Best Line In The Movie
"Excuse me, can I get a cup of coffee, black?"
"Can't you see we talking, white?"
Certified Conan O'Brien Defender
"Excuse me, can I get a cup of coffee, black?"
"Can't you see we talking, white?"
Certified Conan O'Brien Defender
"I think there was a cigarette butt in there..."
"Dutch Rudder"
Fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolled around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc
"Do you like pussy?"
"Yeah, I really do."
"Then your not my demographic."
I laugh at that every single time.
Delany - "Han solo never had sex with Leia in the Star War."
Lester - "Let...Us...FUGG!"
Brandon - "More like, "Glenn and Gary suck Ross's meaty Kokk."
Jeff K
Full time dreamer.
"Excuses are like buttholes - everybody has one and they all stink."
Ha! That was so, so, funny!
I know these have already been mentioned but my favorite lines are:
"That chick frosted me like a *beep* cake!"
"You better shut your mouth or I'm gonna *beep* it!"
"Huggit Chuggit Football!"
House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.
Oh, another great line, from Delaney: "I like that dude, but if he tries to *beep* that dog for real, I'm gonna call the Humane Society on his ass."
shareAnother great occurs in the deleted scenes. It's when Brandon is running down the list of actors in "Glen and Gary" porn movie....Zack asks him who plays Jack Lemon's character, and he says "Jack Lemon". That kills me every time!