Have your Kleenex box ready
Hachi was very heartwarming to me. I have seen it twice, and I plan to watch it again when they air it. I did have to have Kleenex nearby. I'm just very sentimental when it comes to movies like this.
shareHachi was very heartwarming to me. I have seen it twice, and I plan to watch it again when they air it. I did have to have Kleenex nearby. I'm just very sentimental when it comes to movies like this.
shareI almost never cry at movies - it takes a lot in a movie to make me cry
I think so far I cried at like 3 movies in my Whole life, this one made me tear up the most! Amazing and sad movie!
I cried like a baby... Sad movie. Love that pup.
If I could live this life again, I would never leave you for a second.-Nick Callahan
Yes, it was very heartbreaking and sad. Hachi was so loyal. The part that really got to me was seeing him wait for his owner in the same spot until he himself passed away.
I cried during Forrest Gump, Grave of the Fireflies, Schindler's List, but not quite with this one. I value human lives a bit more than animals.
Without mercy, man is like a beast. http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=33163288
That's a rather smart a$$ reply, cinema. We're all so happy for you.
shareYou say that as if the two creatures deserving value are mutually exclusive.....a person CAN value BOTH, ya know...
Why not be able to cry for something sad to do with humans yet also something sad to do with animals? I find it weird when people seem to believe you can only care about one or the other, or assume --- even weirder -- that people who care about animals don't also care and cry about humans....
Why not be able to cry for something sad to do with humans yet also something sad to do with animals? I find it weird when people seem to believe you can only care about one or the other, or assume --- even weirder -- that people who care about animals don't also care and cry about humans....
Haha, I know. I've pretty much cried a river, especially my mommy.
shareThank you for posting, everyone.
I saw it yesterday, I loved it and yes... I cried. No shame in that! The funny thing is that I've got it somewhere in my external hard drive to watch it "whenever I get the chance". I didn't have to wait any longer. No more excuses. It was on TV yesterday. But no kleenex boxes anywhere! Didn't matter. Anyway, it's ok to not cry. Not everybody has the same connection to the story or the characters. If you can't relate to any of the characters, that's ok too. But it's hard to imagine that some people can be insensitive to the plot. Sure, people who have or had a pet, especially a dog, will understand the relationship between Parker and Hachi. The movie is not about just any dog. It's about one special living and sensitive being with a special bond towards his friend: friendship, loyalty, devotion and even spiritual connection between the 2. Like many of you, I couldn't help thinking about my own dog and how much we all miss him... 16 years after his passing.
Another reason I hadn't watched it before: I was afraid I would cry. I did, and that's OK.
Thank you, Hatchiko! You are one special friend!
"I just want to be inspired"
I don't think that it could be put any better of a way than what you did. Thank you.
I cried for at least half the movie. My face was all red and blotchy, but what a great - if sad - movie!
shareCouldn't stop crying from the moment Parker died til the end.
shareWell then ... trying watching Red Dog.