MovieChat Forums > The Fighter (2010) Discussion > Why were the actual boxing scenes so bad...

Why were the actual boxing scenes so bad?

For such a HUGE movie with a cast like that, why did they put almost no effort into the fight scenes? im sorry but every punch wahlberg made looked fake and weak. did anyone else notice this?

Like in the final fight, the punch to win it all was just so notasepicasithoughtitwouldbe..

If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0


The fights looked like ACTUAL FIGHTS to me, and not the kind of stuff you see in say Rocky, which is awesomely choreographed and feels very physical, but is in no way like a real fight.

Go watch a real boxing match, or watch UFC. It feels like this.

Check out my film:


The op wrote "every punch wahlberg made looked fake and weak. did anyone else notice this?"

Yes. Especially those weird uppercuts he threw. I thought the scenes were very well done. I watch a lot of boxing. But his punches were strange - like the op said- fake and weak. Of all the actors to look like they were throwing fake weak punches, I didn't expect Mark Walhberg. Still a very good movie, but this crucially undermines the film and causes me to downgrade it from the great boxing movies.


."Why were the actual boxing scenes so bad?"..

Because you didn't make your own boxing film.


Huh, I thought they looked good, certainly better than the OTT stuff in Rocky movies.

See a list of my favourite films here:


Rocky is from the 1970 and onwards. Get real. Even movies like Snatch, Fight Club, Never Back Down ( I mean honestly...) were way better.

This movie wanted to be something special, which it was, but if they had a proper fighting choreographer like from Raging Bull, this movie could have been special for both the emotional play as well as the boxing..
