MovieChat Forums > Milk (2009) Discussion > Just watched this piece of

Just watched this piece of

garbage. No mention of Milk and Moscone's connection to Jonestown, which was well documented at the time and may or may not have had a role in their assassination. No depth of character on Dan White other than speculation on a closeted homosexuality that has no plausible basis in anything that was said about the man; however, no speculation is offered on why the riots after the assassination were called "White Nights" just like the suicide drills in Jonestown. The whole film has a childish Spielbergian tinge to it unbecoming of its subject matter.

Very stupid film.


It's true that the movie didn't mention the Jim Jones connection; does that ALONE make it 'garbage', tho?

Secondly, it does give a three-dimensional portrait of Dan White, and he is portrayed as a politically conservative family man, not as a closeted gay person.
And the Spielberg comparison seems odd, as he has never directed a movie with a gay person as a main character.
