They never use the key to exit. If you're in the room, it's because the key holder wills you to be in the room and gives you license to be there.
You may be able to exit but only to where the key holder wills you to.
I'm sure if you attempted to leave without the key holders permission', you'd end up facing the outside of a c-130 in flight or perhaps a door in an old home that's been bricked up (opening it just leads you straight into a brick wall).
Even if he's not picturing the door, his will is for you not to leave, the door will accommodate, also if he's thinking "I'm ok with my partner to go wherever they want" I'm sure they can open the door and travel to wherever they wish because he's granted them license. I'm sure its partially subconscious too. The door picked randomly, also, so it also has some input on the decision making process...
For instance, I doubt the main guy knew a shack on a cliff face where he could throw Ruben, I bet he just wanted any isolated place.
He has to picture a specific door at a specific place to get there, but when he's chasing the comb user he warps around a corner he's never seen before. It's vague, but for certain tasks he can sort of "wing it" and go to where a door presumably is.
However, something like the vault door is too complicated and vague of a concept, which is why he had problems in the prison.
He knew to go to that prison and find the vault, but he didn't know where the vault was, so the door took him to the prison at random per his wishes.