Has anyone TRULY unraveled this stupid convoluted story?
So let's get this straight. Guy has a BJJ school (as a guy who does BJJ that was NOT a BJJ school, they should have researched better)in it is a cop who wants his black belt. One day an emotionally disturbed rape victim (who overacted and made herself look stupid) comes in to tell the instructor that she his his car. The cop touches her she freaks fires his gun that he left out in the open. A window shatters the woman is given a pass as to not "bring dishonor to the academy (BS no BJJ school talks about honor of the academy, we're more down to earth than that, geez we're not a karate school for pete's sake). Instructor goes to a bar to talk to cop quit bouncer job in bar is deadbeat action star (Tim Allen? Really?)fight breaks instructor saves actor's life. For this actor send instructor a gold watch, also invites instructor to his home and eventually asks him to be a producer in his movie. Instructor gives cop watch and black belt. Cop pawns watch and it's stolen is on suspension.
Instructor finds out tells actor's agent? Don't know who Joe M was exactly. Agent leaves. We see nothing of them lawyer rape victim pays for window wife of instructor happy as money is tight and bills couldn't be paid if window was fixed.
Instructor gives agent guy an idea about 2 white pebbles and on black, wife had a clothing deal going with actor's wife it's screwed she's angry. Instructor finds that his pebble idea was stolen by agent rape victim is lawyer helps him fight that. They threaten to go to the cops with the shooting incident. Here's where things get STUPID they have the shell casing, how did they get it if the girl gave it to the cop NOT the wife who later is the one who had it. How did they know that the window was shot? They mentioned nothing of a found bullet. With this weak evidence they threaten the cop's career and he offs himself not to dishonor the academy again. If you ever hung out with a Brazilian and the cops that go to BJJ class you would know why this bothers me. These people curse shoot the $hit and are all around regular guys we are NOT samurais. Turns out that the wife was behind it all. They tie in the club owner (wife's brother) main fighter also wife's brother I think, the agent, the actor and a bar room magician all to screw one guy.
I didn't get it. I know what diehard fans of this HORRIBLE movie will say (you're too dumb to get it) no, YOU'RE too gullible to buy this these thin connections, this horrible storyline and these nonsensical connections.
And what's with the redbelt at the end? I know they only BASED this on the Gracies but you don't just get a red belt only founders have had them (Helio Carlos, Rorion and a select others) A 1 stripe black belt does not get a redbelt for one good (it was technically off) fight. And why would the Japanese guy give his most prized 1/4 mil belt to a guy who fought well? iF i'M MISSING SOMETHING PLEASE CORRECT ME, i NEED TO MAKE SENSE OF THIS DUMB MOVIE.
Aren't there easier ways to screw people over? And why did they want to scam a penniless instructor anyway?
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