MovieChat Forums > Deadgirl (2013) Discussion > Guys would never do this.

Guys would never do this.

I understand the city/hospital and everything was to your imagination, however,
I tried to get it but even some of the horniest guys would not go there.
This is like necrophilia. Testosterone in highest ammounts makes this movie unbelievable. Teenage boys are pretty wicked but not like this en mass.



I probably would've done it. The zombie would need to look fresher than that though... and have a more bubbly personality :)


HAHAHAHAHA. "have a more bubbly personality."

there are men who will bone mud, and it doesn't talk OR move. depraved is depraved.


Hahah Begie actually "bones mud" in a flashback to the gang's school days in the novel of Trainspotting.

"Hot lesbian witches!"


yeah he was pretty much an animal.


You must be incredibly out-of-touch with some of the horrific things that happen in the real-world.

But in the real world, where zombies don't exist, they'd just be gang-raping a woman, which I'm sure you've noticed somewhere under that rock of yours, happens very very very often.

I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.


You think gang rape happens very, very, very often? Lol, what fantasy world do you live in? Violent rapes are already pretty rare, gang rape even moreso.

As for you OP: I completely agree. I could almost believe TJ, because he already seemed psychopathic, but even that was a stretch. But otherwise it just felt silly. Especially with how they just raped her while everyone stood around. And the clearly uncomfortable jock getting peer pressured into mouth-rape? Come on.


Why take the escalator when I've got a perfectly good canoe?



Of course guys would never do this. Well, most guys obviously ^^
But that´s not the sujet of the film. This movie is about sexualty. The Zombie is the allegory of basic human instincts. Since Romero, I believe we all can agree to this. Instead of eating and consuming everything and by being bitten you become one of these consumers. This movie uses the Zombie as a metaphor of unrestrained sexual male fantasies. By succumbing to these fantasies the people in this movie get bitten and have now become slaves to their sexual fantasies. A Zombie...
Great refreshing movie that uses Zombies in a different kind of way we used to see.

I dont think its a coincidence that Michael Bowen was cast in this movie since we all know him as "Buck and he´s here for a ..."


All you have to do is read about and watch the movie American Crime to see what a group of "normal" kids are capable and that's a true story. This isn't that much of a stretch. There are some sick people out there.


What do you mean guys would never do this?

Men DO this everyday: girls are drugged and raped at bars and parties, kidnapped and raped on the street, gangraped, even if there are a lot of people around...these stories have popped up time and time again. This movie, minus the zombie aspect, is true to life.

People saying: yeah right, they would've called the police. Are you so sure about that?


this film suggests that if a couple of dudes would find a bound zombie girl, that all of them, yes each and every one of them has just a single thought: "to stick his donger into her and leave her bound". you have got to be kidding me.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


As long as you are just saying "thought" and not "act" - then yes, EVERY guy would at least THINK about it. We think about sticking it in everything all of the time. You are either a) not a guy, or b) have a very low sex drive. Nothing wrong with either, but your assumptions couldn't be any further from the actual truth...


It's not just the morality of it all. It's the notion that four random guys would have sex with a dirty, gross corpse in front of other guys they neither like nor trust, basically at the drop of a hat. Further, that when they didn't like the way things were going, they'd jump to murder with barely a thought. Two of them try to take things into their own hands rather than call the police to settle the situation.

JT, by the way, I found believable - if it'd been mostly him, it'd have been a lot easier to buy. But when two popular jocks walk in and are goaded into it within a few moments (even though one is clearly nervous and uncomfortable, which usually would lead to potency issues), it's just not believable.


Being as the "girl" is already dead, it cannot be considered murder...



In a society that created the act of Munting ( ) I assure you there are at least a few guys who certainly would. I mean munting took a team to come up with , then had to have enough teams do it , then have enough teams get caught doing it for it to even be diagnosed and have a name as a disorder. So yeah , if you see it in a movie and think "wow , thank god it's only a movie" , remember whatever you see there , someone has already done it and done it far more gross than even the director thought. I haven't watched this yet but plan on it and I have to assume as gross as it is nothing like what I just posted the link to happens in it.
