MovieChat Forums > Dylda (2020) Discussion > A powerful unsettling film

A powerful unsettling film

It depicts the process of picking up the pieces in the USSR in the immediate aftermath of the war.

Cinema-verite style. Recommended.


Really downbeat but hopeful film by the end, with two excellent central performances from the two actresses especially Viktoria Miroshnichenko as Iya (that's where the title of the film comes from that her nickname is Beanpole). She's also a very striking woman, a bit like Gwen Christie from GOT's fame.

It's also a sort of lesbian love story between two broken grieving women who come back from the war, Iya definitely is head over heels in love with Masha. It's only at the end when Masha returns those feelings. I've seen some people say it isn't a lesbian film but it's not what the whole films is about but it's definitely a part of it.

Some excellent cinematography and great supporting performances to boot.

Definitely not a film for everyone though as it's pretty bleak (that child dying scene near the start of the film is really tough going).


Solid take. The scene in the dining room between the two women, one a lowly camp follower the other a high-status soviet apparatchik's aristocratic wife, was very powerful.


Oh that was heartbreaking about her having to sleep with fellow high up soliders to stay alive and have a load of abortions. Excellent acting from everyone in that scene.


Your take really does sun this film up nicely, in my opinion.

“Really downbeat but hopeful film by the end”
Possibly, yes. But I had the feeling their future was not so bright.


I do worry more for Masha mental health (She seemed totally out there by the end. Her last chance of getting out of her lower standing in life was over with) and what damage she could do to someone like Iya (Beanpole), who although has got a big heart but has serious issues dealing from the war. Her pushing Iya to get pregnant to the point of it been mental abuse and also someone like Iya getting pregnant with her fits isn't the best idea, look at what happened to Masha's son even though she didn't mean it. Even them adopting a orphan child wouldn't be the best idea.

I saw it as a hopeful ending first time I watched it as I think both women are in love and they are probbaly better together even though it won't be a easy life and went back to watch it again and yeah second time around. But Masha and Iya will probably end up having it tough sadly.
