This film isn't as bad

This film is not a masterpiece, I admit that though I enjoyed it even though I preferred a more faithful version of the storyline I decided to seperate the books to the films and saw it as something on its own. Maybe thats why I don*t have no problems with it.


Unlike the problems that you have with English. It’s probably best that you stay away from the book (in the singular, because The Hobbit is only one book [and so is The Lord of the Rings, comes to that—Tolkien wrote ONE MANUSCRIPT, that the cowardly and cheap publisher cut into three sections). You really read The Hobbit “books,” did you?


Wow, someone needs to take an English Composition class. (It does not make you sound any smarter with-the overuse of punctuation marks in your [gasp] sentences. "I would "stick to—coloring books \if I WAS YOU. end quote...3=


with-the ???? Look who is talking here??? L0L


Haha, thanks for bumping this. R Kane was notorious for mocking people over grammar and spelling. I am disappointed he never responded.




Ditto! BTW, HYPHENS are used to connect 2 or more words together, NOT as substitutes for commas, or periods. I learned that in Grade School.


Yes, BUT when you're working with an ordinary keyboard, a hyphen (or more properly two hyphens in a row) can be used to indicate a dash, which CAN be used more or less in place of a comma. I learned that in high-school typing class -- back when we used typewriters instead of personal computers.


Did you see the third film?

Holy Christ, that was awful!


They should have told the whole story in one film instead of dragging things out so much.


So, you want ONE 12 HOUR movie??? L0L Movie theaters could then charge us RENT to see it! :P


i almost wonder if Peter Jackson made the 3rd one that bad on purpose. I enjoyed the first 2 movies and couldn't understand the crazy amount of hatred for the movies. And I feel Jackson just got so sick of it all that he just did whatever he wanted to that 3rd one. I say that because when it debuted, i went to the marathon showing and it had a special video from Jackson talking about the film and he said something to the effect of 'it was his favorite of the three and you'll see why'. I seriously think it was a 'screw you' to the haters.


There was a lot of turmoil behind the scenes including terrible levels of studio interference, basically the studions wanted 3 films for money-grubbjng reasons and PJ was probably pretty run down by that point.

I dont usually recommend videos, but the best analysis of the 3 films and what went wrong onscreen and behind the camera came from YouTubefilm critic Lindsay Ellis. She has a 3 part documentary called "A Long -Expdcted Autopsy", "The Battle of Five Studios", and "The Desolation on Warners". I'd post links if I weren't on my phone, and offer high recommendation.


Thanks. I'm pretty sure I've watched them at some point. I am actually not the biggest fan of Linsay as I just find her over wordy and a bit pretentious. She makes good points but they are overshadowed by her need to sound like a college thesis. Nothing wrong with that she's just not my style in videos. I may revisit it at some point tho.


Well, in her " Hobbit" videos, she has some good solid research about what went wrong, in addition to the wordiness.


The world would be a better place if we all communicated in the learned style of a dissertation and not like a flock of ghetto rats.


L0L GudJuan Kane! My 'mis-spelling' is intentional for humour, but a HUGE pet-peeve for me is WADING through attempts at 'EngRish' grammar by the dumbed-down pubics! I just don't comprehend GIBBERISH, but with a LOT of practice, I'm getting better at it!. The VERY few times I have witnessed eloquent English writings, I have profusely complimented the writer, and I was summarily IGNORED of course. I actually came here to critique the Hobbit/LOTR movies though.
I have a nice home theater and I especially enjoy the Atmos audio, as well as the 4K HDR visuals. Apparently, it is filmed mostly in New Zealand which has gorgeous scenery, and that beauty was captured in many vista scenes in the 7-8 DVD set. BTW, I'm from "Beautiful BC",(65 yrs, so far...), and we have similar vistas of mountains and oceans/lakes/rivers. I never get tired of that of course.


I enjoy it, the only part I don't like is the troll snot soup. So gross, it has tainted me for life. That wasn't in the book.


That scene made me sick, and when the one troll used Bilbo as a kleenex, everyone in the theater said "ewwww!!!!" Now I shut my eyes whenever that scene plays while watching.


Yes Volley! That part GROSSED me out and I was eating at the time as well! I have a keen SOH, but that was 'over-the-top' as they say!


No it is that bad. Its a cgi mess


It has some good scenes here and there. But it's just too BLOATED. Too many action set pieces. Too much toilet humor. Too much setup and exposition. And it's just a retread of the previous ones like The Force Awakens was.


Lmao...they were great. Yeah the third movie was a bit weak, but overall very good films. They looked like a fantasy book come alive with its palette of colors...


Also we got to have Christopher Lee as Saruman again. Seeing the final films of an amazing man was worth the flaws of this trilogy


I'm re-watching the Hobbit after the absolute trash that was Amazon's The Rings of Power and it's so refreshing.


i like watching it
