MovieChat Forums > Deadgirl (2013) Discussion > Guys would never do this.

Guys would never do this.

I understand the city/hospital and everything was to your imagination, however,
I tried to get it but even some of the horniest guys would not go there.
This is like necrophilia. Testosterone in highest ammounts makes this movie unbelievable. Teenage boys are pretty wicked but not like this en mass.


9 out of 10 people that would know JT and follow him into a rundown hospital would, indeed, rape a corpse.


Lmao - exactly!


Girls arent kidnapped raped in bars and on streets, thats just made up propaganda by feminist fanatics

Are you *beep* serious? Wow, we sure do have some retards on the internet.


I agree. You might get an odd one in the bunch... but not a whole gang of weirdos.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"



Dont drive




Dumb. Love the bold


Panty post


Well she wasn't decaying as such


I can sort of agree with the OP.

I mean, I'm in my 30s now & I've seen some seriously messed up things in my life. I've seen people shot & killed a few inches from me. I've seen people lose limbs. I even once saw a man bite off & eat another man's lip.

It all makes you pretty jaded. There's not much that really disgusts me. Not much that really frightens me.

Still, even after all of that, if I stumbled across the living dead, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be there 5 seconds later. I'm out, I'm gone, I'm never going back & I certainly am not going to stick around to doink it.

No matter how horny I am.

And that's after seeing all the horrific things I've seen in my life.

Now, if I was a horny teenager still looking to get laid for the first time...well, I'd be younger & in better shape, I'm sure I'd make it out of there hella faster than I would today.

I disagree with the testosterone remark. It wouldn't be testosterone that's responsible for anything. It would be adrenaline.

I'm fairly certain that walking across the living dead would just make fear take total control over me, you, & even Ted Bundy.



But stupidity is not, so quit victimizing us please.






Everyone knows that!
