Hailee's appearance

I've never seen her looking so bad. Why do they have her looking so dowdy? She looks like a Goth in a show where everyone else is glamorous. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's something to do with the character she's playing.


Well, she is supposed to be a tomboy interested in martial arts instead of fashion.

But I understand what you mean, especially the cloth she wore when she barged in her mother's office. There is "don't care" and there is "zero fashion sense".

I am starting to question the sexual orientation of the character. I mean the suit and boots, even the walk, I think it is a very lesbian look. Then again I am a guy, so I know very little about fashion.


I hope she can just stay as a tomboy, and they don't end up outing her as lesbian at some point, all in the name of "the message".


In a Disney show that is actually very likely. I am hoping they just leave it to imaginations and not showing it outright.


I think there might be something between her and Yelena. I mean if Yelena's goal was to intimidate Kate she definitely would not have gone with that big smile and "Hi", and she cooked for Kate, what does that say.

Also when Yelena was on a mission, she put her hair up. But not when she was waiting at Kate's home and cooking for her. She also kind of dressed up, you can even see jewellery.

Also she asked about Kate's cutlery situation, basically confirmed Kate was not in an relationship. Did she cook for her just to find out about that? That would be kind of cute.

And she went on to find out who was trying to kill Clint since Kate was determined to stay together with Clint. Even Yelena said:"Don't get in my way", but completing mission seems no longer a priority.

The text message was sent to Kate (And of course Yelena had her number, Kate basically turned her into a stalker), so clearly Yelena was not doing this for Clint. I don't think Yenela would risk her job and that raise for just any girl she met.

Once you start to pay attention these details are all kind of glaring. If Kate were a guy I would have noticed this a lot sooner.


Given that lesbians are about 1% of women, there is a one in ten thousand chance you are right.


But we are not talking about real world population. We are talking about a Disney show, so I am thinking 50 50.

I just hope this won't be a love triangle with Echo.


How many current lesbians are there in the Marvel universe?


There probably isn't, I think that is partially because they aren't in comic books. Also black widow & Wanda are the only girls and they did not exactly cross path. Kate Bishop and Yelena I think are more open to interpretations. Also a large number of female heroes are emerging and Disney, at least recently, is known to be quite keen on promoting social agenda & movements.


even if they dont make them lesbians,a lot of shows like to play with subtext and pretend they are. But thats not something new,its always happened in tv shows. For example they did it in the tv show Angel with the characters of Fred and Willow in one episode,altough Willow was actually lesbian. But they flirted a lot in that episode and in the dvd commentary of the episode its confirmed that there was intentionally a lesbian subtext even if it didnt go anywhere,it was just for that episode.


Ha are you that naive? In TV land they're every second person.


not in movies, in movies they are like 50% lately ... (slight exaggeration)


1% is one in one hundred.

0.01% is one in ten thousand.


If there is a 1% chance of one person being gay by pure chance, then there is a 0.01% chance of two people both being gay by pure chance.


You are welcome.


I stand corrected 😄


God I really hope Kate and Yelena fuck.


So Yelena can find out where she lives, can find out who her family is, can find out all of these things about her but "does she have a boyfriend?" is the question that stumps her?


All the other information can be found stored in computer systems somewhere, but people don't usually do that for their love interests or secret crushes.

I am sure Yelena can find out more about those things during few weeks of stalking and surveillance, but not overnight. Even then I don't think anyone can be certain Kate was not harbouring feelings for someone somewhere, I mean even people already in a relationship is not always certain. I think the best way is always to ask face to face and use the observation skills developed in black widow training to check the answers.


“People don’t usually do that for their love interests.”

Except I’ve seen many people do that, and Kate seems like the type that that would it too.

That said, I just assumed Yelena was making small talk.


I assume you are talking about relationships with countless selfies.

But not everyone does that. Kate did not get a selfie when she shot that arrow in the beginning.

You can't just assume things when come to this.

Also that is not everything. I think Yelena also needed to find out if Kate was having a crush about someone.

If you had a crush about someone, you would not leave notes everywhere, would you?


They are trying very hard to downplay how hot she is. It's not as realistic to think a girl so invested in her appearance would also be invested in martial arts and weapons training.


I finally caught up with the show, and I absolutely think that this is the case.


She comes across as believable. I think she's fantastic.


They've done a pretty good job of presenting a young woman who isn't interested in her appearance or clothes or appealing to boys, the one thing they've gotten wrong is hair that's too perfect. But they've got the wardrobe right, some totally casual stuff and some very good things that her mother helped her pick out, and this is one of the few cases where they put a female who wants to kick ass in shoes you can actually kick ass in! Even at the party where her mother tells her to wear her red gown, she's wearing a tuxedo with boots she can kick ass in.

As for which way she swings, who knows, the one thing I'm pretty certain about is that she isn't interested in men of her own age and social class. They're all trying hard to be manly and grownup at that age, and she's so very aware that she can kick all of their asses! So I'm hoping for her to pair up with Yelena, the person she has the most in common with, the person she's most likely to make happy, and the person with whom she'd have good partner chemistry with. Yelena's cynical deadpan humor would go really well with Kate's naive chattiness, and they'd make a hot couple.


So you mean if a girl is not obsessed with her appearance, then she must be a lesbian? That sounds pretty sexist.


Not quite. Most men that are overly interested in the their appearance are gay ...


Save the needless rage...read slower...see how you're mistaken over what was said.


Lol, take your own adice.


I do, but that's not what this discussion was about. It's about you not reading something correctly and looking stupid for getting butthurt about your own mistake. Again.....read.....slower....so...you ....can.... understand....the ....words.


What do you think I read incorrectly?


There is that "As for which way she swings, who knows" line I think you should pay particular attention.


Yes, but we are having a conversation about her being a lesbian in the context of her not being obsessed with her appearance, which means that heterosexual women generally are. Which is actually true. But I am sure Otto would scream sexism if someone made a generalization about women like that in any other context. I just think it's funny that deep down everyone knows it's true.


Then you might want to consider my post right below this one.


I might, but this was a reply to Otter, not you.


"she isn't interested in men of her own age and social class."

"As for which way she swings, who knows"


"who knows" is 50/50, not 1/100.

Which means you think she is likely to be a lesbian because she is not obsessed with her looks.


Lol, sure, double down on your mistake.


I think we have a different definition of "double down" and "mistake".


Yeah, you've already established you aren't particularly proficient at reading comprehension, so I'm not surprised to see you are still confused.


I am both able to read, and able to construct an argument without resorting to pedantry to prove my point.


Possibly, but you've failed in both regards in this exchange, so I'd have no way of knowing that. Have a great day, I'm out.


When 2 people are pointing at the same line I think you should take note.

Also you know you are wrong when you insist not answering my post even when I pointed out.

She is not "not obsessed with her looks", she had more than one suit, they are not even generic ones. The one she wore when she barged in her mother's office was clearly not.


I took note, and explained why you are both wrong.

I didn't reply to your post, because it has bad sentence structure and grammar and I couldn't work out what you were trying to say.


You see, changing reasoning, that is covering up the failure you have no argument.

I really got you there, didn't I?


Where did I change my reasoning? You are talking about another thread that we are not discussing. I didn't reply, so how could I be changing my reasoning?


OK. I will spell it out for you.

First, you said it was because you were replying Otter, so you are not replying my post.

Then, it is suddenly because you could not understand or read my sentence structure.

Really? That is really really lame. And you still have no argument.

I am quite sure you can understand what I was saying.


Remember the orange/black suits and boots she wore when she barged in her mother's office? Those are not people don't care about their appearances would wear and those I don't think are what her mother picked for her.

She chose to wear those clothes instead of jeans and boring jackets normal "not obsessed with appearance" people would wear.


okay i'm sexist


I did say "who knows" about her orientation, and then I said I kind of wanted her to get with Yelena, neither of which is me assuming she's a lesbian. And then you jumped to a weird conclusion about what I said, because you weren't paying attention.

I don't know if she's straight, bi, lez, or other, but when a girl shows so little interest in men, maybe you don't make the usual assumption of straightness.


I was bummed about her suit wearing early on. I think she has looked beautiful in most episodes since then though.


I don't know what is going on with this girl. She was magnificent in "True Grit" and that has earned her a lot of good will in Hollywood, but she has continually failed to turn these opportunities to on-screen success. Yes she has been a part of successful franchises (e.g. Transformers and Pitch Perfect), but those movies would have succeeded without her and you can't really point to any standout scenes by her in either of those franchises.

I think I see what the casting directors do - she still has that "it" from True Grit in her. The trick is to draw it back out with the right role.
