MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > I blame Charlotte for the jilt, not Mira...

I blame Charlotte for the jilt, not Miranda...

First of all, if Charlotte's klepto daughter hadn't stolen Carrie's phone the morning of the wedding, Big would have been able to talk Carrie and crisis averted. So, Charlotte, teach your daughter not to steal!

Second, it was Charlotte who stopped Big from apologizing to Carrie in the street. Maybe if he could have said what he wanted to say, they'd have driven back to the church together.

Thirdly, it was Charlotte who convinced Miranda not to say anything later that evening. If she had, maybe it all would have made sense to Carrie who may have called Big, etc.


Wow how mature calling Charlotte's daughter "klepto" and "greedy". Kids do stuff like that all the time.. she saw something shiny and pink and thought it was a toy. Come on. I don't understand why Carrie/Big supporters are so desperate for someone to blame. Even what Miranda did is NO BIG DEAL.. she is allowed to express herself and if Big's will to get married is so weak that Miranda making some comment in anger about marriage throws him off, WHO IS REALLY AT FAULT? CARRIE for forcing him into it. But I will say it was all on Big.. and Carrie as well for overreacting at the Library. He was having a panic attack outside and she began panicking too.. she should have listened to what he had to say on the phone or asked to talk with him instead of dropping the phone, barging out and attacking him.


Charlotte's klepto daughter does kind of suck.
