Book ending sequel bait.

The book ended with Beth's plans to further dominate the chess world by the time she was 21. Too bad the author died the year after The Queen's Gambit was published.

I would like to see more. Maybe the Tevis estate has material Netflix can use


I loved this show and am more than happy if they leave it the way it is, but also would love another season.


Unlike some I wouldn’t mind another season myself (if they can deliver the goods, that is). But that said, leaving it the way it is is fine by me — it’s perfect.


It has a great ending ... a season 2 might not be as good, plus what is there to gain? She already beat the best.

Plus, remember that conversation with the kid? Although she was trying to bully and stress him the question was quite on point: "then what?". The ending shows that although she wanted to be the best the most important thing for her was the beauty of the game. And i don't think there's anything more to say after that ...


Where indeed would a series 2 go - without it turning into some sort of Chess version of the "Rocky" films...



They can explore Jolene Dewitt's character a lot more. Some of the other characters in the book like Mike and Matt had much more development in the series than in the book. Would be good to see more of them.


Are you suggesting less screen time for ATJ? I don't know how interested I would be with that prospect!!


Nothing wrong with an ensemble cast. Eye candy can only go so far. :)


But when the candy is sooo good... 😄
