MovieChat Forums > Lake of Fire (2007) Discussion > Any Pro-Life Atheists/Agnostics?

Any Pro-Life Atheists/Agnostics?

I would like to hear arguments with the scripture manipulation remaved. It's unfortunate that the issue exist but as a man I can't even begun to understand the fear & confusion that some women feel when they discover they are pregnant. Therefore my arguement for or against is a moot(sp?) point to those women. As an agnostic I don't use any scripture to decide what is right or wrong.
I am Pro-Choice but feel that abortion is unfortunately used as a post-coital birth control by too many. It's unrealistic to teach just abstinence. The question to carry the birth to full term is a result of other events not just a root cause of the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice argument. Preventing abortion requires prevention of these events that lead to the question, all of these events not just sex: teach abstinence, teach the use of the pill, the use of profalactics (sp?)and education about adoption options. Unfortunately even with this education the choice must, in my agnostic male opinion, be protected. The argument can go on forever. It is ultimately a moral issue. And morality should not be legislated.
I think back to the difficulties my mother had raising 3 kids essentially alone I'm glad she was strong enough to due so. Had I, the youngest of her kids, been aborted perhaps she would've had an easier time. Either way I'm glad she had the choice.
incrediblechuck2000 at yahoo



Even a baby a few months old is little more than a "tiny bundle of cells" which only lives on very primitive and dependent level. So conception is really the place to start unless you support infanticide. And yes, many babies won't come to term--dying of natural causes doesn't mean they never existed.


I am in full support of pro life, and am not religious or have neither grown up around religion.
It angers me that this documentary only looked at extremist religions that were pro life, vs pro choice. It sets a bad example for those who are pro life but do not have such extreme views. I believe that to have sex comes with a responsibility and if you wish to have sex without becoming pregnant there are ways that you can prevent this ie birth control. There are little excuses to have an unwanted pregnant , other than sex without consent. If you are having sex with a partner is it your responsibility to do all you can to prevent unwanted pregnancy for example using condoms with other means of contraception.

I believe abortion to be a selfish choice especially here in the uk where these issues are not so taboo, and where there are many services set up to help those who cannot financially or emotionally support a child.

I also come from an ere were abortion is also almost seen as a form of contraction were young girls dont feel that they have to use contraction because they know the choice of abortion will always be there readily available.


I'm pretty close to your views. I do have certain leanings in terms of belief of a higher power, but I veer close to agnosticism in the sense that I am fully aware that I could be wrong. So my pro-life views are not Bible based.

Particularly given that the movie was 2 1/2 hours long, I was hoping for a wider range of views on both sides. Certainly in a movie of that length there's room for the radical fundamentalists and the clinic bombers, but there should also have been more people who either don't have religious views or at least separate their religion from their pro-life views. Unlike many of the fundamentalists in the movie, there are probably quite a few pro-lifers who believe in, uh, dressing for the occasion when having sex (after all, the more protected you are, the less likely it is that conception will occur and thus less likely that the abortion issue will even arise).

I think there was a lot of potential in this documentary and certainly it's one piece of the puzzle, but given the running length I was hoping for a greater look at the big picture. It's an issue where both sides have a valid point (I'm in favour of people being able to have a life, I'm in favour in women being autonomous), it's just that those points clash with each other on this topic. There was a lost opportunity here for a more interesting discussion.

