MovieChat Forums > Milk (2009) Discussion > Just watched this piece of

Just watched this piece of

garbage. No mention of Milk and Moscone's connection to Jonestown, which was well documented at the time and may or may not have had a role in their assassination. No depth of character on Dan White other than speculation on a closeted homosexuality that has no plausible basis in anything that was said about the man; however, no speculation is offered on why the riots after the assassination were called "White Nights" just like the suicide drills in Jonestown. The whole film has a childish Spielbergian tinge to it unbecoming of its subject matter.

Very stupid film.



The actors were superb, I loved it!


The actors were superb, I loved it!


I don't like this movie at all, but having a laid back style shouldn't be forbidden just because of the subject matter. Just look at La Vita E Bella, it's a family comedy about concentration camps for gods sake.


Arthur, Arthur; did you see the film hoping there would be gay bashing?


Calling this beautiful film 'garbage,' speaks more about you than the film. You must have been pissed to see how much of America disagrees with you! Wow, Mr. Nobody didn't like the movie...that's news. Lol

And thanks for your insight on Jim Jones: I guess they may have been the only two people conned by Jones. They also didn't include all of the scenes where Briggs eats spaghetti.

I guess you have good friends who are gay, right? Lol


Proably didnt want to show that. I hate when that isnt shown and the facts are altered.

I dont think it was stupid but it was altered you know

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


You are correct about HollyLeft bias, but the sad truth is that had Dan White just kept his cool and not murdered George Moscone and Harvey Milk, they would have had to leave politics in disgrace as the enablers of Jim Jones and his Temple of Doom, rather than becoming martyrs.
