bidding just because we feed them. When and if they bestow affection, it's because they've chosen to do so, not because it's demanded or expected of them. Still I admire both species for their individual characteristics and I've owned (and loved) both. But comparing their unique attributes is like comparing apples and oranges - different fruits, different flavors. Some like both and some only one or the other.


It's simple.... Dogs have personality... they have emotions...

Cats are like zombies.. they do what they do with no reason or why.


Now that would be a some movie - but imagine trying to train a cat to give a $#!t with computer graphics.



Now that would be a some movie - but imagine trying to train a cat to give a $#!t without computer graphics.


Those people who say cats aren't loyal, simply don't know how to communicate with animals (or cats, in particular). I've had 4 cats, and all of them were loyal, following me around whatever I do and the two sister cats I had - THEY WOULD COME RUNNING TO SAVE ME WHENEVER I YELLED (or was singing)!

They would climb on me purring and try to massage me or whatever they're trying to do to help me. Last time I cried my cat came to me, started purring and jumped on my lap. How can anyone say cats are mean??? Dogs, on the other hand, are wayyy "overrated". We have a dog now who only cares how to run away by himself and comes back when he's hungry, he also bit me and tried to bite other family members, he is sooo loyal to those who give him something to chew on and is fiercely aggressive to even us when someone else is around and we're telling him what to do. (Some people really p*ss me off when they blame us because our dog is so evil - we have to say that we had 4 dogs and only this one is cuckoo). So - cats forever! At least I don't have any scars from cats! Besides, there were a few accidents, when dogs tried to eat the bodies of their dead masters not a long time ago! Or killed babies when left alone. LOYAL??? Apparently, it depends on the animal's personality. We have to look into facts. PEACE YA'LL.


Cats suck and are not good actors!
