Of course she was miserable and knew she'd lost the Game of Thrones and that death was inevitable... but it just wasn't satisfying drama, not like the death of Ramsay Bolton. Not that much of anything in S8 was, but it was a let-down.
Just to speculate, wouldn't it have been more satisfying if, say... Danerys flew the dragon to the Red Keep (an actual strategic target, unlike the residential neighborhood she flamed on the show), and looked Cersei in the eye and started to say "Dracarys", and Cersei would strike a heroic final pose and look at the Targaryan forces pouring through the streets of her city... and see Jamie among them, killing her own red-cloaks? A moment like that could have been great drama, Cersei knowing that she'd lost everything to someone younger and more beautiful just like the prophecy said, she'd even lost Jamie.