MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > Was Miranda really to blame for Big frea...

Was Miranda really to blame for Big freaking out?

Even the short summary at the top of the IMDb page basically says Miranda inadvertently led Big to do what he did. And in the movie, she blamed herself, and Carrie upon finding out about her comment blamed her as well. But really, was it really her comment that caused Big to do what he did? I'm inclined to think he probably would have done it anyway, given his history.


No, she wasn't. Carrie was being stupid and selfish. ONCE AGAIN.


I felt it was Carrie's fault. John kept wanting it just to be about them but she wanted the over-the-top wedding that became all a bout her.

He even asked her to make sure it was about them but as he sat in car ... He realized it wouldn't be.

It was an easy outlet for Carrie to allow Miranda to take blame.


It was Carrie's first time getting married so she had the right to a fancy wedding. However Miranda's comment about marriage screwing things up got John scared.


I didn't really see the show and so all I know his history are from these boards but, what Miranda did was wrong. Even if she was upset.


You really should watch the full show. It's not a lot of episodes, and it is excellent.
