MovieChat Forums > Lottery Ticket (2010) Discussion > Why are white people being so petty?

Why are white people being so petty?

It's kind of obvious that there is some sick sort of obsession going on here. Whats with the talk of how much chicken is going to be eaten by the audience watching this movie and why are white people so obsessed with harassing black people on message boards? Is it because most white "men" are cowards and know this is the only safe medium for their bigotry?



The truth is that every race talks crap about black people behind their back. I know people with black friends and when their black friends aren't around they make racist remarks left and right. However, I think every race talks crap about other races as well, it's just that blacks are made fun of the most by the majority/ Even black people make fun of whites/asians/mexicans, etc.... I think white people are criticized the most for saying racist remarks but every race is just as guilty.

I think the racism towards arabs is the worst, yet nobody really takes that into consideration for some reason. Oh well, just my two cents.



Sorry, won't reply with a valid response to a racist moron. Take care.



Arab is an ethnicity genius, regardless if they are muslim arabs or not, they are still arab.



I love it when people post things that aren't even relevant to the topic. Arabs are an ethnicity as well. You're a moron, and a racist.



Retard, it doesn't matter what ethnic group you decide to bash, hell you could bash white people as well, it's still racism. It's defending any ethnic group which you make biased, stereotypical judgements about.



Again, telling me usless information. You're the ignorant one who replied to me when I mentioned ARABS, which is an ethnicity.



And you're obviously a moron for not realizing that people are racist towards Arabs regardless of their religion. I have Arab friends who are CHRISTIAN and they get the same racist crap dealt to them as if they were muslim. People don't care if an Arab is muslim or any other religion. People are racist against Arabs because they are ARABS, and the lot probably do believe they are muslim, which many of them are. Matter of fact, you're the only racist I've heard say "I'm only racist against the muslim arabs." You're such an idiot.



So you're a bigot. Your parents must be very proud. By the way, your original point has no relevancy to what I had posted if it was about religion, and not about race, which was the complete point of my post. Toddle off child.



Oh you mean the part where you say muslim arabs aren't hated on enough? Retard, I guess you don't know the definition of Bigot, so I'll be kind enough to give it to you:

Bigot- one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance.

Ah, so you hate muslim Arabs, and yet you aren't a bigot? Wow, you definitely aren't the brightest of the bunch.

So let's see here. If you met someone and found out they were muslim arabs, you wouldn't like them. That's exactly what you're saying. How is that not being a bigot? The stupidity level of IMDB posters such as yourself is staggering. I shouldn't be surprised, but can't help wonder how people like you can be so stupid.



I know right? And I mean this latest post is definitely relevant to the topic right? Astounding.


LOL yeah white men are cowards, remind me who came to this country in chains and who was the one who brought them over here brother? This is the only safe for your bigotry too, your just as big a pussy as the people you claim are pussies for talking sh** on a message board.





thats funny. at first you seemed sincere and i felt bad that you were having to read about racial bigetry then i read that you are no different than the people you are complaining about. most white men are cowards, really? this coming from someone hiding behind a keyboard. theres a fine line between courage and stupidity but i doubt i will get any intellectual feedback from a hypocritical bigget.



Despite my remarks about different races and of my own, I really do believe each race and culture had something distinct and special about it.

That said, the OP sounds like such a 'tard. You don't complain about bigotry and then commit the same act in the process. That's what we call hypocrisy. If you are actually a racist, I don't care--at least own up to it.


Better choices for Nikita
by Cniht 4 days ago(Sun Sep 19 2010 19:03:36)

That's because for me it's not personal. There isn't anything to 'overcome'. I'm just seeing things the way they are. It's hard for someone like me to ignore the truth when it's right in front of me.

You know how bad things have become when simply stating the obvious is considered offensive now. Being asian must be a major handicap. I'm not going to be like you and make excuses for them. As if your banal compliments will do them any good. It won't change the reality of things.

Four years ago there may have been this 'yellow curiosity', but the truth eventually catches up with everyone. If there was anything we needed to know about asians, we now know it. The whole 'exotic' mysterious appeal is dead and done with. Any attempt to jumpstart it will only backfire. Case in point.

Posted by you Cniht lets just face it ignorance is bliss.



Cuz white folks have small penises.
