MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Please tell me Cersei won't be the final...

Please tell me Cersei won't be the final big bad

Watched a year old video by Emergency Awesome theorizing that the Night King might be defeated half way through this season and the rest will be all the houses battling against Cersei. And I fear they might actually go down this route [mjeyds]

I would be soooooo disappointed! I wanted Winter to truly be Winter for everything, the end of Houses and kingdoms brought on by the army of the dead, reducing everyone to mere humans and turning the story into a survival story. If halfway through the final season we just go back to politics and battling for the Iron Throne, I'd feel that this show didn't go nearly far enough with what it had set up.


Cersei will make a fine finale. But it's just my opinion of course, that she should win.


I hope not. Dealing with The Night King should more of a war than a single battle.


It does look like the 3rd ep will be a battle with the Night King but no one has said it's the only battle with the Night King..It's hard to speculate on what they might do.
But I don't want anyone to end up on the Iron Throne.
I don't even want there to be an Iron Throne ..


It's time for the living to win a battle against the dead. But I think whatever happens will cause the survivors at winterfell to retreat south where they go up against Cersei's army.

Best guess is they win the battle but lose Bran. Notice this episode where Tyrion got Bran to tell his story, and also Dany saying to Tyrion to go into the crypts because she needs his brain. If Bran dies, the Night King may believe he killed the 3 eyed raven, but he passes to Tyrion instead. So there would be a new one, unmarked that the Night King can't find.


Cerseii will be present until at least the first 4 episodes. You can confirm this on her twitter account. From there it is kinda wishy washy.


I know there are spoiler rumors floating around, so I'm going to ask everyone to please be a dear and don't post spoilers without warning.

[spoiler]Or using the spoiler-cover this site stole from IMDB.[/spoiler]


Cool, will do.


Cersei has always been the big bad.


Cersei's gonna win the game..... you don't expect a happy, heroic ending after all this, do you?


Honestly, I'd rather the Night King win than Cersei..


Me too! If Cersei ends up winning this entire thing it'll ruin the entire show. Throughout the show they've shown us that the "bad guys" always get what is coming to may take a while for it to happen but the show HAS shown us this much. And to go through all of this and have Cersei win...will be like taking a huge shit on the fans. No way in hell that's happening. And like you said, I'd rather the Night King win!


Nah I expect(ed) the Night King and the aotd to "break the wheel" and for the game to be made irrelevant, showing them all what a bunch of morons they've been killing each other over things that would be eradicated anyway


One of my personal theories is that the Night King wins, and takes Cersei as his queen - she already has the personality for it. When he turns her the change will be strictly cosmetic. Think Cersei would look good as a white walker?

You spent thousands of years squabbling and fighting. Now we're going to have some order, bitches. Hail to the King!


I think it will go this way, but not to imply that she is the "final big bad" or in any way worse than the Night King and his army. I think it's just Cersei's strategy - don't help out, let the Night King's army and the whole Winterfell crew take out as much of each other as possible, then have her army wipe out the rest and clean up the mess.


That would suck so much if the Night King is defeated half way through the season. I really hope both the Night King and Cersei will both be around right up to the finale. I don't see why we can't have both at the same time. The Night King trying to kill everyone all the while Cersei tries to retain her throne messing it up for everyone else.

If the Night King dies first, say in the first half of the finale and Cersei a bit later, that would be fine. While the story of the living vs the dead is much more compelling then who gets to sit on the throne in the end, I think we definitely need some more "game" playing in the end. That of course has always been a big part of the show.

My theory though, is that Cersei will actually end up saving everyone. After a terrible loss at the battle at Winterfell, all the survivors retreat south to King's Landing where they will make their final stand. Once the White Walkers come, they lose again, where the survivors are forced to flee south yet again, perhaps to Dorne. King's Landing is then overrun with white walkers, and the Night King freezes the throne room over. Cersei then ignites wildfyre which has been hidden in the walls throughout the city, destroying all the white walkers and saving Westeros. "Burn them all".
