MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > [Spoilers inside] Now that I've seen it....

[Spoilers inside] Now that I've seen it...

It seems like it was just a huge setup to whack off to Supermans power. I mean, Wonder Woman, Aquaman were no match for him at all, neither was Steppenwolf. It was jarring. I mean, Superman borderline as fast as The Flash, his one arm far stronger than WW's entire body - in a "pulling contest" even, jeeesus.

The only hero that ever got to shine, was Superman, and it pissed me off the others were downgraded to "Superfriends" having to wait for big brother to deal with the bad guy. :/ I preferred BvS style, where all three heroes had their moments, and WW/Superman seemed far closer in power, with Superman having the edge.

I would have liked it better if teamwork was the key, and like Avengers, everyone had something to contribute - kinda like how Hulk and Thor can coexist and both shine, Captain America doing the whole leading and fighting, Iron Man being Iron Man, etc etc...

Also, plot was so very weak, Steppenwolf was pretty lame, soundtrack was non existant, not at all helping me getting "into the movie", specially compared to the previous DC movies, that had epic soundtrack.

Jokes were very "meh", only one pulling them off at ~50% succesrate was Ezra, and Momoa had a good moment too. Kinda liked the dry Batman, but it just didn't fit, because the movie felt all over the place, and didn't encompass me in it's style. CGI was ok, not good or bad, except the bad guy and Supermans face. The "picture/lens" itself felt everyday-ish, somehow - not epic.

One of the good things were the characters themselves, even if some of them felt rushed.

I'll admit, MoS, and specially BvS, were a disappointment to me at first, but when rewatching I came to appreciate them, again specially BvS ultimate edition, as good solid movies. This is not one of those, unless Snyder pulls a miracle with a directors cut/ultimate edition.

I wanted this to be great, but having read the reviews I toned my expectations down alot, but still it was just "ok". A 5/10 from me.


Man, this movie is crap and I agree with you there but I cannot disagree with you more in the Superman angle, in fact, taking away cavil’s wooden acting, the ridiculous mustache and the fact that he is in the movie for like 10 minutes, this is the best representation of Superman since Christopher Reeve. No 300 movie like screaming when he is suffering “Waaaaaaa!!!!!!” No moody, crying, emo crap, he was all smiles, bad jokes and insanely powerful. Yeah ok, it seemed a bit useless to have the JL when Superman seems to be as fast as the flash, stronger than Wonder Woman, completely invulnerable to whatever cyborg can throw at him and aquaman... Jesus... Aquaman, what does he do in this movie again? He is like a weak Wonder Woman who can fly underwater because that really isnt swimming, he is just whooshing by like a torpedo, he sucks and is the worst addition to this team.

Still, it was cool to see not only Superman look good but also beat the crap out of Batman, he was due that rematch anyway and they made it just as humiliating for Batman as it was for Superman in the last movie. He even just threw him away like a rag doll when Lois showed up... the whole theater laughed at that part, seriously, Batman was just a clown in this movie, even after that he just becomes a huge Superman fanboy and makes the most ridiculous face when Superman shows up at the end to save the day, way too happy... Ben affleck’s Puffy bottox face didn’t help either.

Where I do kind of agree with you is with Steppenwolf, they could have at least allowed Steppenwolf to land a hit on Superman, I loved how Superman comes in, humiliates Steppenwolf and then he goes like “oh crap, people in danger! Bye dudes!” And leaves them to get their asses whooped by Steppenwolf again... so funny, then he comes back and seems to remember he also has freeze breath.... something apparently everyone did, and he just uses it to destroy the axe.

I understand your point, it was kind of hilarious to be honest


Just wanna type in I wasn't hating on his Superman persona, that was pretty on point, but his power making everyone else seem weak and obsolete in comparison. He could easily have stopped this himself from what we saw. :| Even smiling as he was slowmo dodging Steppenwolfs punch, while almost appearing to be thinking "u guys having trouble with dis guy? lol"... -.-

Didn't mind the BvS Superman persona though, he was much more human than comicbook-y. :P

EDIT: And everytime WW acted tough, said a I'm-a gonna kick ass line, she got pwnt. Just too much heroes sucking, and Supes being the only one not sucking.

Could have been great, if they made Aquaman super powerful in water, but noo, Steppenwolf easily kicked his ass on his hometurf too.

And still I didn't feel anything in this movie except the disappointment in seeing heroes fail left and right. At least Marvel knows how to make them shine..


You are right in that assessment, this movie could very well be called "Justice League, You guys having trouble with this guy? lawl!" And superman's face in the poster.

I get where you are coming from, at the end of the day, every single thing that they did with batman and superman in BvS they reversed them here, one was OP in one movie, the other humiliated, then they reverse it, I just don't get it, it's like they are trying to alienate fans from each side.


To be fair to Supes in BvS, it was clear he wasn't looking "to win", but to reason. Else it would've been over in a heartbeat. Only the kryptonite gas gave Batman an edge, after he persistently forced the fight.

Should Superman have been hit in the first place though? Doubt it, specially now that according to JL he can move as fast as The Flash. :P

Also, in BvS Wonder Woman shouldn't have been able to touch Doomsday, seeing he effortlessly was superior to Superman in every way. -.-


Yeah, I understand the first kryptonite blast hitting him, there was no reason for him to think he needed to avoid it. Why on earth would he allow to be hit by it a second time though? Even if he is lounging against Batman like that, he could easily just fly to the side to avoid the blast and just... sneeze at Batman or something. Anyway, the fight in BvS didn’t make much sense and it seemed like they just wanted to even the score by having now superman humiliating Batman just as bad (was that rag doll throw like a garbage bag, when he sees Louis, really necessary? I mean, I laughed, but....)

So now fans of both characters feel they are even in the score. But what about WW? Where did that godlike crap from her movie go? She is all triggered like.. Oh really supes? I’m sorry but I have to do this! You leave me no choice! And she is about to hit her bracelets when he just grabs her arm and pretty much sent her to make him sandwich. Seriously, this superman was out of control, it felt like they hired the biggest superman freak fans out there to write that scene, hahaha


Glad somebody else noticed Affleck's puffy face. When I heard he was Batman I thought great, he's got nice chiseled features. But by the time this movie was shot, he looks like a bowl of mashed potatoes.
