Men make themselves look bad. I know all the males on this board seem to be horribly offended by the idea that all the boys in the movie end up being zombie rapists, but it's not unrealistic. After all, there are only 5 of them, 3 being hopeless losers who are beyond desperate for female companionship.
There are plenty of misogynists, period. There are plenty of rapists, period. There are men who rape physically or mentally handicapped women, there are men who rape drunk, drugged, passed out, or beaten-up women. What's so unrealistic about raping a zombie?
There are men who rape women in groups (gang rape, hello?) or keep women hostage as sex slaves. What's so unrealistic about several of them raping her?
No one anywhere has ever suggested that every single boy or man put in that situation would act that way. But it's beyond absurd to claim that the movie is way-out-there unrealistic just because some males think they personally would never do such a thing, because there are plenty of males who would.
I am female, and I don't think all males are evil, and I wouldn't say the movie made me lose respect for guys or hate men, but it just adds to the non-respect and hate I have for a certain segment of the male population, for sure.