you need to get over over yourself calling someone a retard clearly not knowing the true meaning of that word. Get off your high horse and accept that just like that is just a movie, this is just a forum. Relax.
So typical that you hate women for having body autonomy and choice in partners. This film displayed an exaggerated version of nice guy syndrome. This notion that a man feels he deserves the woman of his dreams just because he likes her and is "nice." That she should base her decision on who to date by his standards (which of course point to him). That she is a horrible bitch for choosing someone who isn't him. He views her as property or a prize to be won; and object whose desires are irrelevant. Because she doesn't want you, she is the bad guy. Then there's also the aspect of superficiality. The man is allowed to be superficial and lust after the beautiful cheerleader, but how dare the cheerleader lust after the hot football star, she should settle for the ugly guy with the good personality. So many layers of hypocrisy in this line of thinking.
Meanwhile, they love to call the guy she's with an *beep* but not take a look in the mirror at how misogynistic their own attitudes are. Guys with nice guy syndrome are never actually nice guys. So she either goes for the good looking *beep* or the ugly *beep* hmm... which should she choose?
I couldn't help but to read your posts on other forums mainly replies to other people is what I read and you know what? you have issues! so negative, so eager to see the effects of other people. The only reason I looked you up was because it seems to me you have more than one account since you remind me of someone who was messaging me earlier with the same negative hate in their response and feedback. So I'm gonna tell you the same thing I said to him, you're being added to my ignore list. You and him are the only ones I have ever ignored so just a heads up for when you do reply, don't expect it to get to me. Also do yourself a favor and read the feedback you sent me and keep telling yourself you're not one bitter mofo.
I love how it makes you so very angry when women generalize men but you continue to generalize women and post the most misogynystic and hateful things about them. clearly you have a deep seated hatred for women in general. You seem very bitter. I hope you find whatever is missing in your life, I feel bad for people like you.
I really can't be bothered to read your entire rant about that girl. I just think it's silly that you think she speaks for all feminism. Feminism isn't an inherent ideology and all feminists don't agree on every single issue. Just because ONE feminist says something doesn't mean it it representable of the entire movement.
Clearly you don't know much about feminism except the few ones you've come across online or the twisted, sensational stories you've seen in the media. You should probably read up more. You appear ignorant and uninformed.
You mean like we have been since the beginning of humanity? It's only 50-60 years ago that we started gaining certain human rights that men have enjoyed for thousands of years. If you feel like you're being victimized by women, you must just be failure in life, or simply very weak.
I'm just a male that realizes how insignificant and how much of a pain in the ass women are
Well, you just proved my point. You have a deep seated hatred for women. Poor little fella, your mom must have been so horrible to you to instill this kind of hatred for the gender from which you came.
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It always amazes me how many people seem to read movies as making claims about what all men, all women, all Asians, all blacks, or all whatever group are like. I don't read the movie as saying all guys are like that. These particular guys were just like that. But even if you read the film that way, it doesn't even say all guys are like that, as Rickie doesn't really ever go along with it, and even tries to stop it, he's just kind of caught up in the situation.
It always amazes me how many people seem to read movies as making claims about what all men, all women, all Asians, all blacks, or all whatever group are like. I don't read the movie as saying all guys are like that. These particular guys were just like that. But even if you read the film that way, it doesn't even say all guys are like that, as Rickie doesn't really ever go along with it, and even tries to stop it, he's just kind of caught up in the situation.
Agree with the first part of your post. As for Rickie, he does end up just as bad as the rest of them with what he did to Joann, assuming it all really happened and wasn't just some effed up fantasy.
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wow, you watch a ridiculous movie meant to push the bounderies and shock and do not reflect reality in the least bit and it makes you lose respect for men? I only have to watch a sex and the city trailer to lose all respect i have for women...
Hmm, and movies like 40 days and 40 nights where the woman rapes the man to establish control, power, and in spite is just as bad if not worse. Have you watched and responded to that movie?
I could argue that after I watched that it made me despite and disdain women in general, but there's no real point to that since the movie implied that was supposed to happen, and doing so on a message board will just elicit negative emotion from the opposite sex. While you may be trying to convey your thoughts to others, you did so in a relatively careless manner or were distinctly trying to stir up the opposite sex. Telling others to relax on a very touchy and targeted subject is childish to be frank.
Face it, there are distasteful acts of sexual abuse from both parties. Men focus more on the actual act of sex whereas women focus on psychological warfare through the act, control of children, and the general power they have through being a woman in our legal system. Rape is a horrible terrible act and no woman should have to go through it. Good honest men should not have to go through being raped in a court either.
I do not condone the actions in this movie and understand that it can touch women at a very personal level, but threads like this are quite hypocritical.
Erm, I think the film was using hyperbole to explore certain male attitudes. We have the "nice guy" who's putting the girl on a pedestal although he barely knows her, she's with someone else and she's not into him; we have the deadgirl's objectification and commodification and there's a serious lack of interest in how she got there or concern about how she feels. I don't think it was supposed to say "all men are scum", but when you consider that thousands of women each year are raped by acquaintances, the attackers feeling their need for p**sy was more important than their victim's rights as humans to be treated respectfully and, you know, not be raped.
I don't think I'd describe this as a fun film, but I think that if you're watching it and thinking "damn, this is f'd up" sticking it to a semi-corpse, but wouldn't be so bothered if it portrayed someone having sex with a barely, conscious drunk girl then I think you've kinda missed the point of the film.
I'm male but I wasn't offended by this, I don't think there's anything there that isn't an extension of what some males do already. Might make them question that behaviour and not screw up someone else's life in the process.
I didn't miss the point of the film at all and that was nowhere conveyed in my post.
I'm simply explaining to the topic creator that you can't take a relatively sensitive subject (for many men who wouldn't do that), post it on a message board, expect to not elicit a response and when defensive posts are naturally given, you simply tell people to "calm down" or "chill out."
Movies are made for entertainment and while men may be the portrayed rapee, there are many movies and instances where women rape a man psychologically (or physically - despite it being a rarity)... It goes back to my point that men are focused on the physical act of rape whereas women 'rape' men in many psychological acts.
You have to look at both parties frankly. I get annoyed at posts like these because it again 'targets' and has a huge feminist attitude/message behind it. "This movie makes men look bad." And where is your analysis on the movies that make women look bad, because there is a TON out there. It's not... because you're buying into a feminist BS world.
What's pretty hilarious, is it seems most bad men rape good/innocent women physically, and most bad women rape good/innocent men psychologically. Tomato-tamato. Frankly I'm tired of women playing the feminist card 24/7 and not looking in the mirror. The courts aren't.
And no I've never been married/burned... just someone who thinks for himself and looks beyond what media tells us.
The film's criticizing the behaviour of some males, not all males (although admittedly I can't recall any vaguely positive males in the film - a bit like the far superior "The Last Seduction"). I don't think being anti-rape is "buying into a feminist BS world", any more than not kicking a dog in the head is buying into that animal rights BS.
I think there's a big difference between rape and being f'd over by a woman - most people can bore you for hours with break-up bitterness yet would be quite reticent to discuss being raped. I can't actually recall one comic doing a routine on being raped (well, Sarah Silverman did one gag) but plenty on breakdowns (and raping).
I find the tendency of some women to just shout sexist and misogyny at anything that shows women in not quite the manner they'd like to be appreciated a bit tiresome. I personally would have thought that they'd be more annoyed at their depiction as anodyne corporate drones looking for Mr Right and consumer goods in most chick flicks. And naturally the guy has to change from being a slacker into something far more boring rather than vice versa.
I do think if you look back at the OPs thread starter, it is rather tongue in cheek (even has a ;) in case you missed it).
doobyus: wow - that was really clearly, intelligently stated. You are quite thoughtful and well-spoken - what on earth are you doing on this board??? :-)
One of your major comprehensive issues is that you believe that feminism is the hatred of men. You talk about thinking for yourself and looking beyond what the media tells you, but I see you regurgitating the same ignorant opinions of people who clearly have no analytical skills but believe that they do. Maybe you saw a compelling youtube video about the evils of feminism, but you've been duped. None of the things you talked about are even close to feminism and what feminists believe. Feminists fight for rights, body autonomy, to not be discriminated against in the hiring/promotion process, and to be treated like people and not objects. They are not trying to portray men as evil and women as saints. Feminists do not paint all men with the same brush. Maybe you've encountered one too many trolls or extremists, but you're definitely not informed to what feminism actually is.
I've heard it all before, MRA, and it doesn't sound any less stupid coming from you. Enjoy your thinly veiled misogyny and keep being willfully ignorant to the realities of the world you live in.
"wow - that was really clearly, intelligently stated. You are quite thoughtful and well-spoken - what on earth are you doing on this board??? :-)"
I got lost on the interwebz and thought I'd rest up here for a bit. Thought the film was a good allegory and made the horror of rape and the attitudes of rapists appear as disgusting as they should, and hopefully will make a few people consider what they're doing and hopefully reduce suffering in future (although seeing as some seem to think that being anti-rape is anti-male, I might be rather overly optimistic in that regard).
Thank you for being someone who understood this. I am really frightened by all the people, not only not getting it, but making excuses for the characters in the film. Ohhh, they were from the wrong side of the tracks. DOESN'T JUSTIFY RAPE!
You're frightened people aren't getting it because that's your only hope to a free ride from the courts.
What about the Banks kid who was accused of rape from a woman, spent 5 years in prison, another 5 years in probation, and she came out and said she was lying? Why don't you do an article on that?
This thread is definitely stupid, and nobody should base their real life opinions of people off of characters in a fictional movie, but there is no reason to make stereotypical, sexist remarks about how men and women supposedly are, and to equate rape with being on trial. I mean, come on. If you really felt so strongly about how wrong rape was, you would not compare it to the incomparable.