So far this has been the most criticised and poorly received season yet, when we are getting to the business end of the show and interest should be peaking. Even the highly anticipated battle against the Night King failed to live up to previous battle episodes.
Is there any way they can redeem themselves and finish on a high, or is it doomed to continue to falter? There's bound to be another battle scene so perhaps that can at least bring the show back to a higher standard.
Night King battle will go down as the most skippable episode of all time, along the same lines as 'Fly' from Breaking Bad (the only bad episode in the entire series). Pointless, annoying, a total bottle show.
Besides brightening up the episode, I hope someone out there can remix and remaster the battle so that it gets rid of all the scenes where the camera cuts away just before we're about to lose Sam, Jaime, Tormund, Brienne, and many others. I only realized it in my second viewing but the camera literally cuts away from our favorite characters everytime they are in trouble and we never see how they get out of that trouble.
Maybe the King's Landing battle will be great and the best one, I don't know, we'll find out soon. At this point, whatever DD decided to do, I think it's too late for redemption. They destroyed something so good just to rush themselves to a pathetic ending and work on the Star Wars trilogy for Disney.
The writing is becoming lazier and more cliche with the cutting away thing. It's easier for them not to have to explain how our heroes fight themselves out of trouble because it would in all honesty look ridiculous. They're willing to show us that they came to the brink of death as if to justify some sort of realism, but of course they want them to survive due to fan service, therefore they do, undermining that realism. Just a few scratches on their faces afterwards to mark their difficulties. Couldn't one or two of the survivors at least have lost an eye or limb or something?
It *could* - but not likely. Every show has some shit episodes. Even early GoT had some snoozers - but at least everything made sense. I think it's lost now, though, TBH.
Yeah but not the entire fucking internet. Even casual watchers are pissed. This is a monumental fuck up. You dont get worse than this. Even the Sopranos didnt fuck things up this bad.
No. They spent too much time on bullshit and not enough time on what counted. This show took a massive massive nosedive. A lot if people complain about season 5 onward but I still felt that they worked. Season 8 is a monstrosity that will forever go down in history is the biggest piece if shit ending to any show ever. Worse than lost, worse than the Sopranos. It's a travesty.
Season 5 was just slow untill the last third. It didn't actively wreck anything that came before. Season 6 was about 20% crappy writing, but the rest held together, and the character arcs were well served. The Winds of Winter was probably the most Masterful episode of the entire series. Season 7 was jarring, but we kind of put up with it and told ourselves that they had to up the pace so that they could get to where they needed to be at the beginning of season 8, and the season 8 payoff would be worth it. And then we got totally raped in the ass.
Same way I feel. The best of this show will always be seasons 1-4. But like you, I forgave Season 7 for being so poorly rushed, because I hoped that 8 would right the ship again...
But apparently it seems the writers had already given up on this show & moved on to their Star Wars job.
And that is precisely why I’ll always give Breaking Bad so much credit. The writers of that series took it seriously & stayed serious about it until it’s final conclusion. They didn’t move on to another project until it was finished.
No. The battle against the Others was just too fucking horribly anticlimactic, it's cast a retroactive shadow over everything that came before. Even if they manage to pull some brilliance out of their hats or asses at the last possible moment, it won't take away the pain!
The only thing that will take away the pain is time. I learned to appreciate the Star Wars prequels after several years had gone by, I may come to feel that way about GoT Season 8 some day.