I can't stand gay male porn. I just can't. I can watch straight porn, and I can watch lesbian porn, but gay male porn weirds me out. A lot. I've always thought that I've had more of a masculine taste in porn anyway, so maybe that's why. I've heard that some women enjoy gay male porn because it's more emotional than straight or lesbian porn, but personally I don't understand it.
I'm straight (therefore my sexual preference is men) and I like lesbian porn way better than porn that features males. So I don't think it's that uncommon or weird.
Same here, Im straight and my husband and I watch lesbian and straight porn on occasion. Ive seen gay male porn, but its not a turn on. Maybe if there was a sensual one out there I might, but I know it wouldnt do anything for hubby. I also hate the super cheesy porns like Edward Penishands, those are definitely not a turn on either. My roomates and I used to make popcorn and rent those in college as comedies.
Sexuality is complex people. If a lesbian watches gay porn and likes it, it doesn't mean they aren't a lesbian. Human beings are weird, have ridiculous fetishes, and enjoy multiple things.
Basically who gives a crap what people prefer when it comes to sexual satisfaction, unless it involves illegal activities. If you aren't the one screwing them, it doesn't concern you.
As a weird, complex human being who happens to be 100% gay, I tend to enjoy women screaming in porn. It's a big turn on when they're pounded until they orgasm/squirt, where they release a crescendo of higher pitched scream sounds and pleasurable moans. And I think vaginas are nice too look at.