hadmatter, did you not read the article?
i read what you wrote. That's what I responded to.
Also, this is not anecdotal evidence as wrote where I lived and I lived there a long time.
You wrote about your experiences. That is, by definition, anecdotal evidence.
Also, "gays" like to "invade" heterosexual singles bars and engage in PDA "kiss-ins" for "shock value" yet, by law, they cannot be asked to cease, desist or leave as they will have their liquor license suspended and likely sued for Civil Rights violations, yet according to SFGate.com, "The Cafe faces no penalty or fine, but is officially on record in San Francisco as having committed discrimination."
Yet if this happened in Heterosexual Bar, the City of SF would shut them down and they would be facing Civil Rights violations.
But if a "Homosexual" bar does it, they get a slap on the wrist - no fine, no nothing. But it is "on record as having committed discrimination"
You said all this already. Repetition does not strengthen your argument.
And what's with this "safe zone" Bee Ess?
It is exactly what I said. Any group of people that is marginalized and targeted for discrimination and violence is likely to be unusually protective of any area which they regard as a safe space for members of that group. I am not supporting this idea and calling it fair, I am merely explaining why certain behaviors arise.
If "Gay" people are allowed to engage in PDA, then Heterosexual people should be allowed to do so in a "Gay" establishment.
Yes. What is your point? I already agreed with this.
Like I said, a Heterosexual couple is more than welcome to prove me wrong by going to the Castro, visiting various bars and restaurants and engaging in minor PDA - holding hands, lip on lip kissing, no tongue, showing general affection towards each other and you will hear the comments I posted above:
You will get a lot of "evil" eyes and rude comments, such as "go back to Iowa (Or some other Midwestern or Southern State), breeders"
"Breeder" is a derogatory term used by some Homosexuals used towards Heterosexuals as a slur.
Or you might hear; "Get out of 'our' neighborhood" or "Go back to Walnut Creek" or some other suburb of SF
You will likely receive poor service at a restaurant, or if you are at a bar, the bartender will likely ignore your request for drinks, or serve other people who came in after you did.
If you do get a pour, it will likely be weak.
In other words, they want you out of "their" neighborhood.
You're not welcome if you are a Heterosexual couple, especially if you display any form of PDA
Yes, you already said ALL OF THIS.
"hadmatter", how long have you lived in SF? How often have you visited the bars and eateries in the Castro? (Be specific, I know that neighborhood quite well and any attempt to Bee Ess me will be immediately "outed")
I haven't, nor did I ever claim to, so I don't know what your point is.
A more pertinent question would be, how long have YOU lived OUTSIDE of San Francisco, and how much experience do you have in the gay ghettos of anyplace other than the gayest city in America? A city like SF is certainly not representative of gay people on the whole.
I'm not "extrapolating nonsense" - I'm posting facts based on decades of truth of what I've seen with my own eyes over a number of years along with similar facts from other Heterosexual people that has progressively gotten worse and more brazen over the years.
Yes, you are characterizing all gay people based on the Castro. You are extrapolating nonsense.
Nor am I posting "generalities" as I have given specifics, including a link to an article in SFGate.com, filled with quotes of blatant discrimination, with the attitude of "this is 'our' neighborhood. Heterosexual people are not welcome here."
You are saying "Homosexuals do this" and "Homosexuals do that", based on gay patrons of gay businesses, in the gayest neighborhood in the gayest city in the entire country. Guess what? Most gay people are not currently sitting in gay bars in the Castro. You are very much posting generalities.
No different than a white neighborhood saying "this is 'our' neighborhood. Black people are not welcome here."
Despite your attempt to rationalize this blatant discrimination, it is wrong, hypocritical, and shows who the true "haters" are.
Right. But stating that all gay people are exactly like the ones that you encounter in this specific neighborhood isn't discrimination at all, yes?
Newsflash: "Homosexuals" do not own the Castro or any other district and cannot be the arbitrators of who is "allowed" to enter "their" neighborhood.
When did I ever say otherwise?
Thanks again for showing your true, intolerant colors.
That would be you, not me. I have not said anything implying support for such behavior, but thank YOU for making it clear that you are more than willing to jump to irrational conclusions.
Like I said, either too ignorant to even realize your blatant hypocrisy and double-standards, or they have an "ends justifies the means" attitude and they don't care about right and wrong - just getting their way.
How am I a hypocrite? I have consistently agreed that such discrimination is wrong. You're just desperate to hate people.
Actually, I would advise Hetero couples to avoid any bars or eateries in The Castro - you just might get a little extra "surprise" in your drink/meal.
Seeing how 76% of AIDS deaths in the US are from Man/Man sex, you don't want any infected blood in your drink/meal.
You know what? I don't think this has ANYTHING to do with discrimination. Judging from this comment, you're simply an ass. You have access to information, dude, there is absolutely no excuse for you to imply something like this.
I am the sod-off shotgun.