MovieChat Forums > Deadgirl (2013) Discussion > This movie makes men look bad

This movie makes men look bad

If you've seen this movie, I don't need to explain myself.

As a woman, these types of movies makes me lose any respect I have for guys but this movie was beyond realistic so this feeling will soon pass ;)

Not enjoyable and I don't recommend.



Clearly I've hit a nerve, relax, it's one person's perspective okay


Clearly I've hit a nerve, relax, it's one person's perspective okay


How does this movie make women look equally bad? Please explain, I'm dying to know.

I also love how you out of nowhere mention her pubic hair and imply that you hope she is date raped. Way to prove her point about men.
But I guess as a man, you can never see that.


I agree with you, ETSylvester. Guys may not like to hear it, but after watching this I felt repulsion and disdain for men in general.
Obviously, it's a movie, and I don't like sweeping generalizations... But the main reaction this movie incited (besides ya know, nausea) was "men are brainless pigs." I don't think they could have made a movie with reversed genders (dead boy, sex-crazed girls)
Ps:I cheered when the skanky lady from the gas station beat them up! Woo wooo!


I don't think they could have made a movie with reversed genders (dead boy, sex-crazed girls)

Even if they did, the only thing anyone wold find offensive is they would say it made women look like sex-crazed sluts.

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it.


I think that was the point of the movie. It represents the idea that women are nothing but sexual objects for men. The zombie-ness of the women (hey, hot chicks don't need brains), how nearly every man who comes across the woman raped her, how the main protagonist "loved" Jo, yet when he gets to know how little she cares for him and has the longest interaction he has had with her he had since he was 12, he decided to make her a sex zombie.


I don't think they could have made a movie with reversed genders (dead boy, sex-crazed girls)

Isn't that what Twilight is about?


Funny, cuz its true...



mmmm...unexplained bacon...<drool>...


Cathyvh, I don't think it's men in general, but CERTAIN men who would indeed act the same way as the young men in DEADGIRL. The problem is, in DEADGIRL we're ONLY shown guys who are willing to rape a corpse, so the ratio of normal guys to psychos is unnaturally balanced. (Which IMO makes the film intriguing, but hard to identify with.) I don't doubt that there is a small percentage of teenage boys similar to these characters.

See my other post on this topic, on this thread:

The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.


Yeah, thanks why I said "the idea", not "my idea" Really not my way of thinking. Yeah I consider myself a feminist, but not to the point where I'm some crazy man hating idiot, but I just like to enjoy equal rights :) I just interpreted it as the writer was putting forward that particular idea.


So because you saw a movie with actors simulating raping a zombie girl actress.That makes you lose respect for men in general? You do realize its not a documentary?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.



The women who commented on this saying it makes them feel disgusted in reference to men, must be nuts.

I think you'll find that when you say there are a "small percentage" of teenage boys who would screw a dead girl if they found one hanging around, that that percentage is so so so so so small. Like, maybe extreme cases of mental illness.

If you think it is worse than that, you're living in a fantasy world.


At first they didn't know what she was. Either way, I believe a lot of males (more than you think) who found a tied down girl hidden away would do that and pimp her out.


You are completely correct. I made this point quite some time ago but this movie is much more misandrist than it is misogynist. As soon as they abandon the main character as a sympathetic character they have basically taken the position that in the end all men are scum. It is quite common for a movie that depicts women in very negative situations to actually be anti-man.


This film made me put my feminist cap on. Even the character's that didn't want to rape the half-dead corpse finally got persuaded into doing so.

Hamburgers. The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.


I think you missed the point of this film entirely. It exaggerates to make a point about how the objectification and dehumanization of women leads some men to think that it's ok to rape and abuse them, and that those who don't fight against misogyny are no better than those who act upon it. In the end, sometimes those who don't fight become what they were against.

This film is not misogynistic or misandric, but just a bit of social commentary set in a completely unrealistic scenario. Those who take it too literally are doomed to be outraged that it dared portray men in such a way. This an example of specific misogynistic attitudes carried out into action. The "nice guy" who thinks he deserves sex from the girl of his dreams just because he is "nice" to her. The guy who thinks of women as property. The notion that the absence of a "no" from a woman equals a "yes." It also plays on the social pressure that men put on each other which ultimately damages them as well.

Just because a villain is a man and a victim is a woman, this is not a statement that all men are villains and all women are victims. But for the type of social commentary this film was attempting, the characters had to be gendered this way.


oh please, the girl doesn't even need to be dead...

if there's any similarity about the mindset about the movie that fits in with today, it's definitely this mindset


No, it makes teenage boys look bad.


AGREED 1000%


This movie is disgusting and definitely made me wish I was a lesbian.

Lois Lane=Leia Lane


Well I meant I agree that it makes TEENAGE BOYS look bad. There were no men in the movie (aside from the principal I guess). So unless you're a teenage girl...

But I support your lesbian transition... I am also attracted to women ;)


ewww DYKE..


Men make themselves look bad. I know all the males on this board seem to be horribly offended by the idea that all the boys in the movie end up being zombie rapists, but it's not unrealistic. After all, there are only 5 of them, 3 being hopeless losers who are beyond desperate for female companionship.

There are plenty of misogynists, period. There are plenty of rapists, period. There are men who rape physically or mentally handicapped women, there are men who rape drunk, drugged, passed out, or beaten-up women. What's so unrealistic about raping a zombie?

There are men who rape women in groups (gang rape, hello?) or keep women hostage as sex slaves. What's so unrealistic about several of them raping her?

No one anywhere has ever suggested that every single boy or man put in that situation would act that way. But it's beyond absurd to claim that the movie is way-out-there unrealistic just because some males think they personally would never do such a thing, because there are plenty of males who would.

I am female, and I don't think all males are evil, and I wouldn't say the movie made me lose respect for guys or hate men, but it just adds to the non-respect and hate I have for a certain segment of the male population, for sure.



careful you'll get a stroke if you take people's views so serious on a forum no less! Why do you feel you have to resort to insulting them? life is more than imdb message boards, don't EVER FORGET THIS!!!!


I know what you mean (and I am male).

There was NO empathy at all from any of the characters. In real life I would hope a couple of teenage kids happening across a tied up naked woman would immediately call the police (despite their tresspass and vandalism) rather than boast she is their sex slave and rape her continuously...

None of the (male) characters learning about this person seemed to think there was anything wrong with rape (and even worse) if they could get away with it. I would think that extraordinary rather than normal, realistically.

I thought of it as very good film though - for the reasons you apparently think it wasn't. It seems to show an 'idiot' generation that feel they are entitled to things without morality or consequences.

I did not enjoy the film - I kind of hated it - but it was certainly powerful and made an impact and was a good film.
