Casting a Justice League movie in the 90s
Say that a Justice League movie was released for say 1993 or 1994, here's who I would cast for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, who are my chosen roster.
Bruce Wayne/Batman - Michael Keaton
Clark Kent/Superman - Christopher Reeve or Gerald Christopher
Wonder Woman - Lucy Lawless or Sandra Bullock
Barry Allen/The Flash - Keanu Reeves or Emilio Estevetz
Arthur Curry/Aquaman - Patrick Swayze, Brad Pitt or Dolph Lundgren
J'onn Jonzz/Martian Manhunter - Laurence Fishburne or Denzel Washington
I had Gerald Christopher, who played the character on Superboy in the 80s as backup choice in case Reeve turned down the role and had his accident came in 1995 which would not allow any sequels to happen. However having Reeve and Keaton reprising their roles would have them be the more established seasoned heroes along with Wonder Woman who is said to be around for centuries.