MovieChat Forums > The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Discussion > Here is why I think it's better than Spi...

Here is why I think it's better than Spider-man (2002)

Spider-man is not necessarily bad, but I feel that the S piRaimi origin story had some weaknesses in it, that the reboot avoided. I feel that in the 2002 one, Spider-man is having too much fun with his powers, when he wakes up all muscular and cheering himself on as he jumps from building to building instead of being more scared and confused, like in the 2012 one.

I also do not like how in the 2002 one there is the unnecessarily love triangle going on with Mary Jane, which really doesn't do anything for the movie, since we know she is just going to go for Peter in the end anyway, so what's the point? I also do like Connors better as a villain compared to Green Groblin, but the Green Goblin was not bad though. Just thought Connors was better.

I also like how in the origin story of this one, Peter, after not being able to find the vigilante, follows Captain Stacy's philosophy, about helping people in general, rather than constantly going after one guy, as a crime fighter.

In the 2002, Spider-man catches up to Uncle Ben's killer, and the killer accidentally trips and falls out the window, which felt like a forced convenience from the writers, since they didn't want to have Peter kill him, nor choose to let him live. It just felt like a convenient way to end the subplot.

But those are mainly the reasons why I like the 2012 one better. What do you think?


I also prefer this spider Man film over the Rami Trilogy, I liked better Peter’s reasons to break up with Stacy over Peter Rejecting MJ in the first film.

I like better High School Peter over adult Peter, I feel like Andrew Garfield enjoyed the role he fitted more this role.

There are superheroes which are better as adults or actors who look more adult like but SpiderMan fits better in the age Range of Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield.

Now adult Peter I have to admit has the advantage of having more people enjoying the movies and having more dangerous Villains.

I remember going with one of my BFFS to see SpiderMan far From home and she told me she didn’t like Mysterio as a Villain for Tom Holland Spider Man. That he looks like baby to fight with a villain of that magnitude.

With adult Peter the range of villains they can have it’s much bigger.

Now another friend went with me to see Homecoming and complained this Spidey was too much for teenagers. That it didn’t appeal to him a teen drama.

So I’m on the minority who likes SpiderMan better as a teen.


Yes, this was my favorite until the new 2021 film came out. Unfortunately ASM2 was a huge disappointment.


I prefer the 1970s pilot TV series of SpiderMan over this and the 02 version. I also prefer the short skits of SpiderMan in The Electric Company over any of the action scenes in either movie
