I've been to Joe's Farm Grill in Gilbert, Arizona a few times. That's the one where the guy sold 90% of the family farm for a housing development, but kept 10% as farmland, and converted the family house into a restaurant.
It's very good and almost all of the food is locally grown. People are impressed when you take them there, but it is quite a drive from where I live.
I was driving through St Louis and tried to go to Sweetie Pie's, but it was closed on Mondays. I went to Iron Barley instead. Thank goodness for GPS, or I would have never found either place.
Iron Barley served about the best chicken sandwich I ever ate in my entire life. I think it was the roasted chicken sandwich. Anyway, I asked the waitress what the best thing on the menu was and I can't disagree.
I ate at Matt's Big Breakfast in Phoenix. There was a 2 hour line on a Saturday morning. If you want to avoid the crowds, apparently the best time is after 8 AM on a weekday. The food there is very good, but the place is so small, they don't even have their own bathroom. You have to go next door to a flophouse ERRRR, hotel, and if the owner takes pity on you, he'll let you into one of the rooms and you can use that room's bathroom.
I ate at Over Easy in Phoenix. I think Guy was trying for lightning to strike twice after 'discovering' Matt's Big Breakfast. That place was just OK, which was really disappointing.