It's impossible to make gross generalizations about large numbers of people, but everyone involved in any ventures in 'terrorism' or it's subsequent war are most likely ill informed & sad to say, ignorant. People do something because they believe it is the right thing to do. George W & his miserable lot convinced the American public that a war in Iraq was necessary. Nowadays, most people understand that was wrong. Why wouldn't the same hold true for Bin Laden? It does.
Sadly, most American's are idiots. (Gross generalization. I know...) Granted there's a heck of a lot of us in the US that contribute to society, but from what I've experienced in my lifetime, there are a more morons on the other side of the seesaw causing the rest of us, the ones that can't be brainwashed, to be dangling in midair.
That being said, the first fifteen minutes of this film felt like leftist propaganda, nothing more. Some idiot in LA, high on 'riches', 'fame' & his/her own self importance wrote an idealized dialogue attempting to illustrate his/her radical concepts, & ultra idealistic view. The truth is, everyone that gets involved, no matter the side, has been duped & sadly needs to wake up. The fact that we're actually discussing this & some, as I can see from the comments on this board, have become emotionally involved is playing right into the eagerly waiting hands of that idiot in LA. This is a silly film & I'm pretty sure, only after 13 minutes, that I will not watch the remainder. I will not waste my time.
Not to say I'm conservative, I'm actually pretty radical & ultra leftist myself. But, once again I see through the brainwashing & I won't be led down this silly road. Look through the material & you'll see it for what it is. Look through what the media tells you & you'll undoubtedly see it for what it is. Rubbish.
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