
Talk about your wasted use of film!
A movie made about the events that took place during a sea voyage of the doomed ship Demeter? Anyone who has read "Dracula" knows exactly what happened to the crew and the captain. Dracula feasted on them at night, eventually killing everyone on board.
There is no last minute rescue. There is no happy ending. EVERYONE ON BOARD DIES!!! (Except DRACULA!)


I hate movies where we already know the ending. Take Titanic for example


Could be fun to watch Dracula fuck a bunch of people up on a ship, though.

Furthermore, you never know what creative license the filmmakers might take in changing the original story.


In the original novel the black doctor outsmarts Dracula and survives.




Spoilers? You reminded me of someone who spoiled the movie about Pompeii for me


I don't think it's a bad idea to do a film about that voyage at all. Better idea than just another version of the standard Dracula story. But this movie sounds like it wasn't very done at all. Doesn't mean the idea was poor.
