MovieChat Forums > Crossing Over (2009) Discussion > Cowards = People who kill others.

Cowards = People who kill others.

There are of course exceptions, self defense and when at war. I am appalled at the people on this board who have stated that the TERRORISTS of 911 were not cowards. How dare you. If only everyone of you could be exchanged with an innocent who was cowardly killed. If they wanted to make a statement like the idiot girl in this movie said, go blow yourself up without hurting anyone else. For all you cowards that said they weren't, try telling that to your family and friends and see what reactions you get. If they aren't also appalled, they must be as unAmerican as you are.


Listen, I absolutely despise the terrorists, but, as the girl in the movie was saying, despite what they did was horrendous and downright unforgivable -- They died for what they believed in. That does not make them cowards. Our own soldiers are viewed as terrorists by the people we are fighting so imagine one of them calling our soldiers cowards because they are killing people who acted on their beliefs. We call our soldiers heroes for killing those people while those same people call our soldiers terrorists.

I'm not saying what the terrorists did was right. Give me a gun and put one in front of me and I'll blow his brains out.

What the movie, and the girl, were simply putting out there was - "Here's what it is from their point of view." You have to be extremely brave to die for what you believe in.

I have talked to WW2 veterans (a couple of them were the original soldiers that the mini-series Band of Brothers was based on) and they said that despite what the Nazis did and believed in, they (Americans and German soldiers) were brave because they died for their country. They acknowledged, despite having their friends and brother and fathers taken from them in battle, that nothing was personal. They were all men dying for each other's countries.

It's the same case here with the current war.


Osama Bin Laden was mad about Kuwait deciding to use the US instead of his CIA equiped and trained Al-Qaida force back in 1990-1991. Then, he was even more ticked off because Saudi Arabia allowed the US forces to stage on "The Holy Land" for their invasion of Iraq.

Bin Laden was summarily kicked out of S.A. because of voicing his "Opinions" on the matter and fled to Sudan. Where he regrouped and planned attacks on the U.S. (Why did he attack the U.S.?) Bin Laden was ticked off about how America is liked around the world. So the first WTC bombing in 1993 happened. Using people who had lost loved ones and preying on their grief and emotions, he convicnes them that American Involvement is the root of their pain. And that any act in defiance of America is a path to Paradise. The weak minded believe this nonsense and accept to commit suicide in the process of killing civilians as a path to the hereafter.

Then we have the Embassy Bombings. Al-Qaida makes friends with the worst of the worst in Africa (Military Gear lost by Service members in Somalia found in Al-qaida training camps in Afghanistan). USS Cole is bombed. You can't really call a boat floating up against a warship and blowing itself up an attack. But it happened. Then we have 9/11/2001.

I'm sorry, but Osama's war stems from his hatred of America and him using this hatred to brainwash ignorant people into believing that America is inherently evil. Are we arrogant? yes. Do we step in all around the world? yes. Are we expected to step in? YES. Are we vilified if we fail to assist when assistance is required? Yes. Was the movie "Hotel Rwanda" made to chastize China on how they didn't come to aid when the genocide was happening? No, America and the westerners were the bad guys.



What's more cowardous: Launching missiles from miles and miles away, dropping bombs from a plane from thousands of feet, or putting yourself in harms way like the hijackers did?


Shut up flameboy you are the coward... As for the 9/11 hi-jackers, they were psycopaths, sadistic murderers, brainwashed nimrods and oh yeah COWARDS!!!!

If you respect them soooo much, why don't you go join them?


Psychopaths? Sadistic murderers? Brainwashed nimrods? Cowards?

You must be confused, because you just described the armed forces of the United States.


I mean just try to imagine for sec here these are human beings born just like YOU ..and try to "think" what made them do that horrible horrible horrible thing ..(and dont give me the yeah because they are cowards BS) if i am hijacking a plane ..I think i'll need a pretty good reason for doing that other than killing ..just try and imagine what they've been through ..i mourn all the 11/9 victims as i mourn all other Palestinians, Iraqis Muslims all over the globe being butchered every day.. i think Americans not America should care more for people other than themselves ..and think that they r not superior to the world ..cowards are the one who dont care as long as i am safe ..who hides thats the coward


"What's more cowardous: Launching missiles from miles and miles away, dropping bombs from a plane from thousands of feet, or putting yourself in harms way like the hijackers did?"

One of these methods involves a distinction between combatant and non-combatant.


I'm sure that's a huge friggin comfort to the people who died in those bombings.

The "collateral damage" doctrine is one of the most nauseating aspects of modern war; it essentially allows America, Britain, Israel and everyone else we like to kill as many civilians as they like as long as they say "we didn't mean to" after it's done. See the massively disproportional death rates in Gaza last Christmas for an idea of just how much you can get away with.

Nail 'em up!!!


Boo Hoo, you had me and then you lost me.


They attacked people they were not at war with. Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters, people who were doing their best to work. These guys didn't crash into a military base, they killed over 3,000 civilians who had nothing to do with them. That's cowardice in the extreme. What the hell is wrong with some of you?

It's good to be the King!


ppl just want to understand thing! you cannot solve a problem without understanding the question..of course the question were "why is this happening?" "who fault is this?" "are we the one to blame?"

i myself also don't agree with killing innocence ppl(terrorist) and i do think some of the terrorist organization do the killing for their own nothing to do with religion just their own interest.they have money and power!

we all get burned sometimes


Problem is: one side has advanced weapons but no willingness to take huge risks with own soldiers lifes, the other side has sort of a death cult and huge willingness to take extreme risks and sacrifice their own lifes (or their ignorant subordinates rather). Also known as asymmetric warfare. Who wins? Time will show. About braveness: Better to be a coward for a righteous cause than brave for a wrong cause.



Seems everyone have already corrected you. They weren't trying to make a statement, they were trying to hurt us.

Look up the word coward.


Sure, it's a direct quote from Wikipedia, but nonetheless...

"Cowards are usually seen to have avoided or refused to engage in a confrontation or struggle which has been deemed good or righteous by the wider culture in which they live. On a more mundane level, the label may be applied to those who are regarded as too frightened or overwhelmed to defend their rights or those of others from aggressors in their lives."

The wider culture in which they live? So cowardice is completely subjective. From the viewpoint of a terrorist, I am SURE that what they do is considered "righteous" so how can it be cowardice? Even if these people are actually brainwashed, that doesn't change the fact that they still truly believe in their cause.

Too frightened or overwhelmed to defend their rights or those of others from aggressors in their lives??? When you sacrifice your life for what you believe in, how can that possibly be considered cowardly?

I certainly don't condone any terrorist activity, but I strongly believe that it is WRONG to suggest that these people are cowards. You can call them many things, but "cowardly" just doesn't seem to fit the bill.


@ dhula: "When you sacrifice your life for what you believe in, how can that possibly be considered cowardly?"

Courage is not the only prerequisite for terminal self-sacrifice. Insanity/Delusion works just as well.

I dare anyone here to submit that Islamofascists aren't mentally unstable. I think you'd have to be, to base your entire modus operandi around the indiscriminate murder of civilian children and babies, women, students, senior citizens, etc.

As at least one other person intimated here, the cowardice is in the fact that terrorists routinely target *non-combatants*. They consistently and virtually exclusively attack people who represent no direct threat to them -- unlike, say, the American military, which doesn't target non-combatants (apart from political figures or organizational heads) with a couple of extremely rare exceptions (i.e. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were attacked as a last resort against the Japanese, who had vowed to turn their entire citizen population into a resistance force against invading allied armies, which would have resulted in the deaths of millions of people, mostly Japanese civilians).

George W. Bush was exactly right, and Bill Maher missed the point as usual.



your post is possibly the most offensive i have read. I am so amused when people say this or that person is insane or delusional while being certain that you are that mentally stable person. There lies the whole irony of the word: delusion.

Islamofascists or whatever you call them are anything BUT mentally unstable, they have different outlook on life. It's like them saying the very same thing about you just because you are different.


Their 'outlook on life' is one that involves killing others. It's not 'different', it's dangerous and murderous.


So, you say that the criteria for being a coward is 'the killing of other people'?
Although, generally, I would say killing others is a bad thing, but it doesn't necessarily make someone a coward.


Coward is not the right word for a killer. Evil maybe, but not coward.
On the other hand, when it comes to war. You have to redefine everything.
Those who kill the most are heros. This is a plain fact.



I don't agree that terrorists who are deranged lunatics can be brave -- they were only leaving a world that they despise for a world of virgins-valkyries. I'm not sure 17 of the 19 even knew they were flying into their death -- did all 19 leave farewell notes behind to their families? Just because someone dies in a stupid cause doesn't mean they were brave.

I miss Big Band music and talented singers. Leonard Cohen is my idol. Civility, harmony, unity!



Wanting to kill yourself in order to kill another is just a desperate attempt at ensuring that you hurt the other, at most it is nother but the most desperate of attempts to get your own waySource:Movie Reviews - Crossing Over r
