Are black people embarrassed by this movie?
If I was black, I would be embarrassed by how this movie perpetuates the negative stereotypes of black people.
shareIf I was black, I would be embarrassed by how this movie perpetuates the negative stereotypes of black people.
Sure I'm embarassed...but to truly combat this plague we need to eliminate it at the source: Tyler Perry.
It's the wild wild w-est.
That was disgusting. He isn't the source but he perpetuates this stuff more than anybody else. Especially when he still makes movies that gross $30 million their opening weekend.
It's the wild wild w-est.
I found it embarrassingly bad. All the standard cliches of typical black movies of recent years are in there. Just Ice Cube trying to recreate his Friday formula. The writing was especially bad. I knew it would be bad just from watching the trailer.
shareI found it embarrassingly bad. All the standard cliches of typical black movies of recent years are in there. Just Ice Cube trying to recreate his Friday formula. The writing was especially bad. I knew it would be bad just from watching the trailer.
"Who cares? He's a cheeseburger." -- Stewie Griffinshare
C.S.Wood. 100% right.
shareKudo's to C.S wood
Imagine if Juno featured an all Black cast?
Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega
I was not had its funny parts but we should be able to have a black comedy without the racist tag being thrown around.
shareI was not embarrassed. Very funny movie. So what it was set in the projects. Guess what, some black people live in the projects. It doesn't mean it's off limits.
know because its real some blacks really do act like the ones in film and the film makers like tyler perry are just cashin in.
Lmao why should they be. I suppose white people better be embarrassed by the movie Vampires suck then too right?