MovieChat Forums > The Kids Are All Right (2010) Discussion > Do lesbians enjoy watching gay male porn...

Do lesbians enjoy watching gay male pornography

Lesbians in bed watching a gay male pornography video? That is what is happening in this movie.

I would like to know if any lesbians enjoy watching gay male pornography. I think not.

Can any lesbians out there comment?


I'm a straight guy who absolutely loves watching a girl take it in the ass (don't take it the wrong way - I hate porn where the women are degraded, the girl has to like it too). But I can't stand watching a guy take it in the ass.

Another testament to the fact that in terms of sexuality, anything goes. Whatever floats your boat, people.


Uggh, I just dont get the whole anal sex thing at all. Why would a guy want to stick it there? Its nasty and full of bacteria. and an even better question is why would any girl like or enjoy that? Its not a sexual part of the body, its for our waste to exit our bodies, its not an entrance! It would have to hurt like hell. No thanks!


1. Since the ass is usually thought of as a forbidden area (which your post backs up), it makes it all the more enticing and kinky.
2. Generally, it's much tighter than the vagina.
3. It can be cleaned.
4. Some girls do enjoy it.
5. It WILL hurt if the guy doesn't have a clue what he's doing. If he does, who knows, you might find that you'll like it after all.


1. Well I guess it being 'forbidden' doesnt make me want to do it. Thats not in my personality I suppose...
2. Its tighter? so? Its not intended for anything to be shoved up there thats why, it doesnt stretch like the vagina for that reason, as a matter of fact it has muscles that contract that make it more difficult for anything to be inserted, etc.
3. Sure anything can be cleaned, but who wants to have to prepare for something in that way? You couldnt just be spontaneous and in the heat of the moment, etc.
4. Again, dont see how or why some girls would enjoy it. What is there to enjoy? Its certainly not the area that gets 'wet' when a girl is aroused and its not where the 'feeling' is that makes you want to have sex. That would be the vaginal area.
5. Again, I think its gross for a guy to want that kind of sex in the first place. And if hes looking for something tighter than the vagina then he's more about his own pleasure and probably too self absorbed for me. so again, no thanks.

And I think Ive read some stories of people having too much anal sex and it stretches out the anus and they have bleeding problems, anal cancer is a higher risk and maybe eventually have to wear diapers cause they cant control their bowel movements, and sure that may be extreme cases, but it sure doesnt sound very appealing to me... or normal.


Oh, puhlezze you sound like a childish ignorant buffoon.

I am a gay man so I know more about this subject than you do.

First of all, why do you care what people do or don't do in the privacy of their bedrooms? Is your life really that boring and empty? Find a hobby or something to do besides wasting time thinking about other people's sex lives.

Secondly, and probably most importantly, it's none of your business what other people do in privacy of their bedrooms.

And to address your asinine comments:

1. Who cares whether or not you're into it? Nobody asked you if you were into it and nobody cares if you are or not. In fact, this whole discussion is off topic and has nothing to do with the original post at hand. Stay on topic. Men who partake in this kind of sex, and for the record NOT JUST gay men partake in or like this kind of sex but STRAIGHT MEN also partake in this kind of sex, do so because it feels good and for no other reason. Seeing how ignorant you are about the subject you've probably never heard of prostate stimulation which is in the anus for men and is equivalent to the female G spot for men. And not all gay men like/practice anal sex. Some gay men don't practice that kind of sex. Nevertheless, why should men ignore their erogenous zones that could bring them immense pleasure just because it doesn't set well with you? Forget you!

2. Who died and made you the sex police to determine what body parts of the body are suitable for sex? I suppose oral sex is unacceptable to you too because god knows mouths weren't intended to bring pleasure in the bedroom, and boring missionary style vaginal sex is the only kind of sex you approve of. Well guess what? Not everyone is into that kind of sex and some of us find that kind of sex to be disgusting but you don't see us going around denouncing other people's sex lives do you? Have some decency for goodness sakes.

3. Well unless you're an outright nasty filthy person, which I suspect you are given the fact of your ignorance on the matter, and you don't have a healthy diet and you don't take care of yourself naturally you would have a lot of preparation to do beforehand. Nonetheless even if they do have preparation beforehand what's it to you? It has noting to do with you and why do you care how other people choose to have sex? They're not having sex with you.

4. I personally don't know why women would enjoy it and quite frankly I couldn't careless whether they enjoy it or not. I'm not obsessed with other people's sex lives as you appear to be. And whose to say Lesbians partake in this kind of sex? Maybe they just enjoy watching men have sex with men but have no desire to do it themselves? Why they enjoy watching men have sex I don't know, and as a gay guy I'm still puzzled because I don't enjoy watching Lesbians have sex and I have no interest whatsoever in watching Lesbians or heteros for that matter.

5. Oh puhlezze who gives a sh*t what you think? People are entitled to have their own tastes and preferences, and that isn't decided by you. Just because you don't care for a particular sex act doesn't mean it's unpleasurable for other people to partake in. Again no one cares whether or not you approve of their sex life so shut up and mind your own business.

And for your last comment that comment is too dumb to be worthy of a response.

In closing, it's none of your business what other people do or don't do in their bedrooms or in their private sex lives for pleasure. However they choose to live their lives as long as they aren't hurting anyone they can choose to do whatever they want. Back off and get a life of your own instead of being obsessed with other people's lives.

"I will veto every single BEER." -John McCain


Ok, ha ha ha. You took all my comments very personally huh? I was merely responding to the person that posted above me.

All of my comments were mainly about girls enjoying anal sex (and not lesbians, I was thinking more of straight girls) since I just cant imagine why or how they would. And yes, I know about a mans 'G-spot", etc. But really could care less, especially about gay men and what they do, really doesnt matter to me.

Besides, you stated that you were puzzled as to why lesbians would want to watch gay sex since you dont enjoy watching lesbian sex, same with me I guess about the anal sex thing, Im puzzled as to 'why' a girl would enjoy that....

And why was my last comment dumb? I had read about it on several different medical type websites a while back..................and it seems logical to me. Example... I got this answer from a question someone had posted on

"Anal intercourse is not easy. Vaginas are made to take a penis in, but your rectum is designed to push things out. That muscle around the opening is tight (so nothing falls out). It is hard for most women to relax enough to have anal intercourse and it will hurt. Plus, your anus and rectum does not lubricate itself like your vagina. In addition, there are health risks to anal intercourse, both for the man and for the woman. If there has been blood running out or in your stools each day, there may be reason for concern. However, if you are just sore from being stretched and that seems to be less each day, there is probably no reason to worry. But, read about anal intercourse if you want to practice it... but to be quite honest, the easiest and safest kind of intercourse remains putting the penis into a well lubricated vagina. Robert W. Birch, Ph.D. Sexologist"


Another interesting article from a website I came across.....

First of all, let's consider the divine function of the anus. Yes, the anus has a divine function (just like every other organ in or on the human body), and it also has a beauty and sensitivity of its own. No part of the human body should be considered unclean. The anus is the - excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal. The feces from the colon makes it way from the intestines to the rectum and out via the anus. Therefore, the anus is an excretory organ or an "eliminative" channel (being an extension of the colon). Its divine function is to release "waste" from the body.

Science, nature, and common sense tells us that the anus is an eliminative organ and not a penetrative organ, unlike the female vagina, which is undoubtedly penetrative in nature. Unlike the female vagina (yoni), the anus cannot stretch in size without tearing the skin, cannot naturally and conveniently accommodate any size penis, and does not naturally lubricate itself to accommodate and facilitate a stroking penis. The female vagina has three layers of skin to accommodate stretching and to prevent itself from tearing, unlike the anus which only has one layer of skin, which when torn due to being stretched (from constant penetration), bleeds.

Anal intercourse tends to stretch and greatly weaken the anal sphincter muscles, producing energy loss. Anal penetration greatly disturbs the balance of vital forces in the body. The downward-moving vital principle of the anus is greatly reversed due to penetration and can lead to serious digestive problems, constipation, irregularity (of bowel movements), and ultimately to cancer of the rectum. Many homosexual men who constantly take it or get it "up the butt" have to wear diaper-like products to catch their fecal waste liquids that drip from their loose and weakened anus, the same as females wear sanitary pads to catch their menstrual fluid.

How is energy loss by weakening the anal sphincter muscles? Sexual energy is conserved by tightening the anal sphincter muscles. When the muscle is contracted, the sexual center is stimulated and the sex glands produce hormones. This is a principle of Tantra.

I should also point out that unlike the female vagina (yoni), the anus does not secret pheromones, which are substances secreted that when smelled by the opposite sex, attracts that person of the opposite sex. This scent is commonly referred to as "musk." Musk is a - substance secreted by the male musk deer, used in perfumes. Now do you see why so many colognes and perfumes have the name "musk" on them (e.g. Jovan Musk)? Not for smell good purposes, but for sexual purposes. I always said perfume was really perceptual fumes.

As an organ of excretion, the anus and rectal passage always contain traces of bacterial waste. A person is in danger of infection through anal insertion and can also suffer severe tissue damage or soreness. If NORMAL sex is engaged in afterward, the dangerous possibility exists that bacteria will be transferred from the anus to the innermost part of the vagina (yoni) of the woman.

Many people are curious as to why many women engage in anal intercourse today. Well, for most of these women, they find it necessary to offer every bodily orifice to their lover as a symbol of their complete surrender and commitment. Curiosity, wanting to engage in a new sexual experience, and the psychological desire to be punished are also variables to be considered.

Read more:


Ok I'm back...been gone a while been kinda busy.

Um, butterflycrazy I have no interest whatsoever in reading your articles about the horrors of anal sex. I couldn't careless and you could learn a lesson or two from me by not prying into the sex lives of other people. Why do you care what folks like to do in the privacy of their bedrooms?

My original point still stands and it doesn't matter how many articles you quote your argument still doesn't hold water. Whether you were talking about straight women, gay men (which you were even if you claim you weren't) lesbians, straight men, or bisexuals. My argument is still relevant. It's none of your business what other people do in privacy of their bedrooms so why does it bother you what other people like?

Apparently, some lesbians, and straight women like watching men have sex so why the *beep* do you care that they do? It has nothing to do with you.

"I will veto every single BEER." -John McCain


I don't know about lesbians but as a straight female, I tend to watch Gay male porn because most of the time in porn they put so much focus on the woman and you barely get to see the guy and let alone him actually be hot. Most of the time gay porn have guys that are better looking and I just enjoy seeing naked men lol.

Lonely Chicago pie


I'm a gay man that has a really close relationship with a lesbian couple. I know they love to watch gay porn and they're TRUE lesbians. Their relationship is 5 years old now and they are still together and watching gay porn :P Sometimes we watch it together! ;)


The first problem in watching lesbian porn is that the vast majority of it is painfully straight, and not at all meant for lesbians. It’s not so much the hair extensions, fake breasts or bored expressions that give it away; more like the long, scraping fingernails. Oh wait, one more clue – the ubiquitous dude who’s enthusiastically welcomed in to give the girls what they’ve been missing. Watching your sexual identity being simultaneously misrepresented and belittled is not sexy. Neither is spending a too-large proportion of your life having to explain to straight men that yes you’re a lesbian, but contrary to porn expectations, this doesn’t give them a right to watch.

There is genuine lesbian porn made for queer women by queer women, but it’s hard to come by (in the practical sense at least).

Unless you know about queer/feminist sex-positive shops and you’re organised, wealthy and self-aware enough to buy your own, chances are your porn watching will be limited to awful videos belonging to friends, lovers or ex-lovers, late-night TV, or – most likely – whatever free stuff you can find on the internet. And for easily-accessible instant gratification, you can’t go wrong with gay man porn.
‘You can’t fake a hard on’

Of course there’s more reasons to watch gay man porn than sheer laziness. For a start, there’s the visceral impact on knowing that what you see is very much what someone’s about to get. Or, as Caz from Manchester explains, “It’s real – you can’t fake a hard on.” Caz adds, “Guys really do get off on being in porn films, whereas mostly girls look unconvincing which makes it all a bit sad. And that’s not a turn on.” Porn films aren’t generally noted for their high quality acting skills, so anything that adds to the realism – such as a big boner – can help make up for distractingly awful dialogue, music or plot.

Writers at lesbian website Grace the Spot agree: “With gay male porn, the actors look like they’re having fun and enjoying sex. With all other types of porn, more often than not, it looks contrived, over-acted, unbelievable, ridiculous, or just plain unfun.” But lesbians, by definition, are sexually interested in women and not men. Even lesbians with bisexual leanings might be expected to prefer straight sex than watching muscley men thrusting together. So why do some of us find it hot to watch sex that doesn’t involve any women?

It may at first seem counter-intuitive, but the very fact that there are no women in gay man porn can remove a huge burden for some people. “The fact of female oppression through porn is a massive turn off and it’s hard to be convinced that girls in films are really enjoying themselves,” says Caz. “I find anything sexually aggressive towards women horrible.”

It’s not accurate to say that all pornography which involves women degrades them, but a huge proportion does involve situations or activities that can make for uncomfortable viewing. It doesn’t even have to involve actual sexual violence – even an offhand ‘slut’ or ‘bitch’ can bring in unwanted misogyny that ruins the mood, and there’s always a nagging worry that what’s happening on-screen could be linked to off-screen exploitation. For some people this is reason enough to reject all pornography, whether it involves women or men. But not all porn is necessarily bad, believes Holly Combe, writer for the F-word and member of Feminists Against Censorship. “Objectification only becomes bad if it is complete and absolute rather than mutable and interchangeable,” she says.

Assuming we can safely discount penis envy as outdated Freudian twaddle, the answer to why lesbians enjoy gay man porn could partly lie in how we use pornography as a way to play around with genders and sexualities outside of our usual experience. Watching gay man sex on a screen or a magazine is a peek into a forbidden world that we’re usually excluded from. It’s taboo and exciting, but at the same time totally fake and entirely safe. Even if you’ve never used a strap-on, had sex with a man or wanted to be a man, the human brain is such a marvellous thing that we can still identify with what’s going on, and get off on it. As Holly explains quite simply, “looking at attractive naked people getting it on is arousing.”
‘Women are sexual beings’

Whether you’re into lesbian porn, gay man porn or no porn at all, no one should be made to feel ashamed of their sexual desires. “Women are sexual beings,” say the Grace the Spot writers. “Women should not feel guilty watching porn. If some women are afraid to watch porn because of what others may think, then they are succumbing to yet another means of controlling women’s behaviour.”

Sexuality can be surprising, fluid and lead to some sticky situations. Don’t worry about whether or not liking gay man porn makes you a bad lesbian. Just lie back – or bend over – and enjoy it.




There are people with the weirdest fetishes you can imagine. The idea that two lesbians would enjoy watching gay male porn is funny, but it is believable to me.

I am not saying it is common. I doubt that it is. But this isn't a movie about EVERY lesbian couple. It's a movie about a specific lesbian couple.


I knew a straight girl who married a gay guy but didn't know he was gay until he left her for a man. The straight girl liked to see gay men kiss as well as gay women. I also know a lot of butch lesbians that hate men so much, sexually that is, that they don't like men of any kind, sexually, either in porn or in real life.

I also know gay women who say that all women are (naturally) lesbian and it's only aggressive manipulative men that get any of them to marry them or have sex with them. These woman say evolution has surpassed social darwinism and in a short time, all women will be together sexually and have kids without men and all men will be either gay or alone. I am not making this up, and these lesbians who say and believe this are not insane and there's a lot of them. So what I'm saying here is, very few lesbians like gay male porn.


I also know gay women who say that all women are (naturally) lesbian and it's only aggressive manipulative men that get any of them to marry them or have sex with them. These woman say evolution has surpassed social darwinism and in a short time, all women will be together sexually and have kids without men and all men will be either gay or alone. I am not making this up, and these lesbians who say and believe this are not insane and there's a lot of them.

Er, while those women may not be insane, they certainly are stupid. I certainly don't think that way, nor do the lesbians I've encountered.

Sometimes, members of disempowered minority groups feel like they need to display superiority over the majority. Hence, you occasionally hear of a black person arguing that blacks are evolutionarily superior to whites, and you get one or two lesbians who say that being gay is (or will be) the norm. These views are not by any means representative of the entire group of people.

Manuscripts don't burn.



I also know gay women who say that all women are (naturally) lesbian and it's only aggressive manipulative men that get any of them to marry them or have sex with them. These woman say evolution has surpassed social darwinism and in a short time, all women will be together sexually and have kids without men and all men will be either gay or alone. I am not making this up, and these lesbians who say and believe this are not insane and there's a lot of them.
That's scary >.<

Anyway, I don't find it too far-fetched that some women even lesbians would be into gay male porn. Lots of them mentioned they like the "realism" that lesbian porn doesn't have because it is made for straight men. I think some lesbians might watch male/male porn because it is much less personal for them. Since they are women and are into women they probably also prefer to watch a man be another man's bitch rater than a woman. As a guy it's difficult to understand why someone who likes women would want to watch two dudes, but whatever floats your boat I guess. I think the lessons of this thread are: sexuality is complex, people are kinky, and porn preference is a very personal and private choice that is best left unexamined.

The other lesson: this was not a good movie.


lesbians don't like to watch girl on girl porn because real life lesbian arent'near being attractive as the girls on porn.And that's the realism.



That's scary? Yeah.


"Er, while those women may not be insane, they certainly are stupid. I certainly don't think that way, nor do the lesbians I've encountered.

Sometimes, members of disempowered minority groups feel like they need to display superiority over the majority. Hence, you occasionally hear of a black person arguing that blacks are evolutionarily superior to whites, and you get one or two lesbians who say that being gay is (or will be) the norm. These views are not by any means representative of the entire group of people."

The crazy thing is, the lesbian who said this to me was from CA and definitely was speaking for a lot of gay women. She made a point to say all of her gay friends felt this way and that it was why there are so many gay women living together, that in fact many women live together and shun all men and they're not even gay, they just don't want or need men. She was so utterly convinced that this was more than a trend, that it was evolution, you couldn't even discuss an alternate view with her, it was scary and weird, but for her it was normal and the truth, in fact, marriage between a man and a woman to her was bizarre and disturbing.

I'm not making this up, but I am a little surprised I'm not reading more of this online or anywhere else, maybe it's still underground, maybe it is real, who knows.


She was so utterly convinced that this was more than a trend, that it was evolution, you couldn't even discuss an alternate view with her, it was scary and weird, but for her it was normal and the truth, in fact, marriage between a man and a woman to her was bizarre and disturbing.

I'm not from CA, but look, if she's 100% gay, of course the notion marriage between a man and a woman will be strange for her (or it will not be what she views as normal). But she could live in Provincetown MA and still hold an opinion different from other gay women. She might think that it's more common because she lives with like-minded people. Or maybe she took the movie "Seksmisja" too literally.
The notion that homosexuality is a natural part of evolution has been heard before (to make humans reproduce less) as is the belief that being gay was something that many people always were and were pretending not to be for a long time (not true for every single individual, but there were and are still many closeted gays out there). Some people simply go to the very extreme and say things like being gay is the future and that everyone is gay. After all, the reverse notions (that homosexuality is bizarre and disturbing and that being straight is the only way to go) dominated for centuries. But the gay women I know don't go around preaching that being straight is just a facade and that people should join evolution's course and switch to people of the same sex. I'm not doubting your story; I just never heard this before. Please post these online links if you find them!

Manuscripts don't burn.



Yeah, I agree with you but because she had so many friends and was so sure this was common knowledge it just seemed like something I wasn't aware of, but should be. It's like this, at the J Edgar board people are associating his alleged homosexuality with his alleged cross dressing, transvestism, yet it's well known in some circles that 98% of all cross dressing males are heterosexual. Of course there are gay men who cross dress and certainly there are drag queens. But being turned on by cross dressing is predominantly a heterosexual pastime, just because you dress up in drag it doesn't mean that it turns you on.

Look, it's an unpredictable world. I was once living next to a couple of lesbians whose house was ground zero for east coast lesbian hook ups, no joke, I was the only guy allowed in and I'm straight. So many of these couples were one lesbian and one heterosexual female, but I never met one gay man who lived with and had sex with a straight man, it never happens. With women it may happen as often as 50%. Go figure.


Were these "heterosexual" females really straight, or bi? I can agree (to a certain point) that female sexuality is not as rigid as male sexuality, but this notion has been exaggerated.
Another possible likelihood is that these women, if they really are straight, have been in some traumatic relationships or experiences with men. I remember reading about a woman on another online forum who said she "used to be bi," but after her girlfriend was raped by a man she decided to identify herself as gay and forsake any idea of sex with men. But the notion that 50% of women have sex with everything regardless of orientation is a little too ostentatious for me (and I'm bi!). I remember rolling my eyes at a New York Times "article" that reported a study of sexual experimentation among college women. It basically said, "aw, gee, college women really DON'T experiment with other women as often as we thought. Who knew?!?!?"

Manuscripts don't burn.



In most cases whether or not these women were bi or heterosexual didn't matter, they were with a lesbian woman and therefore they were now a lesbian couple. Any time I knew the hetero or bi women well and asked "are you bi or lesbian or hetero" they almost always answered "I'm hetero, but I guess I'm bi too because I have sex with women". I got the feeling that in many cases being as turned on with a woman as with a man did not matter to these woman, it was more about that they chose to have sex and love with a woman because it was preferable to a man, and that preferable was mostly about the mind set not the sex in that, all of these woman had problems with men's abuse so being with a woman was a no brainer.

I have never heard or seen this phenomena with men. If a man lives with a man and has sex with that man, he's gay, period. Yeah, I know some guys are bi, but really bi is not interchangeable with straight, if you are bi you are not straight, it's never been seen in my experience that a straight man lives with and has sex with a gay man, but woman do that all the time. I think that's really hard to understand on one level, the sexual level. I know some men who have sex with a man as an experiment, that doesn't make them bi, not in my mind. Bi is when sex with a man and with a woman turns you on equally and you do both a lot.

But as I try to figure this out, it feels like the more I know, the less I really know.


Wow, nick, wow... You really are ignorant when it comes to sexuality, aren't you? Seriously, again, when it comes to homosexual and heterosexual people, obviously their sexuality is not as "fluid" as we think. Most gay men and women would disagree, and when it comes to them, they feel no attraction towards the opposite gender/sex at all. There is nothing "subconscious" about it, there is just NO sexual attraction for the opposite sex. Okay, there may be SOME gays and lesbians that might feel a kind of attraction but it's obviously not as strong as how they feel for their same sex. But that's just a very small minority of them. Most of them don't. And most gays and lesbians don't believe that sexuality can be fluid among them anyway. Unfortunately a lot of them don't believe in bisexuality either. And this is where we get to the other ignorant part with you. First of all bisexuality is, like all others, is a HUMAN sexuality. All sexual orientations/identities are obviously human. Therefore it's not just a "women's sexuality" there are just as many men that can be bisexual too. In fact I have plenty of bisexual male friends who would be pretty upset if they read your comments, they would feel as if you are denying their existence. So for your comment, if you see two men together then "they are gay... period"; well that's just stupid because one of them could be bi, or even both of them.

I, like my many gay friends don't believe that sexuality is for the most part fluid when it comes hetero/or homosexuality (there are some people, but for the most part no). HOWEVER, when it comes to bisexuality, that is actually a bit different. Bisexuality is actually not always a 50/50 deal. A lot of bisexuals can feel more strongly towards one sex than the other. And I also thought your comments about that were ridiculous. Just because a person is bi, that doesn't mean that they can't experience falling in love and wanting a relationship, so the idea that bisexuals just want to have sex with a lot of people is very offensive and stupid. And it doesn't matter who the hell they end up with. If a bisexual man ends up with another man, that doesn't make him gay, because he would still be attracted to women; he just ended up with a guy, because that's just what happened. Bisexuals just get to have more options when it comes to dating people. We can date anyone of any gender/sex, and no matter who we end up with, we are still going to be attracted to both genders. There have been studies done over the years that are proving more and more that bisexuality does indeed exist with men. Not only that, but over the years there have been quite a number of openly bisexual men coming out in the media.

And yeah, some straight women might end up with other women, now whether or not they are actually having sex with them is hard to say. I'm going to say for the most part, no; they just happened to fall in love with them. Same thing with straight men, believe it or not, it can happen too. Straight men for a various number of reasons have fallen in love with other men, and perhaps want to be with them. So the idea that sexuality is more "rigid" with men than women. That's not entirely true. I'm surprised if you still think it is, especially since other posters on here have admitted to some gay men who watch lesbian porn. (not for sexual attraction reasons but still) So if the idea of "sexuality being fluid is a thing among women" (not always true), then everyone should start saying the same about men, it's a HUMAN thing.


I agree, girl-on-wire, that the whole "sexuality is fluid" thing is questionable, especially since more and more studies have been done that suggest that bisexuality among men actually does exist. So the idea that "sexuality is more rigid for men than women", I'm not really buying into that. Sexuality is a HUMAN thing not an "only male," for certain things or "only female" for the others. And also saying that someone is "100% gay" doesn't really sit well either. I mean, if someone says they are gay, or straight, or bisexual or pansexual, etc.... then... that's what they are. So, what's with the percentages?


Hey nick, basically the reason why some gay females watch male porn, although MOST of them do not. But the some that do watch it simply because straight porn is pretty damn misogynist, so that’s a turn off; and lesbian porn itself is also really sexist. If you watch it, you will see that it mostly caters to straight males, and the women look fake and they do really weird stuff in those videos that are for lack of a better word, unrealistic when it comes to lesbian sex. Now when it comes to male/male sex at least with that, there is a lot of passion and respect that goes on with two males that have sex, in other words it’s not sexist and weird. But like the other lesbians on here have said, when they watch it, they are not turned on by the men, and obviously they wouldn’t be because they are gay, but they do appreciate the erotic feel of the two men who are enjoying themselves. Although whether or not they are is a different story, considering there is a subculture called “gay for pay”. But it definitely looks more realistic than any other type of porn. Now when it comes to the whole “sexual fluid” thing, well most of my gay female friends would disagree with that. And in fact a lot of them are quite annoyed that some people buy into that.
All of my gay female friends (really all lesbians in general) just don’t feel sexual attraction to men. Although that should be obvious, it’s just like how gay men feel about women. So the idea that lesbians who watch gay male porn are somehow attracted to men, no they are not. They would just rather watch that, instead of watching something that is incredibly misogynist. And they do make realistic lesbian porn, the kind that is “made by lesbians, for lesbians” that I’m sure most of them enjoy. And anyway, some of the gay men who watch lesbian porn have their reasons too, but it’s not for being turned on by the women, it’s just what they do that is a turn on. Just look at some of the posts on here from some of the lesbians; they admit that as lesbians they obviously feel no romantic or sexual attraction towards men, it’s the ACT of sex that can be a turn on for anyone. And that goes for anyone. So even though the idea of “sexuality being fluid” can be a thing for both men and women, whether they be gay or straight. I think for a lot of people, (probably most people) would find that idea false. That sounds more like bisexuality anyway.
Also many of the other lesbians on here have tried responding to you saying that they are obviously not attracted to men anyway, which would have been obvious to begin with. Including spookyteddy, who even told you that she is one of the MAJORITY of lesbians who do not watch gay male porn, since for her that would be a major turn OFF. And so many gay women hated this movie anyway, and I don't blame them! For the many obvious reasons.


Really? You actually know gay women like that? That's weird, most of my gay female friends are all really nice and have plenty of male friends who they love and respect. Of course they are not sexually attracted to men, but they love having them around and hanging out with them. Most of those gay women are very attractive and femme as well.


Maybe. Maybe straight men and or women enjoy male gay pornography.

Are you going to define it and lable it? Have fun. Personally, I think there's better things to spend time worrying about.

Jack's not dead! Jack would never die without telling me, first!


Nobody is worried.

This article is funny, there really are bisexual men, duh:

So scientists now believe that men can be bisexual, that it's not just gay men who also get turned on by women. Yet, the funny thing is they didn't test guys who are turned on by goats or sofa cushions. Some guys are turned on by anything, anytime, anywhere, don't they know this? Jeez, give me a break, guys who are turned on by pictures of men and women in a lab doesn't mean anything other than some guys are turned on by anything. How many men are sexually aroused by high heels or panties? Try almost all of them. Dolts. They need to get out into the real world.
