MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Jamie will never hurt or kill Cersei

Jamie will never hurt or kill Cersei

He is too infatuated with her for that and just can't resist going back to and succumbing to her. That's what she will do when he is back at King's Landing. He may try to persuade her to take a different course but he will in the end continue to stick by her in spite of knowing her true nature. That is who he is.

He won't be the one to kill her specially not now that she is with his child.


Arya will kill her, so it's been prophesied.


Arya is not getting to kill Cersei. She already killed the Night King.

Euron will kill her for lying about the baby.


Why else would she be going to Kings Landing with The Hound?

Milesandre prophesied: She will kill brown eyes...and green eyes.

Arya takes down it.

You might be right that Euron tries to kill Cersei, but Jaime stops him and takes him down.

Jaime is mortally wounded in the fight and staggers to Cersei’s lifeless body and dies weeping next to it.

You can see it coming from miles away.


Not if the prophecy the witch Maggie told Cersei holds true. The dialog from the show:

"Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

Assuming the definition of valonqar holds as her younger brother, it's either Jaime or Tyrion strangling her. I still think it's Jaime.

I can't see Euron risking having his head smashed in by the Mountain if he tried to kill Cersei. If he learns the truth I see him more likely to just cut bait and flee. Yara's got to have a role in the last two episodes. Maybe Euron gets ambushed by Yara while trying to escape.


The thing about the prophecy is that it said “the valonqar” not YOUR valonqar. So technically it would qualify anyone who is a younger brother of someone.


Yeah I've read that interpretation from fan speculation. I just don't buy it.

I don't buy that a prophecy they bother bringing up in the TV series that specific would be so diluted that it could have been talking about anyone who is a younger brother.

Real life prophecies? Sure because prophecies aren't real and need an 'out' when they don't come true. Maybe GRRM would be lame enough to do that in his book though I kind of doubt it. I just don't buy D&D would have included that bit of the prophecy in the TV series if it were that diluted to be practically meaningless.


You are probably right. I was just pointing it out. It could be mentioned this way simply to make people sure of one thing and have something else happen - then after they could say “ didn’t say x in the prophecy, you just assumed it did hahahahaha”. :p
And the prophecies in the books- there are so many and you really have to read into them and not take the words literal (like the Sun rising in the west and setting in the east one/ Quentin Martell story etc). So I guess that’s why people point that out.
Personally, I don’t mind much one way or another.


The prophecy could still be true even if Arya does it. She just has to be wearing Jamie's (or Tyrion's) face.


The death of Cersei brought about by someone only introduced in Season 6? No way, it will be a Season 1 character that kills Cersei.


I hope so! I feel it HAS to be someone who has been around since the beginning!


I'm sorry but you are writing nonsense about a character who just dances to the tunes of the latest hack. For all we know Jaqen H'ghar is Syrup Forel in Jamie disguise by now.


Actually, Syrup Forel is Mrs Butterworth.


Aargh goddam autocorrect


i know right!


Haha. It's too bad I disliked Bojack Horseman after season 3 and had to quit.


His final words as he rode off was that he was also hateful. I guess that could go either way. He might actually join Cersei.


I think he thinks he doesn't deserve anyone decent....and I'm not sure if he's going back to Cersei to try and persuade her or to confront her. But he's not just running back to her.


IMHO he just said those hateful things to keep Brienne from either trying to stop him, or going with him.

I think that he left with the intent to kill the bitch who ruined his life (really, she has), but who knows if he'll stick with that. The writers are always shaking him up.


Men always defend the woman they sleep with.


Unless they abuse or kill them.


I figured he was riding south to rescue her, not kill her or fight on either side.


No, I think he thinks he's the only one that can stop her.


Arya will kill her. Then she kills Dany, Euron, Jon and Jamie. Finally the Hound kills Arya and wins the iron throne. Fact.
