MovieChat Forums > The Runaways (2010) Discussion > I could NOT get past the fact that is wa...

I could NOT get past the fact that is was Kristen Stewart.

It really ruined the movie for me. They should have found an unknown or anyone besides her. I kept imagining her curling up to Robert Pattinson and cringing. It is not my job as a viewer to TRY to separate an actress from one role and try to imagine her in another. That's her job, and she fails. Some people have to try too hard to be cool, and this movie/Stewart's performance is the perfect example of it.


She was ok, could have been worse. She's a bit one note. Looked bored and sullen throughout most of the film rather than edgy and provocative. She nailed the look though, but in hindsight maybe someone with more range and more of an edge would have worked better.


Yes, and even in the commentary of the movie she said she would often forget her lines when you would see her stammering to remember the words she was supposed to say.
