MovieChat Forums > Tropic Thunder (2008) Discussion > Why Robert Downey Jr. Got Away With Blac...

Why Robert Downey Jr. Got Away With Blackface - CH News

In 2008, comedy 'Tropic Thunder' would hit theaters starring Robert Downey Jr.. In the film, Downey would interesting enough wear the very taboo blackface but surprisingly wouldn't face outrage that would end his career. How did the white actor get away with what has been historically considered as offensive.


Because it's a movie.


Robert Downey Jr is black. He's been wearing whiteface for years just to get work. We should celebrate that he finally felt able to show his true face.




tropic thunder escape backlash because tropic thunder come out in 2008 which was the pre woketard age.

today you have online mob who jump on things they dont like and every woketard around world follow like lemming retard. most woketards who are 18-25 today where too young to ruin everything when tropic thunder come out but they now ruin everything today

fuck off keelai


I'm woke and I thought it was hilarious.


you as an individual find it hilarious yes but you do not speak for angry woketard mobs who dominate present day cultures as there is millions of them

you may laugh at this film but if this come out today then 99% of other peoples who follow your ideologys would cancel this film. they would protest outside theatre. and RDJ would have to pay reparations to LeBoner james and his career be over.

in fact, even when they write this film they would have to stop it because they know lincoln osiris character would be lost on woketards and there careers would be over for just writing this nevermind filming


Certainly it's a film of its' time but I don't understand why it upsets you so.


it upset me because we will never see satire like this film again thanks to woketard mobs

it also upseting that if the makers of this film were born 15 year later and try to release this film today then they get blocked and we all get denied classic great film because of woketards. we are missing out on more satires.


I don't know about "woketards" but you certainly are a retard.


hahahahahahah!! sorry for the butthurt woketard!!!!

your kind are ruining film with your woketard views. it is your fault we get shit film now. i hope you are happy with this. fucking woketard hahah




Correct analysis.

Also, can’t believe Tropic Thunder is 15 years old!


15? with the way woketards have killed film with this mindset, it is more like 150 year old.

take us regular peoples back to this pre-woketard dark age, please. i do not want to be in time of fugly keelai's ruining everything with woketard policys.


Woke is a leftie media assassination tool to discredit the opposition. They start it and grows from there. RD is a Jewish lefty in a Jewish lefty production financed with Jewish lefty money. Ie he is safe.

Others have been assassinated for a post they did in 2004 if they are not in line with the establishment.


Boy are you ever off! Woke and dissing wokeism is the predominant hobbyhorse of tRumptards and other varieties of cons today! You'll hear it 100 times on a show on Faux before you'll hear it once on MSNBC. Check it out!


When I watched it I thought his character was about a guy who was considered a great actor, but got a little too into his parts. It was about his psychology, not about the blackface, per se.


I'm black and I thought Downey did a good job. I'm not offended because he didn't portray the character as a buffoon. Lincoln Osiris was pretty smart, he was the 1st character to realize something was wrong, and he came up with a plan to rescue Speedman.


because the closest thing to social media available was myspace and no one was interested in getting on soap boxes and preaching gospel on myspace.


It's because there was very little online social media.
It was just emerging.

Today the littlest things are broadcast instantly and a few people blow it up as if everyone feels that way. Reality is people still are no different than 2008 but the majority is being drowned out by the fringe crazies on right and left.
The right has a lot of crazies and to counter them many on left are equally crazy.

It is a movie and everyone enjoyed it because it was funny. Acting means to put on a role. If you need props to do so, that's how they did it for this movie.

I was amazed how well he played an Australian playing a black char. Should have won an Oscar for that honestly along with Tom Cruise, who was also stereotyping.

Both were stellar.

People today still enjoy this comedy because people like comedy and are mature enough to realize this is just a comedy movie. However people who are in media and advertising are hyping and blowing things up and making monetary decisions that is making everyone stop since it's affecting their income.

I guarantee if someone makes a movie like this, it will succeed quite a bit albeit there will be some lower revenue to the advertisers being afraid.

Make a dozen such good quality movies and the world will dramatically change. Because it is ok to laugh at ourselves
