MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Did anybody hate the Night King? Does an...

Did anybody hate the Night King? Does anybody hate Cersei?

The night king was just a standard evil form of nature, he had no will, no reason he just existed. Like fire. Destructive but not in control. I had no animosity towards him.

Cersei on the other hand... i cannot wait to see her die. The most despised character in the whole series. I hope it’s slow, and i hope it’s painful.

And i am so glad they saved her for last.


Joffrey and Ramsay were far more hateful. Cersei's not that bad.


What!? She gets off with so much due to the walk of shame. But i’ll always remember.


I actually feel sorry for her half the time. Look at all the bad things that have happened to her and her kids. I find Daenerys far more obnoxious and unsympathetic, to tell the truth.


Nothing bad happened to her before Joffrey died. And she was evil in every scene up until then. And got even worse afterwards.


If you mean wiping out that Tyrell House, or blowing up the Sept, I was actually glad to see both of them go. Didn't care much for either of those groups.


Mostly she goes to extreme measures to protect her position and her family because she constantly feels threatened. She really met her match with the Tyrells, they even drove a wedge between her and Tommen.


I could not agree with you more. Almost every other scene with Daenerys, she’s demanding to someone that
“I am (your, his, her, their, the, rightful) Queen!”


She will be. I suspect they're going to have her cut a deep and fresh wound.


If he had no will and no emotion why is he smiling at Dany and why is he exposing himself on the frontlines something only a very proud person would do?

Oh yea cuz the writing is shit.


I thought the “smile” was cheese too.


Cersei may not be as sadistic as Ramsey and Joffrey but she's every bit as narcissistic. Ramsey was a psychopath that found cruelty amusing, Joffrey; boredom and reinforcement of his entitlement...but Cersei is just your run of the mill sociopath that runs on vengeance, real or imagined.
I even think her love for her children and Jaime was more about her narcissism and they existed more as her objects or possessions. I don't think she's capable of real love.

I've always hated her. She has always been despicable. Even the walk of shame that elicited sympathy was from her own self serving actions.
I'd love to see her have the death that she deserves.
The night King was more like a killing machine and although his actions seemed personal toward Jon and Bran it's difficult to hate him in the same league as Cersei.




Very good post, Roxie. I think you’re spot-on about Cersei’s lack of love. I feel sorry for her children, to have had such a monster for their mother, but not at all sorry for Cersei for their deaths. Their monster mother made their deaths, in one way or another, inevitable. The only person she never blames is herself.


I think it's an oversimplification to say she didn't love her children. She was a controlling and manipulative mother, true, the narcissism is part of who she is and defines her relationships with everybody. But you can't watch that scene where Joffrey dies in front of her and not say she isn't devastated the way any mother would be losing a child.

That said, Cersei has paved the way for her own downfall with her cold blooded, amoral behavior and it'll be satisfying to see her get what's coming to her.

No doubt about it, there was a Terminator vibe about the Night King. But he did seem to take some pleasure in his enemies' failures. And in crushing particularly stubborn and persistent ones. He was definitely gloating a bit when the dragon fire didn't so much as singe his outfit - that little smirk before he grabbed his ice spear.


I still do not think her idea of love and my idea of love are in any way similar.
Cersei was most definitely partial to Joffrey because he was the most like her.


Cersei reminds me of an aggressive stage parent. Personal ambition and greed wind up corrupting their love for their children. They blur the line between what they want and what's best for their kid. They do love them. And yet as you say, it's not the same as most peoples' idea of what that means.


To keep this brief: I don’t believe that what Cersei feels/felt for her children was/will be love at all. It’s hubris. She cares only for herself, and for those who reflect herself. The best operational definition of love I’ve ever heard came from the best clinical psychologist I’ve ever known: kindness, caring and commitment. Cersei is controlling, not kind and caring (other than for herself), and her sole commitment is to herself and to House Lannister. She is a wretched reflection of what a good woman and mother is. She makes the Night King seem warm and fuzzy by comparison. It’s a wonder that her lovers’ manhoods don’t freeze and shatter.


The Night's King isn't someone you hate, he's someone you fear! He's not human enough to hate, there's no common frame of reference.

Cersei, on the other hand, is like Joffrey in that she's someone I LOVE to hate! She and her psycho offspring are top-grade villains, the kind where you perk up when they make an entrance, because you don't know what kind of creatively horrible thing they're about to do. I will enjoy seeing Cersei get her comeuppance, and miss her when she's gone, but not enough to want the comeuppance taken back.


The beauty of it all is that we won't have long to miss anyone ..(villain or hero)...that we lose this season.


There was nothing to hate about the Night King just to fear. He reanimated the dead after all - no plotting against, reasoning with him or anything- you’d just want to survive.
Cercei - uff - while you probably couldn’t reason with her either, there definitely is a lot of plotting...
I’m looking forward to see her get more of what she deserves, but I also at times feel sorry for her. That’s actually one of the things I really like about the show. The good are not always good and the bad not always bad (some rare serial killer like exceptions). They all have a narrow minded point of view at times, they all have emotional and cold moments, they all make dumb and smart decisions. Like we all do.
Just reading the comments it shows that in the show as with real life it depends on the point of view of a person.
Some see Dany as a savior others think she’s a tyrant. Jon a hero or a dolt. Some found Tywins cruelty justified others didn’t etc
Can’t win them all...


I told you all. It’s ON!!


Considering how dumb Daenerys, Jon and the rest of the good guys have been acting since last season, I'm almost rooting for Cercei.
