MovieChat Forums > Selma (2015) Discussion > I have a question for black people

I have a question for black people

From my limited experience and interaction with African americans, I have come to realize that most black people;
1. Don't like white people
2. Don't like the us government
3. Think the american system is unfair to them

My question is , if you don't like The USA so much why don't you leave? I am not American, I am just curious.


If Africa would get it together I am sure a lot of those in the diaspora would return. I see it defiantly happening in the future. However when that day does come Caucasians will complain and attempt to keep us where we are, and then eventually after realizing it is too late, they will follow us. Because let's be honest, you people are obsessed with the blacks. It's quite alarming.


The transalantic slave trade was a international business, Africans sold their own people as commodity because Africans themselves practised it. Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport blacks to the Caribbean after the Civil War, the country of Liberia was founded by freed African Slaves.

I don't think white people are obsessed with blacks, whites in North America took advantage of a certain economic situation at a specific time. Slavery was abolished because it was bad for business, the American government wanted the country to industralize that is all. No one is obsessed with anyone, all human activity is driven by greed. Arabs were also a part of a massive slave trade during the middle ages, Arabs enslaved millions of Africans. Do black people hate Arabs for this?

How do you explain the succes of Indians in America? They have the highest overall average income in the United States, did white people keep them down?



How do you explain the inconceivably horrid conditions inside the holds of slave ships?

How do you explain the "predictable" and "acceptable" huge death rates on those slave ships (as indicated by the insurance policies written to cover those "losses"?

How do you explain the 100 years of "Jim Crow" AFTER slavery?

How do you explain blacks being excluded from the original FHA and Welfare programs at their creation, following WWII?

How do you explain redlining?

How do you explain convict leasing?

How do you explain dozens of race riots at the turn of the 20th century?

How do you explain unauthorized medical experiments and sterilizations on blacks until the 1980's?
(And the Nazis themselves partially using them as a blueprint for their own pogroms.)

How do you explain the thriving of an avowed race-based domestic terrorist organization (the KKK) for over 100 years after the end of the Civil War?

How do you explain poll taxes and literacy tests?

How do you explain "Cointelpro" (and similar statewide programs in the South)?

And on...and on... and on...

Your many questions repeatedly presuppose that what is going on right now is occurring in a total racial vacuum, magically independent of the crimes of the past. The simple truth is, these types of questions cannot an any way, shape or form be separated from the context of the historical conditions that created them. To attempt to do so is, at best, dishonest. And, at worst, indicative of very, very questionable pathology.

This country was built on a "legal" foundation of white male supremacy. And unless you can show specific documentable examples of where that policy was "legally" reversed or rescinded, it's pretty safe to assume that said policy is still VERY much secretly still in place.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


White people at the time saw black people as inferior, therefore wanted segregation, this also happened in South Africa. During WW2, Japanese Americans were also segregated. Racial segragation is the past, Slavery is still happening in Africa.


My previous post has been edited greatly.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


I do agree that the US government is built on a lie and African Americans along with many other groups especially Native Americans suffered grave injustice. But then the past is the past, everyone has suffered grave injustice, everyone has been invaded. I don't see Jews complaining all the time to Germans regarding all the stuff the nazi's did.

During the Haitian revolution, all the blacks in Haiti killed all the whites, this is often regarded as genocide. I don't see French people begrudging Black Haitian, in fact during the Haitian earthquake, France sent a lot of humanitarian aid.

How do you explain the success of Indians in America? I believe the ceo of Microsoft is an Indian man, the ceo of Citigroup was an Indian man, the ceo of Pepsi is an Indian woman, who kept them down?


Two of them:

One: The history of race in America is very complex and very messy. Nice, neat and tidy explanations and solutions (like blacks leaving, for example) aren't going to happen.

And Two: Because of that underlying complexity, you (as a result of not being raised in America) understand far less than you think you do about it all. Involuntarily or not, blacks have been in this country for over 400 years. And perpetual racism or not, they've put down very, very deep roots in that amount of time. They're not going anywhere! So, rationally, the only workable solution to this racial mess is to find a way for them to FINALLY have the right to full self-determination. The problem, however, continues to be that most of those things that I previously listed (AND that are continuing to happen) are highly, highly irrational!!! So now what???

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


In the future I think people will see the United States as a failed social experiment, it had good ideas, but due to the treatment of Africans and Native Americans, it did not come into fruition.

America is on it's way down, I think the whole system will collapse soon. When the Soviet Union collapsed it got divided into different smaller countries, would the same happen to America, maybe.


I could practically run for President on this platform:


I think your theory gets it almost exactly backwards.

America has been, almost unquestionably, wholly committed since the mid 1650's to the astronomical lie that is white supremacy. And I believe it is the weight of trying to maintain what has long since been exposed as a lie, that is slowly destroying this country. However, I nonetheless, personally believe that when this country finally stops wasting it's talents (potentially massively brilliant, but trapped in the cycle of racism, minorities) and resources on perpetuating THAT status quo, the sky will be the limit for this country! So far the best (yet nonetheless shaky) example is South Africa. They call it "Truth and Reconciliation".


If America DOESN'T turn that particular corner, I do indeed believe your worst case scenario is very possible.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Maybe you should run for president, why don't you try to make it better.

Besides, you do know that Asians have the highest average income in the US right? Asians are a minority, statistically they do better than whites. Why is that? I also think Jew have a massive influence in the US and as a group are very successful. They are also a minority.


That whole "statistically" game is total BS!!! It's LAZY, BIGOTED crap! Because it unknowingly (giving you the benefit of the doubt here!) perpetuates the same things I'm talking about. It's endlessly used by lazy minds to reduce non-whites to walking, breathing statistics! And rob them of their humanity by reducing them to nothing but numbers on a page. So, unless you personally KNOW some blacks or latinos or asians, lazily quoting statistics about what they are or aren't doing is simply standing back at a SAFE distance from them and throwing rocks, by forming hard and fast opinions about people you actually know almost nothing about. It's lazy! AND it's cowardly! And I don't generally suffer such conversations for very long!!!

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


I hope you can run for president.


...too honest about the skeletons in my closet.

...wouldn't stand a chance. LOL

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Oh well, thanks for your articulate replys.


You're very welcome.

Best wishes to you.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.




I really don't get why white people are so pressed on this issue? If a big portion of the black population don't like white people, NEWSFLASH, they don't have to! Just as long as everyone gives respect and doesn't discriminate then we are fine. Blaming slavery on Africans, and saying slavery was just a business doesn't justify what happened during slavery. Deflecting the horror of the transatlantic slave trade and what happened while in the Americas, unto the Arabs is pathetic. No one is blaming you for what your ancestors participated in, but acknowledge that what happened, happened.


Massive troll surely




#3 Is a good point, The Jews run the media and they like to pit blacks against whites as a form of distraction.


Excuse me for my ignorance I am about to spew and acknowledge that I am not speaking on all white people because there is thousands of amazing whites but, let's keep it 100. Jews pitting whites against blacks? Is it a cultural phenomenon for you people to deflect problems onto the next group and be complete liars? Certain whites pit THEMSELVES against blacks they need no help buddy. You people would be complete racists regardless of Jewish existence or not. No one is holding a gun to your head and making you a racist. You people have been racists since you came in contact with blacks. Also Ashkenazi Jews make up majority of the Jewish population and this particular group of Jews are predominantly European in ancestry. Look up the facts before you try and intentionally spread a complete fallacy that you know is nothing more than a conspiracy theory spread to encourage anti-Semitic BS. Jews probably learned to be completely dishonest and cruel by living with Europeans for so dang long. Stop blaming your racist tendencies on the media, the media is BRINGING IT TO LIGHT, not creating it.


I am not White nor am I American.



*clap clap clap*

Speak on it---you're telling it like it is! White people are just pissed off at this film simply because they can't stand any film that reminds them of what racist a**holes some of them were as recently as 50 dame years ago. That's really what pisses them off to begin with---they can't stand it when whatever fiction and stories they weave around themselves to always make them look like the good guys get ripped apart by this film. And they don't like SELMA because there's no white savior come to make everything in the situation right (or make the story all about the white person.) like a regular Hollywood flick would.) And more importantly, this story is being told from an African-American point of view for once. For too long, white folks told our stories through film, without any imput from us---now it's our damn turn. Yay!

Also for those posters whining about LBJ being made to look like a bad guy, sort of---well, he was an old racist-a** Texas cracker, but he did do his part and hustled like hell to get the Civil Rights Bills passed, even at the expense of his party threatening to switch sides if it went through (which did, in fact, happen anyway.) But the point is, if it wasn't for Dr. King and other civil rights activists and marcher pressuring him to do it, he probably wouldn't have tried to do it, since the Southern politicians were pressing him not to. So it's not like the whole thing was his idea or something. Look it up.


That is such a typical conservative response to black people. Leave. This country has become just as much a home for them as it is for you. They hate conservative whites. Not all whites. But of course you generalize with your conservative mind. They hate the conservative road blocks you through against them. Conservatives are destroying the right to vote to make sure only those that will vote their way will be counted in the "majority" and make the illusion that the rest are the minority's. Black people are trying to make this country better. Blacks love this country just as much as you but in their own way. That is why they fight for a better life. You are just saying this is a white country and you should go. Typical.


I am not White nor am I American.


America should not be unfair. It has the power to live up to be the land of opportunity. To be a country truly of the people. America is the home to everyone that lives here even if they are treated unfairly. It has the potential to be otherwise. Black people have been here so long the are part of this country. That is why they don't leave.


Then don't speak on black white relations in America because you've never expierenced it!



OP is certainly correct about one thing.

He is limited!

Its that man again!!


I have an issue as an African-American with Your logic, and I believe any person of color or not would as well. If You claim to have "limited" interactions with African-Americans how did You come to this conclusion? You say most black people don't like whites, don't like the U.S government, and think the system is unfair, but how would You conclude this based on Your little interaction with African-Americans? You seem to be generalizing all of us, and putting us into one group when in fact many of us share different outlooks on life, it has nothing to do with skin color.

1. First of all, I have had negative experiences with white people in my area for most of my life, but I don't let that effect my outlook on the whole white race.

2. I think the U.S government has much to improve on, but do I hate it? No, but I have found that the business of politics and the governments idea of right and wrong can be unjust and shady. No government is perfect, but I certainly don't dislike it as a whole.

3. One simply cannot pick up and move to a new country, this kind of change takes time, money, and planning. If people were simply able to pick up and move at any time they felt like it, then I am sure it would be done more often. This is not my first choice, and I would rather live in Canada to be honest, but that simply isn't reasonable at the time. There are many things in life We wish we could do, but are not able to.



My question is,if you don't like The USA so much why don't you leave? I am not American, I am just curious.

First of all, since you're not American, you should have taken the time to brush up on American history, and then you wouldn't have had to ask that question. Second of all, we don't have to leave because America is OUR country,too.So why the hell should we leave, when this country was basically made off the backs of our slave ancestors? You clearly didn't even bother to find out why black people have issues with white people or the government (which goes back at least 300 some years.) A suggestion: Before you start popping off at the mouth with qestions about things you know nothing about or don't understand, do the research. You won't sound like such an ignorant fool next time.
