Hollywood Ending...

Executive Summary: There were no consequences for the beloved remaining players.

Years ago, I would've guessed the final episode would be more open-ended -- a mixture of promising developments with something ominous in the background threatening to repeat the endless cycle. Despite how glum everyone seemed, they ended up quite well. Bronn got his riches. Tyrion and Jon kept their heads. Sansa is a Queen. Arya will enjoy her adventures. Bran is King. Brienne protects him. Sam's a man of power. And so on. Where are the consequences? Where's the intrigue?

Jon is basically an idiot. He needs to be talked into killing Daenerys. Then again, killing evil people puts him on the path to becoming some sort of mass slaughtering despot. Leading an army to take Winterfell from Ramsay presents no moral quandaries, but bringing one to King's Landing is rife with them. Arya and Tyrion initially appeal to Jon's sense of self-preservation.

I'm not at all sure why in the hell Grey Worm just allows the nobles of these newly conquered lands to vote someone else in after his queen is murdered. He allows Tyrion to escape from death row (on his Queen's order!) and ascend to Hand of the King?? And there's a drawn out negotiation for Jon? He's OK with killing everyone, but agrees to a deal allowing the Queenslayer to live. A deal that's ultimately unenforceable. Grey Worm's all over the place. Literally. One moment he's slitting the throats of troops, but then hurries around the city to be waiting for Jon atop the steps.

Daenerys gives this speech about continuing to burn kingdoms in order to set them free. What the fuck? Even if you go with the "let it be fear" nonsense, aren't most of these places going to be scared shitless? And Arya's not going to do jack diddly squat to Daenerys?

So Jon tricks and murders an unarmed white woman. In her second to last moments, she didn't apparently see him as a threat; she wants them to rule the world together. But I thought his life was in peril since he's the "rightful" heir? I guess that only figures in with the old Daenerys, even though people want to say she was the same person all along. Or something.

He could just pour some bleach on the blood stain, say "bitch is crazy -- she torched the throne, left on her dragon, and put me in charge until she returns." But no. So much of this nonsense occurs off-screen, probably because it's too ridiculous to see play out. The Queen is murdered but the Dothraki and Unsullied are just like, "Yeah, whatever. We didn't really like her because she never got us Starbucks."

Also, her death occurred so easily. If there was supposed to be a tremendous internal struggle because Jon loved her... well, they never did a good job establishing that relationship in the first place. The actors lacked chemistry.

They put a disabled storytelling boy on the throne. Yeah, storytellers SHOULD have the most power in a society. Even though D&D don't actually believe that, it's vulgar to have these characters spout it. Almost as vulgar as using democracy for a cheap joke. Is everyone even aware of Bran's magical powers? Has he told all of the high-borns present about their most embarrassing moments? And he's got a great, inspirational name -- "Bran the Broken."

The best moment -- by far -- was Brienne writing about Jaime. The worse moment -- by far -- was that stupid small council meeting. Aside from the on-the-nose book, the camera pulls out whilst they squabble like at the end of a moronic romantic comedy.

Jon doesn't even serve at Castle Black, so they reneged on the deal. He goes North in search of Wildling pussy. And he's on a horse while small children trudge. Jerk.


It was a great final episode and a fitting end to a great series.




"A deal that's ultimately unenforceable."

Except we know it will be enforced because Jon Snow will enforce it upon himself. The man likes to beat himself up over nothing.


Or Bran can just dissolve the Night's Watch as it isn't necessary anymore, providing a de facto pardon for Jon.


Unless Bran's premonition tells him that would just make it worse. Jon would consign himself to a life of self mutilation after deeming himself unworthy of freedom from not having paid proper penance for his crime.

Lets face it. Jon prefers a life in bondage.


Jon is completely free. He became a wildling.


They didn't catch this?


but Grey Worm gave Jon the stink eye! that's the price you pay for assassinating his Queen!


Soldiers follow orders. Their queen died so they follow the new leader.

Jon was always an idiot. I'm glad he's not king.

Dani = Hitler. She needed to die.

The concept of democracy in the medieval times would have been laughable. Why would you allow an uneducated peasant to vote. Even in the U.S., the vote originally was for rich white male business owners or property owners - not everyone. They wanted educated people voting who had a financial stake.

Bran is fine as a new leader. i wouldn't hold it against him because he's in a wheelchair. Roosevelt was disabled to but he was a good president.


Bran is like having a superior alien intelligence as your leader. Vast knowledge and deep insight, always calm and rational, devoid of greed or personal power lust - he will always do what's best for the realm and never sacrifice that for his own benefit. Plus no one could ever carry out a successful plot against him - whatever plans you make, he knows. One assumes that he'll choose his own successor before he dies just like the previous TER. Maybe they should be the leaders from now on.

I love it that Samwell Tarly was on the verge of inventing democracy but everyone else shut him down. What a ridiculous idea! Let me ask my horse who to choose. Ha ha he he. Poor Sam.

Grey Worm is the closest thing to a spit and polish type in this world. He will follow orders from the chain of command, no matter what his personal feelings.


Grey Worm went to island of Naath to fulfill Missendei's wish of freeing and protecting her people. Sam is ahead of his time. A wise counsel won't vote for a tyrant. Bran knows history so he can guide them.

Overall, good series. I'm going to miss these characters.


Re: Soldiers following orders

Yeah, so they follow the very people their Queen JUST gave a speech about transforming. Paraphrasing since my HBO subscription has lapsed: "We'll go to Winterfell and Dorne and..."

If they just follow whoever comes into power, then Jon's easily pardoned. As usual, you're not making any sense.

Re: Democracy

Yes, suggesting democracy IS laughable... so why was it suggested? Why was there a loaded pause? To generate a cheap laugh.

Re: Wheelchairs...

Your counter-example is a contemporary, democratically elected leader who hid his disability. I'm not saying someone in a wheelchair cannot be a good leader. Whatever. By the way, Dorne and the Iron Islands (and everyone else) wants to be ruled by Westeros. Sansa's answer about independence wasn't contagious? "Oh, wait, fuck. I can be the sovereign? That's, like, an option now?"


Rewatch the episode. Grey Worm followed the new King's wishes re: Tyrion. He wanted Jon punished so he negotiated with the King. Grey Worm can be satisfied that Dany's wish of breaking the chain of tyranny was fulfilled by a council who will choose the best person for King or Queen.

Jon wasn't pardoned. His sentence was to go to the Wall where he actually wanted to be since Episode 1. Notice that the Wildlings knew he'd show up which is why they were waiting for him.

Women voting just a few decades ago was laughable too. It show that Sam is ahead of his time and very wise. I liked that scene.

You brought up Bran's disability. Not me.

Someone on this board mentioned that all seven kingdoms should just become independent again like they were originally. It's probably easier to be part of a large kingdom since they can pull their resources together and rebuild easier. Also, their new leader is being chosen by a vote so that ends tyrannical rule hopefully. My guess is the Dornian prince and Robin are weak so I'm not surprised they didn't protest.


"Oh, wait, fuck. I can be the sovereign? That's, like, an option now?"

Honestly, I was dumbfounded that Yara didn't do exactly that. She only swore the Ironborne wouldn't reave and raid to Dany. Well Dany is dead and there isn't another Navy in the six(or five when she bounces) kingdoms who could stop her from declaring herself queen and going right back to being Ironborne.

Such a bullshit finale!


Ironborn aren't worth a damn inland. Yara LOLd at Theon because winterfell was too far away from the coast for them to stay. Though Theon was raised a Stark.


They don't need to be good inland. If Yara declares indepence, they can raid coastal towns and villages to their hearts content. If anybody wanted to stop them, they'd have to cobble whatever tiny army remains and attempt to face them on the water.

Considering the Iron Islanders have rebelled twice in the last 15 years or so(which Yara supported), it's kinda of insane that they would stick around now.


You’ve put way more thought into this finale than D&D ever did.

The whole episode is a joke. We have Arya going ‘I know a killer when I see one’ you don’t say Arya, how observant of you. Also Arya could have assassinated Dany sneakily and solved everything, but nah Jon has to do it and get caught/confess to Greyworm (which we don’t even see happen, presumably because the scene would be too stupid to commit to film.)

Greyworm is murdering Lannister soldiers in the street but yeah sure he keeps Tyrion alive for treason and also keeps the Queenslayer Jon alive. Greyworm must definitely be sure to follow due process and keep them both in a cell until a fair trial because lord forbid Greyworm commits any war crimes...oh wait.

Then at his own trial Tyrion undermines Greyworm at every opportunity by crowning a king, becoming hand of the king and also influencing a change in the political system right under Greyworm who suddenly forgets he wants justice for his queen.

This is also an unspecified time jump ahead where everyone will know Jon has a legitimate claim to the throne over Dany but Sam, Arya, Sansa, Tyrion or Bran don’t bring this up in any attempt to prevent Jon from being exiled to the wall.

You could almost forgive D&D for rushing episodes 4 and 5 if it meant for an exciting and logical finale but obviously they didn’t care and character logic went to new lows for this final season yet again.


It sucked.


WhereIs Rent... ok I laughed out loud at some of your comments. Yes, wtf was up with Greyworm? He slaughters everyone for his Queen, yet shrugs his shoulders when Tyrion basically bitch slaps him? I just give up.


Keeps Jon alive for a couple of months before the council arrives. Roflmao.
Well, I guess all the northmen present at King's landing prevented him from killing Jon instantly. Another big battle would breakout for sure.


"Starbucks" lol.... Loved your comments. Totally in agreement.
