L0L GudJuan Kane! My 'mis-spelling' is intentional for humour, but a HUGE pet-peeve for me is WADING through attempts at 'EngRish' grammar by the dumbed-down pubics! I just don't comprehend GIBBERISH, but with a LOT of practice, I'm getting better at it!. The VERY few times I have witnessed eloquent English writings, I have profusely complimented the writer, and I was summarily IGNORED of course. I actually came here to critique the Hobbit/LOTR movies though.
I have a nice home theater and I especially enjoy the Atmos audio, as well as the 4K HDR visuals. Apparently, it is filmed mostly in New Zealand which has gorgeous scenery, and that beauty was captured in many vista scenes in the 7-8 DVD set. BTW, I'm from "Beautiful BC",(65 yrs, so far...), and we have similar vistas of mountains and oceans/lakes/rivers. I never get tired of that of course.