So let's get this straight. Guy has a BJJ school (as a guy who does BJJ that was NOT a BJJ school, they should have researched better)in it is a cop who wants his black belt. One day an emotionally disturbed rape victim (who overacted and made herself look stupid) comes in to tell the instructor that she his his car. The cop touches her she freaks fires his gun that he left out in the open. A window shatters the woman is given a pass as to not "bring dishonor to the academy (BS no BJJ school talks about honor of the academy, we're more down to earth than that, geez we're not a karate school for pete's sake). Instructor goes to a bar to talk to cop quit bouncer job in bar is deadbeat action star (Tim Allen? Really?)fight breaks instructor saves actor's life. For this actor send instructor a gold watch, also invites instructor to his home and eventually asks him to be a producer in his movie. Instructor gives cop watch and black belt. Cop pawns watch and it's stolen is on suspension. Instructor finds out tells actor's agent? Don't know who Joe M was exactly. Agent leaves. We see nothing of them lawyer rape victim pays for window wife of instructor happy as money is tight and bills couldn't be paid if window was fixed.
Instructor gives agent guy an idea about 2 white pebbles and on black, wife had a clothing deal going with actor's wife it's screwed she's angry. Instructor finds that his pebble idea was stolen by agent rape victim is lawyer helps him fight that. They threaten to go to the cops with the shooting incident. Here's where things get STUPID they have the shell casing, how did they get it if the girl gave it to the cop NOT the wife who later is the one who had it. How did they know that the window was shot? They mentioned nothing of a found bullet. With this weak evidence they threaten the cop's career and he offs himself not to dishonor the academy again. If you ever hung out with a Brazilian and the cops that go to BJJ class you would know why this bothers me. These people curse shoot the $hit and are all around regular guys we are NOT samurais. Turns out that the wife was behind it all. They tie in the club owner (wife's brother) main fighter also wife's brother I think, the agent, the actor and a bar room magician all to screw one guy.
I didn't get it. I know what diehard fans of this HORRIBLE movie will say (you're too dumb to get it) no, YOU'RE too gullible to buy this these thin connections, this horrible storyline and these nonsensical connections.
And what's with the redbelt at the end? I know they only BASED this on the Gracies but you don't just get a red belt only founders have had them (Helio Carlos, Rorion and a select others) A 1 stripe black belt does not get a redbelt for one good (it was technically off) fight. And why would the Japanese guy give his most prized 1/4 mil belt to a guy who fought well? iF i'M MISSING SOMETHING PLEASE CORRECT ME, i NEED TO MAKE SENSE OF THIS DUMB MOVIE.
Aren't there easier ways to screw people over? And why did they want to scam a penniless instructor anyway?
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
wow, so angry...two postings no less. i can tell you are not a fan of David Mamet. If you are not, you will never get it. If i were you i would just stick with all the typical hollywood trashes out there, try any Michael Bays or Jerry Bruckheimer or Bruce Willis' stuffs...
If you are ready, come back again...calmly and i will explain it all to you...jujitsu way. ta ta.
Are you seriously trying to pull the intellectual garbage on me? Over THIS PIECE OF TRASH? Really? This movie is supposed to be atypical Hollywood? Did you even see the scene where he fights all the security guards? If you want to come off like a smart movie watcher don't use this movie as a point of reference. And it's stuff, not stuffs.
"If you are ready, come back again...calmly and i will explain it all to you...jujitsu way. ta ta."
You got lost just like everyone else with this retarded movie and you just want to look like the guy who figured it all out. The truth is there is nothing to figure out. And Mamet is a hack with horrible movies. You have no answer and put that little comment in for good measure hoping I wouldn't call you out on te fact that this movie made no sense not even to a nut hugger like you.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
you are right ...there isnt much to figure out with this movie...but u r still angry and all the stuffs so i will wait until you have "breathe" and we will have a long chat...tata..
i am watching a luis bunuel film right now. It is called Viridiana. It is lovely, b&w and should give it a go. Good stuff, this.
I see I was right, you have no answer, you don't know what the movie is about either and now you're just stalling. Oh and instead of watching anti-Catholic movies, try to read a book on English Grammar.
Here's what's happening in a nutshell;
Me: This movie was stupid and made no sense, has anyone figured it out?
YOu: Yu're too dumb to get it and you shouldn't watch David Mamet movies (the guy who made we're no angels is GREAT I guess) this movie was great if you calm down I'll explain it to you.
Me: You didn't get the movie and now you're acting like you understood.
You: Calm down man and I'll tell you.
Me: What does being calm have to do with anything? Stop stalling if you got it explain.
Yu friggin phony.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
ME: anger...breathe young becalm and i will tell softly in your ear. YOu: GRRRR...angst...spit...fume...tantrum...
ME: breathe grasshopper things will go no need negative energee, you will get your time...i am giving you attention now...breathe...
YOU: arrrrgggghhhh....pissed off...i love jesus...i will pray for you eventhough your are going to hell...copy signature...proud...american flag...
God I hate pseudointellectual douchebaggery. The truth is David Mamet is a great writer and a crap director. He does not have the talent and/or skill to transfer what he writes onto the screen. The plot makes no sense. The only way it makes any kind of sense is that all these powerful people conspired to get one Mike Terry, some loser Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor nobody has heard of, to fight in a small-time competition
What's with the Samurai code? That's nowhere in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu culture! This guy's business if failing because he doesn't believe in competition. Competition is at the very core of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! I know he had to compete for his black belt if he learned from "The Professor". Yet he's passing out black belts to guys who have only sparred in-school? Gimme a break!
Why am I going on and on about the culture of BJJ because David Mamet has a purple belt and he's supposed to know better he said "The movie is my love letter to the world and philosophy of jiu-jitsu,"
Now if you wrote a love letter to your brown-eyed girlfriend would you tell her how you love her sparkling emerald eyes? NO!
Oh and maybe it's just me but if someone fires a gun wouldn't it be honorable to call the police? You know, instead of covering up a crime.
So now, oztinseptember how does this movie make sense? What are we not getting?
God I should be getting some sleep so I don't miss calculus! The things I do to enlighten the masses or perhaps I should say the minority even though they appear to be the masses on this board. Regardless I am here to offer my two cents about the movie.
First let me begin by stating "it's ok if you didn't get it" or "for all those that didn't get it" are extremely pretentious statements out right deserving a slap in the face in real life. Furthermore, these statements just go to show that everyone is a damn tough guy on the internet. If you took some inherently deep meaning out of this movie then fine, for those of us though who didn't there is no need to criticize. Let me first respond to two of the weakest statements I've heard while reading the post for this movie.
"You're just no smart enough to get it. Go watch (insert random action movie here).
Ok really people you can stop stroking your damn ego now. I may be going out on a limb here but I'm pretty sure all or most of the people who are making statements such as "I didn't get it" or it was "confusing" got all the simplistic sh#t you keep sprouting as the main point of the movie. Thanks for providing us with all the complete dead give aways because we are just so stupid we really set threw 100 minutes of material and didn't understand that the main character was a modern day samurai who believed in honor and that everyone else was dirty and corrupt. That being said I would now like to point out that this movie isn't exactly that intellectually deep and that a lot of you like watching controversial movies such as this while taking all the simplest themes from it only to magnify it later in an attempt to display your intelligence. I'm srry this type of thinking lands you flat on your a##. Besides even if you do come of as intelligent you also come of as arrogant. So if you really want to feel intelligent why don't you go read some philosophy or study organic chemistry. Leave your damn ego and self love out of it and movie criticisms. The people complaining about this movie are complaining about logical plot fallacies such as the watch, which at the time couldn't have been used as a bribe because the conspirators had no foreknowledge as to Mike's intentions on suing them for his pebble idea because the idea didn't come up yet. Now, as soon as wan of you intellectual anomalies come up with a logical explanation for that I'll be the first person to stop criticizing the movie. Until then you shut up! Oh and while I'm at it, there were distracting elements in the movie. Tim Allen WTF? Also the thing about them screwing his wife over with the textiles was an unnecessary plot point. The wife already had enough reason to betray him at that point. Other stupid plot points involve her supposedly "rich" family and their poverty and the cop committing suicide over such trivial issues. Cuz I sure as hell could have solved the issue, uh... tell the damn truth.
Next "You have to have seen Mamet's previous works"
My bad I thought movies that weren't sequels were supposed to be made to stand alone. Excuse for this incredibly stupid assumption of mine. And BTw just because someone wants to talk about a subject that is deep doesn't necessarily mean their able to so adequately or by any means deeply philosophical or intelligent. I'm not saying Mamet is stupid but he's not a genius, for if he were he would have fixed the few glaring oddities in the script. Honestly this film was a few edits away from A quality. Once again yes I got the overall point I just don't think it was that profound. Yes hard to wrap you thick heads around isn't it. I wonder if there's room in your small minds for the possibility that you aren't really as smart as you think you are. I am someone that actually watches movies for plots and plausibility and while I do like the standard action flick here and there I also like deeper movies that make you think. If you wanna see a good film check out No Country for Old Men. At least if you don't get the overall meanings there you are entertained by the fighting and that's what every good movie should have. Things to draw in all audiences.
And to the guy that ranted about post modernism on the other post. If I operate off the premise that I except your argument (which i don't I only think it's partially true) you then forfeit the right to call Mamet a genius. If everything is purely subjective I can praise the guy who painted the walls to my room the greatest artist of all time. It doesn't make it true though. While on a small level things are subjective there are a set of general standards that is normally adhered to when judging any work of art. Furthermore, those standards are normally adhered to when we don't have nut huggers like the guy on this thread defending the movie as if his child's life depended on it.
well i'm not familiar with the guy. I liked the movie but it wasn't genius and there were definitely parts that pissed me off. You have this movie that's supposed to be incredible profound and a work of art and then they insert random dumb ass Hollywood fight scene in it. You know the typical hero fights villain and get's the crap kicked out of him and then by an act of God emerges victorious. Lol it's like someone said on another thread if you wanna try to flaunt your intelligence this movie doesn't make the best platform.
Manuel it's basically like most martial arts films, with a bit of a slower pace. Some of the subplots and the uninspired acting take you out of the film. I came to this board and I saw all these people pretending like it was some deep work of art at first it was kind of funny but then it just got ridiculous.
If someone would like to see a good samurai movie my personal recommendation is 'Twilight Samurai'
Good lor, this post is not even mine and i am getting all sorts of responses. Trompos, you should be grateful to me.
The first time i stumbled into DM was the Spanish Prisoner or Glengarry. Around the crops of every imaginable Hollywood craps and other artsy fares, SP and Glen were a breath of fresh air for me. Granted the dialogue took a couple more movies to get used to, also granted is the wooded acting...and that as well, became an acquire taste...just as any Bresson or Stav gems (Solaris guy - Russian directors must have easier names to remember). If you are a Scorsese fan, you may not like the DM flavor since it is choppy, snappy, grimey, and often unrealistic but that is the magic of it, being able to transform a real life universe into a DM's world that is often theatrical than camera life. Unless you are willing to allow yourself to flow with it, you would not like it..I suppose this is true for any artists, be it painting or light painting. I have friends who adamantly HATE scifi and superheroes. "spacecrap" as she would say.
ALso, I am taking consideration that DM stuff are becoming more contemporary, larger scale topics thrillers than your pulpy quality, seedy behind the alley transactions in his past which what i had fallen for. There are more hollywood and govt agents in his later works than the con men that you are so willing to bed with. ANd yes, they have becoming less believable...but still, in its own right, makes complete sense.
THe minute I saw the Terry actor comes on, I am going, dude, he is as Bruce Lee as that Lee actor who played Bruce in the Dragon (i am not good with names, sorry). Even the fight choreaographers have expressed that a fight movie will have to have the Hollywood brush to make it look good. Bruce was all legs work and we can go into length about how each of us view of Bruce Lee but the actor was alll waaayyy too buff and wayy tooo much upper strength. The same with Terry here too butyou know what, I let that pass and even let the plausibility of the cop accepting the honor of the school/dojo/academy enough to kill himself. And this is all wrap back up to Terry's flaw way of thinking: not to compete and to honor the purity of the art. A sentiment also shared by Bruce Lee...the not competing part i mean.
SO yes, YOU might just tell the truth to save your skin BUT you are suppose to honor your matter what is how Jo thought. We allow so much unbelievable love of sifu for Kill Bill but yet we just couldnt let this go. While the suicide was extreme, it serves its purpose to put guilt and true life onto Terry's way of thinking. WHile seemingly excessive, it is also plausible since already he is having an on the way out marriage, debts, anger issue and unemployment and this school is his ONLY salvation.
THis is also part of DM's magic/failure, depending on who you are: deadpan, not overemphasizing or repeating of a scene/character as would hollywood with a reminder cut. WHile it helps with the movie, it also makes it more digestible...if that what you want, see my original suggestion of film choices. With DM, it is always uncertain, never black and white, jarring and yes, annoying to the point of enjoyability. There is always an uneasy element or question: did the agent acted out on his own with out his boss, the actor? It is never an easy roller coaster ride with DM.
Trompos, it is all you now so enjoy the attention:
<So let's get this straight. Guy has a BJJ school (as a guy who does BJJ that was NOT a BJJ school, they should have researched better)in it is a cop who wants his black belt>
The bottom line is it is a martial arts school, moving right along.
<One day an emotionally disturbed rape victim (who overacted and made herself look stupid) comes in to tell the instructor that she his his car. The cop touches her she freaks fires his gun that he left out in the open. A window shatters the woman is given a pass as to not "bring dishonor to the academy (BS no BJJ school talks about honor of the academy, we're more down to earth than that, geez we're not a karate school for pete's sake)>
In real life probably not cuz dude, i aint paying for the glass, you pay for it but you must see how Terry is: a calm and supporting selfless person with this philosophy of perfection that instills into this cop who did it out of good AND to save his ars for leaving the gun unattended and nearly got killed...with his marriage and anger issue, money issue and loss of job (bar) on the line, this wouldnt have gone well...again, the school is his salvation for honor. And yes, good things did come out of this to the involving parties: Jo kept his honor for the school, Terry same and being repaid by humble lawyer. It is a message of decency and honors between adults...unconditionally.
<Instructor goes to a bar to talk to cop quit bouncer job in bar is deadbeat action star (Tim Allen? Really?)fight breaks instructor saves actor's life>
Doing well so far...actually he went there to check on Jo the cop's recent unemployment NOT to ask Jo to quit.
<For this actor send instructor a gold watch, also invites instructor to his home and eventually asks him to be a producer in his movie. Instructor gives cop watch and black belt. Cop pawns watch and it's stolen is on suspension. Instructor finds out tells actor's agent? Don't know who Joe M was exactly. Agent leaves. We see nothing of them lawyer rape victim pays for window wife of instructor happy as money is tight and bills couldn't be paid if window was fixed>
Doing well so far, keep it up. But have you been focusing on the side actors in a scene, the development of characters through dialogue (again, the unusual type of verbiage and odd to snappy satisfying delivery).
<Instructor gives agent guy an idea about 2 white pebbles and on black, wife had a clothing deal going with actor's wife it's screwed she's angry. Instructor finds that his pebble idea was stolen by agent rape victim is lawyer helps him fight that>
very well but a few commas would have helped me from squinting but moving along here...
<They threaten to go to the cops with the shooting incident. Here's where things get STUPID they have the shell casing, how did they get it if the girl gave it to the cop NOT the wife who later is the one who had it. How did they know that the window was shot? They mentioned nothing of a found bullet. With this weak evidence they threaten the cop's career and he offs himself not to dishonor the academy again. If you ever hung out with a Brazilian and the cops that go to BJJ class you would know why this bothers me. These people curse shoot the $hit and are all around regular guys we are NOT samurais. >
JuJitsu is from Japan and not from Brazil. Hence the samurai code and all that. You are right, a Brzilian would NOT have done what Jo did cuz they did not in the same life that Jo had (see above). I wouldnt think Terry would have done the same but he is humble by Jo's action. Terry's school and philosophy is of this pure samurai, Japanese form. Jujitsu does not make you a samurai either. Your buddy wouldnt have gotten it cuz lets face it, Brazil is a great country but when was the last time any of them killed themself for a shame or for an emperor or if you also note that the word hari kiri is NOT Brazilian/Portuguese. And yes, I have hung out with Brazilians and it was not a dude or a beefy fighter but a gorgeous spicy little number..and two...and yes, she shoots and all that and she is NOT a samurai either.
The bullet is a bit thin too with it being so contaminated with finger prints...but let that go and just enjoy the nuggets of DM.
So there you have it. ANd no, i dont think yo are dumb...just not ready for DM yet is all. Red belt is an art film about fighting so ... take it how ever you like.
<And what's with the redbelt at the end? I know they only BASED this on the Gracies but you don't just get a red belt only founders have had them (Helio Carlos, Rorion and a select others) A 1 stripe black belt does not get a redbelt for one good (it was technically off) fight. And why would the Japanese guy give his most prized 1/4 mil belt to a guy who fought well? iF i'M MISSING SOMETHING PLEASE CORRECT ME, i NEED TO MAKE SENSE OF THIS DUMB MOVIE>
The Japanese fighter is from Japan who honors the samurai tradition YET he was willing to pawn it away for his career by to throwing a fight. And then some unknown smaller guy comes in a did the deed, putting a shame on his indecent gambling of his career... that is my simple take on it...what do you think?
<Aren't there easier ways to screw people over? And why did they want to scam a penniless instructor anyway?>
Funny you brought this up cuz i thought of this too. Terry aint no top prize Bruce Lee or S Seagal (not that he is) to involve SOOOo many parties just to scam a poor old recluse sensei. In the end, it probably cost more to flip Terry than just going on with their crooked lives. I guess it is all about evil winning over good, ideally and Chet getting the wife (we dont see this but watch again - booze and broads as Chet say), the fighter getting the actions and the attentions (it is good for the sports), the loan shark getting some points, the promoters selling his shows, the wife getting some money and become rich finally. ANd the end while cheesy, still effective and redeeming as good gleams and shines brightly as a student of Bruce Lee shows how.
It is only a movie and this is all theories if you want to know.
While it is good, it is not a masterpiece..but it is still alot better than alot of stuffs out there. Yes, even better than Transformers II or 3 or whatever...spacecraap as my friend would say.
First of all your grammar is horrific, it really makes your post hard to read. I suggest next time you use a program like Word to fix those problems to make your post more coherent.
Secondly, making a movie that doesn't make sense and then calling it art doesn't make the movie any better. Onto the meat and potatoes.
Mike Terry is nothing like Bruce Lee or any character Bruce Lee has ever played. Bruce Lee was all about fighting and competition and PRACTICALITY so I dunno what you meant by that.
The cop killing himself doesn't make sense within the story because the cop was taking extra jobs to take care of his family. Yet he'll kill himself, leaving his family to fend for themselves, for the honor of another man.
Kill Bill is a fantasy story fantastical things are accepted because of that. This is a drama not a fantasy, get your genres straight. The cop killing himself in this film makes no sense; if I saw Mike Terry shooting fireballs from his hands I would've said it was stupid yet I can accept that when watching X-Men.
I guess I'll go through attempt to insult Trompos' intelligence.
Different Martial Arts have different philosophies, BJJ philosophy doesn't mesh with the philosophy of the Instructor in the movie. That is a big deal. I can accept the whole window scene but that's just a small problem.
BJJ is a form of Judo that comes from Japan. The culture however is uniquely Brazilian Mike Terry learned BJJ in Brazil he speaks Portuguese if you remember from the bar scene. Come on you gotta keep up, lol. Mike Terry comes off as self-righteous and pretentious. He'd allow his wife to ruin her life to keep up with his mythical code of honor. Also no where in the samurai code does it say not to fight it's all pretentious BS. Mamet did not do his research and people are calling him on it. Get over it he's not a God.
I think most people get what is going on but that doesn't make the movie any better. You trying to rag on Transformers is pseudointellectual douchebaggery. Transformers is a better movie than this one. It had a beginning, middle and end. The storyline made sense it had fewer plot holes better acting, cinematography, etc. For some reason you think it makes you smart not to like it.
I'm gonna tell you this for your own good sweetie, movies were never meant to be deep or philosophical. They're meant to entertain. If you want philosophy read Boethius.
I agree with everything you just posted menacmx. One thing though, while movies may have not been made to be philosophical I think the really good ones are the ones that leave you with something to think about. Perhaps a little social commentary here or there or some life questions to reflect upon.
Also to the other guy I respect your opinion a little more since you finally offered a defense for it but even in your explanation there were a few gaps in logic, mena covered it however so it is unnecessary to mention at this point. Sufficeth to say I still think this was a good movie, just not a work of art. I respect what it did and tried to do though. Remember originally I was only drawn to comment because of annoying fanboism and some of the pretentious comments I thought were trying to be made.
One last thing. I'm sick of people making the assertion that movies can't be good because their actions movies and have explosions and what not. Transformers is a good movie for reasons mena already pointed out and I will agree with the assertion that it is a better movie.
Once again you have to look at the generes to compare.
Transformers is an action movie and a good one that. It definitely delivers to the table what it is promised and little more. It had a little comedy added on the side :) It also had cameos from other well known figures, which ads to the fun of the film and it was thoroughly entertaining. Furthermore, it had a decent plot which most action movies don't have.
For the action film genre Transformers is an exceptional movie.
Redbelt doesn't deliver on the levels of its genre however. It doesn't even deliver everything a standard movie is supposed to deliver. So if we're judging it by that criteria Redbelt fails and the only way of it being ranked higher than a movie that delivers on all marks is for it to be more entertaining. As I was more entertained by transformers I deem it a better movie. But it's not just me, everyone who doesn't criticize summer blockbusters in an effort to look cool or join the crowd also enjoys movies such as transformers and will all together get more out of the movie going experience.
Most of your post just agrees with me that the movie is full of silly plot holes.
This got me about your post though.
"JuJitsu is from Japan and not from Brazil. Hence the samurai code and all that. You are right, a Brzilian would NOT have done what Jo did cuz they did not in the same life that Jo had (see above). I wouldnt think Terry would have done the same but he is humble by Jo's action. Terry's school and philosophy is of this pure samurai, Japanese form. Jujitsu does not make you a samurai either. Your buddy wouldnt have gotten it cuz lets face it, Brazil is a great country but when was the last time any of them killed themself for a shame or for an emperor or if you also note that the word hari kiri is NOT Brazilian/Portuguese. And yes, I have hung out with Brazilians and it was not a dude or a beefy fighter but a gorgeous spicy little number..and two...and yes, she shoots and all that and she is NOT a samurai either."
This was confusing as well. Which did Terry do? Brazilian Jiujitsu or Japanese Jiujitsu? The belt rankings white, blue, purple, brown. black, and red were pure BJJ, but he reads a traditional JJ book. The "old man" is a Brazilian, his wife too, the bad guy fighter, the brother all Brazilians. There were Brazilian flags in the school, yet he goes on about samurai and Japanese mumbo jumbo. I read, I think on this very thread, that DM is a purple belt. He should know these things. I hate to be hung up on the little things but no one does not need a black belt to instruct, no there is not only one red belt in the world, no JJJ is not the same as GJJ/BJJ.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
PS:<Instructor goes to a bar to talk to cop quit bouncer job in bar is deadbeat action star (Tim Allen? Really?)fight breaks instructor saves actor's life>
"Doing well so far...actually he went there to check on Jo the cop's recent unemployment NOT to ask Jo to quit."
I meant that Joe quit his job, not that Terry was there to ask him to quit. I was cutting it short hence the lack of commas and articles.
>> And why did they want to scam a penniless instructor anyway? <<
Usually DM's stories have a few twists. I admit this is not one of my favorites of his movies.
I believe it was the wife. They didn't want to "scam" him so much as to use him to make themselves rich.
As I interpret it, basically the wife wanted a more rich/successful life, and obviously knew her husband was a talented fighter. Though, in order for her to obtain the riches she wanted out of life she needed her husband to be part of a bigger profit making organization. A small training school was not going to do it. Neither was her fabric/dress making business (if that was even 'real', we don't know, could have been part of the scam too).
So she conspired with her brother and others to get him to fight. I do think the plot required him to be a well known fighter and the fans in the crowd seem to know him and the announcer says "you know him". So, according to the plot, Terry being a fighter with a reputation for skill and honor would have lent credibility to the new league.
So perhaps the wife made up this "I'm in debt" story as part of the conspiracy to force him into the ring. Once he started to fight, as the story went, he would fight again "in the rematch" and, I suppose, everyone would get what they wanted (except Terry). It would have worked too, if Terry didn't see the marble trick.
I think the film could have worked better in some ways. For example the cop didn't need to kill himself. He could have also been part of the conspiracy. I don't know why the cop is in the film at all. Or if the wife came out and admitted her guilt (think House of Games). And then when Jo says "...I sent the watch.." that was supposed to be the big reveal (along with them telling him "it was your wife... sometimes you just have to get paid.. etc". All that was supposed to make you realize the larger conspiracy, but it was rushed and kind of confusing because the characters' motivations aren't set up very well. It does leave one a little confused as to what is going on.
I give DM some credit for trying to melt his style into something more physical but on many levels this didn't work. Perhaps ambiguity is what he wanted here - if so he succeeded. I think DM is a great writer and obviously very prolific. He comes up with story after story and they are a lot of fun to watch the layers peel away. On this one though, it didn't work well for me. I believe DM knew what he was doing, so I won't insult him by saying he could have thought it through a few more times (even though it feels like it was rushed together) - so ultimately I just say that DM knew what he was doing, he tried to do something he has done many times before only differently, but it didn't work for me.
First of all, you must be crazy to try to be logical in an imdb argument. Only belittling others while praising your own intellect are allowed.
Secondly. I personally really like this movie, but I agree that it's not laden with enigmatic, so-deep-there-almost-secret- themes. It was a movie about a guy who went through some hard times and was faced with adversity and instead of giving in to temptations to ease his burdens he stayed true to his beliefs and principles. Beyond that though, I don't agree with most of the underlying tones that many here preach from high within there super-intelligent, holier than thou towers. (Quick note, not everyone explaining such themes are annoying pretentious Aholes, just some).
As for the watch problem, I never viewed it as a bribe. To me the situation was: Mike saved Chet, Chet genuinely shows his gratitude with the watch and offering him a job, Mike shows marbles idea, Jerry realizes he can exploit the idea, Decides to do so and cuts off ties with Mike (also because Mike questioned the stolen watch).
If you look at it like that, than the I don't really see any problems. Mike did something good, and Chet tried to do something good in return, but Jerry (and possibly Chet as well) were greedy and low-moral people and so screwed him over when the opportunity presented itself. It's not that they were planning to do so from the beginning.
My only major problem with the film (I'm not a BJJ master so whether those complaints about realism are true or not I don't really care. It's called suspended disbelief people), was how the badguys so to speak got hold of the bullet casing. I can understand Mike, the lawyer and the cop not knowing how to deal with the problem or not realizing the situation may not have been as severe as believed. Mike and the cop probably don't perfectly understand law and implications of the scenario, and the lawyer was in an emotional-fragile state of mind due to rape or maybe just wasn't a good lawyer. Mike's wife explains how they knew everything, but how did they get the casing?
It's not perfect, but it is still an enjoyable movie, if only to see the acting of Chiwetel Ejifor. I gave it an 8, but I understand when people disagree. The only people I don't understand are the ones who claim it as the greatest movie of all time, trying to prove references to Nichomachean Ethics and the works of Sartre (exaggerations I know), and the ones who claim it as the most catastrophic film to ever hit the cinemas.
Hope that helps some people, and for those saying no Mamet movies are good, if you're including ones he wrote, The Verdict is incredible. Although I believe he adapted the screenplay from a book, so maybe you don't include it.
Trompos, I 100% agree with your original post. It was simply terrible. The plot wasn't confusing or deep anything, just simply "Mamet". And it was terrible Mamet, at that.
"Yeah it's a GOOD idea (and totally honourable) to give away a $20,000 watch with the explicit instruction to PAWN it, even though I'm going to dinner tonight with the guy who GAVE ME THE WATCH. Yeah I'm not going to wear it or anything."
"Hey I think I'll just keep this bullet casing because there might be a time in the future where my husband makes friends with an actor and his clothing-empire wife, I make a deal, and then it turns sour and I need to sell out my husband to get back in their good graces. Yeah that makes sense. How did I get the bullet casing back from the cop... uh.... moving on...."
"We make the money. Make money. We make some money. Need to make money. Money money money. We make the money. Make the money."
First, it probably wasn't Chet who gave the watch, it was Joe Mantegna's character. At least he says so later in the film and it makes sense, why would Chet give a stolen watch? But Mantegna's character would, to set Terry up for what was to come. Though I think you have the sequence off. Terry had it pawned before he knew he would have dinner with the actor.
Second, true we don't know for sure the wife was in on it, but it is a fair assumption because they say so, because only a few people know all about all the incidents intimately, and because in the end of the film Terry doesn't go to his wife he goes to the lawyer woman, indicating that he believed his wife betrayed him.
True, they don't need the bullet with fingerprints they just need to make him believe they have the goods to convince him that he has to fight to defend the honor of the cop who he inadvertently harmed.
I still think the the cop serves no real purpose in the film other than to set things in motion. But that could have been done by anyone, though. And I don't know why the cop has to kill himself or what that has to do with Terry's motivation to fight. Even in the end, the cop is dead and the cop's wife still has no money. Unless the cop was in on it, and it was a scam - that would have made more sense to me (and perhaps he was and I just didn't notice it - but if he wasn't, then leaving this widow penniless isn't very honorable).
In film we never really know, do we? That is what Mamet usually exploits very successfully.
Opportunity/Choices, Honor/Respect/Integrtity or the lack thereof.
Red Belt is a good morality tale.
Most of Mamnet's movies contain this theme in the form of cons/double crosses/treachery and how the main character handles it based on the opening statement at the top.
Red Belt was no different, just told from a different angle which happens to work more acutely because martial arts is steeped in Honor/Respect/Integrity.
I've read on many posts here that the whole thing was an elaborate setup.
No it was not.
The charaters were already in play, (consider the character of each individual)...the wheel was spun, forces were set in motion and everyone reacted based on the opening statement at the top.
The "con" started with his wife asking him to explain the "Three Marbles" as they were leaving dinner at Chet's (Tim Allen's character)
His assistant (Monteagea SP?)began that ball rolling. Again, the charcters were already in play so at that point they responded accordingly based on...
Opportunity/Choices, Honor/Respect/Integrtity or the lack thereof.
The Red Belt? Well if they are only given to masters, wouldn't it be at the master's discression to pass it on to whom they see fit?
The message here, and in most of Mamnet's movies...
There is no situation that you can not escape from or turn to your advantage.
I really get the impression that alot of members here are too young to have experienced adversirty in their lives based on life choices,the curve balls that life throws our way, or more importantly....the choices we make in how we deal with that adversity.
That's life, That's Red Belt, That's art immitating life.
"Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about."
I agree: overrated, poorly written, poorly acted, unrealistic, and crap plot. could care what the estrogen-dominant sycophants bray... this film BLOWZ. (there is no bushido in BJJ; the Gracies are completely dysfunctional)
Kind of a rediculous reaction though - the cops saw Terry save Chet's life on video... so if he told the cops he got the watch from Terry who got it from Chet... that'd be a pretty solid excuse.
Plus the bullet casing... would mean exactly nothing since there's no way to prove where it came from.
Overall, the suicide seem pretty contrived. Though the way the guy's (Joe's) character was portrayed, he had a serious personality disorder.
-- Yes it's the apocalypse alright. I always thought I'd have a hand in it.
"Guy has a BJJ school (as a guy who does BJJ that was NOT a BJJ school,..." No, guy has a martial arts school that teaches BBJ. Terry seemed like he was into martial arts but not just the physical side of it, but rather the HIGHER mental level of it. Having previously been a soldier, he also related to the samurai (also note that his soldier past seems to have a 'dark' aspect too it from what the knife-fight coordinator said, "Did you tell them what you did in the service?" "No....they didn't ask." Now Terry seems to be trying to live above his past depths.)
"...woman is given a pass as to not "bring dishonor to the academy (BS no BJJ school talks about honor of the academy, we're more down to earth than that, geez we're not a karate school for pete's sake)." Sounds like your BBJ dojo is not teaching the more important aspects of martial arts and is more interested in creating killers than artists. It's like giving handguns to people without teaching them the responsibilities that go with it. No wonder so many of these MMA guys seem more like animals than intelligent men.
"If you ever hung out with a Brazilian and the cops that go to BJJ class you would know why this bothers me. These people curse shoot the $hit and are all around regular guys we are NOT samurais." Mike wasn't EVERY cop. Mike was a specific human being that happened to be a cop that was looking for more in life and to be more (what with his depression and anger issues). He, not all cops, aspired to be the kind of person that the samurai were said to be. I think the reason this scene disturbs you so much (and the movie as a whole in general) is that while you don't want to admit it to yourself, you relate to the 'bad' guys and their 'thug-level' take on the martial arts and are secretly shamed by the fact that someone just might exist that is on a higher level of martial arts. (not physically, but mentally). Because Terry isn't JUST teaching people how to fight other people, but how to live when they are not fighting, which is faaaar more often. And that is 'rewarded' at the end. Even though he isn't seeking a 'reward'. He doesn't want the fame or the money. He wants to live by his pricipals. Which is it's own reward. Thats what the 'jeweled belt' and the 'red belt' symbolize.