Episode 3


As you prepare for Mare of Easttown episode 3 airing on HBO next week, there is one important phrase that comes to mind: Follow the evidence. When Mare and Colin examine it, they’ll be pointed in a new direction. It’s one that could very well shock them, but this is the sort of show where this stuff could come around every corner! You have to go ahead and be prepared for that. Surprises in this series are as common as great performances from star Kate Winslet.

Below, we’ve got the full Mare of Easttown episode 3 synopsis with some additional news all about what lies ahead from here:

As Mare and Colin parse new physical evidence, phone records lead to an unlikely suspect; after lashing out at Helen about a possible custody fight over Drew, Mare receives some unprompted advice from Richard on how to move forward with Carrie.

Could Carrie have known Erin???

Could phone records indicate Carrie spoke to her the day she died???

What on earth could the ADVICE be that Richard gives to MARE about how to deal with Carrie???

Could that also mean he's also been involved in some kind of a CUSTODY BATTLE before???




Our LEADING COP (Mare) just became a CRIMINAL??? !!!!

Definitely didn't see that one coming!!!

Anyone else have any other thoughts that they'd care to share about tonight's eppy???


Yeah, how in modern day, can anyone think cellphone records won't be checked? If you're the Deacon, you run to tell the police she called you whether you're involved in some way or not. And you don't hold on to the bike until then either. When you place events in current times with current sophistication, you can't use these dated tropes.

And why is Detective Colin such a doofus? He's playing the caricature of the partner who just joined the force or something, yet he's supposed to be someone of a higher order.


Don't know much about cellphone records or how they work. Is it possible the priest who last spoke to Erin realizes how she died??? And maybe he's trying to protect someone else by throwing Erin's bike over the bridge into the water?

Perhaps The girl in the band (the one who puked at the radio station) was also the same girl that rejected the embrace of MARE's daughter the night that Erin died??? If so, also hope this other girl who works at the radio station who's going to the concert won't also end up dead as well.

Because MARE's DAUGHTER also had a really funny look on her face when Mare questioned her father Frank about his being the father of Erin's child. And she also looked like she SHIVERED when she hears Mare telling Frank that he'd LIED to her (as if she shakes that way because she also knows that she's LIED to her mother or is also COVERING UP or HIDING something from her).

And then she also goes outside to try to stop her mother from attacking her father (as if maybe she already knows how Erin died and that it wasn't her father who killed her)???

Colin seems like he's VERY INTELLIGENT, but kind of IMMATURE at the same time. And maybe that's also the reason why his wedding plans fell through???

When he whoops and yells something back at his other friends from the high school reunion that was also kind of strange. But he was also drunk as a skunk at the time (probably also due to seeing the girl again that he once had plans to marry).

Anyhow, IF the girlfriend of Mare's daughter who's in the band attacked ERIN (out of jealousy), and she was also a member of that CHURCH YOUTH GROUP that the priest runs, maybe he's also getting rid of the bike and trying to protect her (the same way as Mare also plants the heroin as a way to try and protect and maintain custody of her grandson)???

Mare's LONG OVERDUE therapy session NEXT WEEK to deal with the GRIEF of her son should also be an interesting thing to watch.

Do you think it's possible Dylan might also try to harm the baby as a way to get back at ERIN's father for shooting him???

That's what it looks like is happening in the PREVIEWS. And we also saw Dylan starring at the baby on his lap as if he doesn't believe it's his child anymore.


As posted earlier, why is Colin suddenly an idiot?
He’s brought in to crack the missing girl case and this episode he’s acting like Odin from the Garfield cartoons, and I’m not just talking about the drunk scene. He has to be told by mare to get the dogs to the lake , he’s like an inpatient kid telling her to wrap it up because they’ve been there all day and even gets a new jacket because mare suggested it. This guys supposed to be some expert detective!


Perhaps it has something to do with the way that he's NEW in town, doesn't know anyone, and MARE knows everyone??? So it's sort of like being the new kid on the block and feeling like a fish out of water for that reason???

Plus he could also tell that Mare wasn't happy about him being there (which is also why he asked to start over again and told her that she's the boss and he's just there to help her).

How old is he suppose to be? Did he also say it was the 15th Anniversary Reunion for his high school? That would probably make him about 33??? And how old is MARE? Her daughter is about 18 (last year in high school), and her son died a couple of years ago, and it was also the 25th ANNIVERSARY of the time that she made the Famous Basketball shot in high school. So she must be about 43 or 10 years older than Colin???

And he was also flirting with her at the bar. Wonder what will happen now that she's been FIRED??? My bet is she's going to start hanging out at Colin's place a lot (in an effort to keep giving him orders about how to handle the case), and he's probably also going to let her keep telling him what to do (even though Mare's boss also told her not to try to still be involved with the case).

And why did she DELETE the VIDEO in the SECURITY camera??? What if that lady is right and that guy who drew the obscene drawing has killed someone? Mare could probably also get into lots of trouble for doing that as well.

And there's probably also NO WAY in hell that she'll ever get CUSTODY of her grandson now either. Not unless his mother also ends up dead like Erin??? That could also be interesting if the apt that she said she'd rented turns out to be located there where the peeping tom scared away the other girl who went back to ALLENTOWN again (rather than stay there in Easttown where she was spied on when she took a shower).


She deleted the security camera footage because that kid reminds her of her son and she does t want him to get into trouble


Thanks for the explanation which is much appreciated bex.

Wonder if he also knew her son???

Maybe he also went to school with him or something?

Also hope she didn't DELETE something else that was on that camera that might have also been useful in trying to solve the MYSTERY of how Erin died.


Joi, you might want to join the Mare of Easttown Facebook group, the discussion there is a lot livelier.


Thanks for the suggestion and for the Heads up exatera, but with all of the IDENTITY THEFT that's been going on at FB, for that reason one doesn't want to join that place.


You don't have to join under your real name!

I only use dummy accounts for FB groups.


Yes you can use a FAKE NAME, but once they have the IP number they'll also know WHO you really are (which is also why one never goes there at all).

And once they know WHO you are they'll also bombard you with all kinds of ADS and keep selling your personal info to others.

Ever see the film about the guy who runs the place???

He's a CREEP and a THIEF who also stole the idea for creating FB from others (which also reveals why one should never TRUST him with any of your information).

And a poster named WHO also just posted some very interesting theories about COLIN here, so be sure to check it out.


I personally also had the question, why didn't Mare take him home? He already could barely stand when he walked over to her in the bar, and was going to do even more shots with his former classmates.

I don't know, maybe it's my own attitude towards alcohol that's talking, but I definitely would have tried to save the guy. Seemed to me that if he drank any more the situation would have gotten downright unsafe.


Maybe the reason why Mare did nothing to help Collin can be explained by the way she had that HEROIN in her pocket (that she STOLE from the police locker), that she also PLANTS in the car of the mother of her grandson (in an effort to frame her for being UNFIT so that she could still keep CUSTODY of him)???

So if Colin was with her when she did that, then he could probably also have ended up being in trouble as well??? Or if he knew what she was doing, then he may also have tried to stop her from doing it???

So apparently she also did him a favor by not taking him home that night or taking him to her place the night when she was busy breaking the law???

Plus He could also have called a cab to take him home, or been out with a group of friends who also had assigned someone to be the "designated driver" or the one to remain sober enough to drive the rest of them home that night???

Also Wonder if his opinion of her will change once he finds out what she's done?? Or will he still continue to carry that torch (or continue to have that desire) that he has burning for her???


I think Colin is there to provide an outsider’s perspective. Mare is an astute detective and has years of experience on Colin, but her personal life and many ties to the community cause conflicts of interest and could cloud her judgement.

After Mare asked Colin how he cracked his most famous case, Colin gave a funny look. I got the impression he was bothered by something about it, like maybe he got credit for it but didn’t deserve it, or something worse. Maybe he did something unethical or overlooked something important in a rush to solve it and grab the accolades.


I think Colin is there to provide an outsider’s perspective. Mare is an astute detective and has years of experience on Colin, but her personal life and many ties to the community cause conflicts of interest and could cloud her judgement.

BRILLIANT analysis Who!!!

Well put !!!

I agree!!!

>>maybe he got credit for it but didn’t deserve it, or something worse. Maybe he did something unethical or overlooked something important in a rush to solve it and grab the accolades.

WOW !!!

So when MARE calls him a HERO that may also mean he knows that he's not really one???

That could also explain the reason why he behaves so GOOFY and whines to go home right before PERSISTANT MARE finds the bullet that was lodged in that TREE???

Thanks for you input !!!

This is some really GREAT STUFF that you've pointed out to us !!!



Thanks Joi2049. Wow, I am humbled by your kind praise. Be a hoot if next episode all I said turns out to be wrong, but it is interesting to ponder the subtle clues or get fooled by the red herrings.


I also got the sense that he kinda skipped over the ending when telling his story. "The main thing was we brought her home" sounded like a cover-up.


What if COLIN is the KILLER and he murdered whoever is the real County detective that's suppose to show up???

That could also explain the reason why he seems so GOOFY.

There's also another film where something like that happens and 2 KILLERS pretend to be FBI AGENTS.

And it would also fit in with the other kinds of TWIST that we've been getting (like Frank being the father of Erin's child).


Yes, that made me suspect he is a phoney.

Hmm, anyone could be the killer at this point.


Still another possibility is that COLIN could also be RELATED in some way to someone else (like maybe to Carrie the mother of Mare's grandson). So that could also be a TWIST she might not see coming if she still plans on trying to keep CUSTODY of Drew. Imagine COLIN showing up in court to testify against MARE about how she deliberately tried to FRAME Carrie (which he could also end up doing anyhow as a HOSTILE WITNESS even if he's not related to Carrie).

Weeks ago hownos also posted an interesting LINK to a REVIEW that gave LOTS of HINTS about what was coming up. Here's some of them:


After she goes on local TV to lambaste the town’s cops for failing to find her daughter when she vanished some years ago, Dawn receives calls from a stranger demanding a king's ransom for Katie's whereabouts — a transparent bid at a shakedown only she can't see.

the love triangle that ensnares its female protagonist between two thinly sketched, relentlessly devoted men (Guy Pearce and Evan Peters).

The more we learn about the young women who disappear, the more relatable they are — making one terrifying but one-dimensional villain, introduced midway through the season, feel imported from an entirely different show.

Detours into the lives of Easttown’s more privileged teens were surely intended to serve as tonal and sociological contrasts, but simply end up feeling unnecessary. Mare herself abuses her police powers in an early incident that renders her almost impossible to root for as a law-enforcement officer

Ingelsby and Zobel eventually manage to cast their spell through masterful cliffhangers and jolting twists, one of which made me actually jump in my chair.

The part about the women who disappear being RELATED/RELATABLE in some way definitely sounds like there's a CONNECTION of some kind between them???

And the part about how a "terrifying but one-dimensional villain" is "introduced midway through the season," who is suppose to " feel imported from an entirely different show," is also interesting.

Because COLIN could probably also fit into that MIDWAY CATEGORY as well (since he wasn't there in the FIRST episode).

But the MIDWAY point also sounds more like it should be someone else besides COLIN (like maybe Carrie or that other kid that Mare deleted from that SECURITY CAMERA --which may also mean the NEIGHBOR who complains about him being a KILLER is also right about him)???

So WHO else has shown up MIDWAY through the show???

With having 7 EPISODES perhaps we won't meet them until this coming SUNDAY in Ep. 4:


Since Richard (Guy Pearce) was also there in Ep. 1, that probably also rules out him as being the villian???

So perhaps the "ONE DIMENTIONAL VILLAN" could be the DECON who threw ERIN's bike over the BRIDGE into the water??? Could he also be the one who tries to force the MOTHER with CANCER to fork over $5,000 to him for info regarding her missing daughter???

