If you pay attention in the first episode, he never uses the key to open the door from the inside, he just opens it. In fact, going back through the episodes, I noticed multiple times where you can see that he doesn't use the key to open it.
You're right, Anna was not trapped in the room at all. She went somewhere else when the room re-set. It is possible that, given enough time, she would have opened the door and stepped out into the real world anywhere she chose. However, the other guy re-opened the door immediately, effectively "re-setting" the room. I've only seen disc 1 so far, so I don't yet know the implications of this "other place" she went to.
As to the post about breaking the window and climbing out, I would bet that the room itself is unbreakable, just like the objects, making it impossible to go out the window. Nice idea though.
It seems silly to question the premise though, it is a perfect McGuffin.