The yoyo. A highly dangerous object. Every time its spun, the user and everything they're carrying becomes incorporeal. It could be used to create impossibly strong and dense materials by phasing different things into the same location or just merely moving around the place by phasing through objects like a ghost.
The power of the yoyo cannot be underestimated. One can turn even simple objects like a spoon into lethal weapons by phasing them into people. Even moreso with objects like a fishing rod - The fisherman of death!
However the yoyo is also the leading cause of death amongst its users. If you're not careful and attempt to spin the yoyo while standing still, you would fall through the ground and become trapped once the yoyo stops spinning. Therefore you need to jump around like a crazy person and stop the yoyo spin before you land.
If the user has the brains and the resources, the best way to use the yoyo would be to activate it alongside a common surfboard and the scissors. You use the scissors to levitate the surfboard while you're standing on it. Then you spin the yoyo. You'll look majorly stupid, but you'll be able to zoom around the place like the silver surfer =)
The rumors surround former owners of the yoyo are both intriguing and distressing. The dreaded serial killer Grande Pescador el Morte is thought to have possessed the yoyo. As well as the unknown Texan cowboy who literally shoved his boots very far up in his victim's behinds. It remains to be seen if future users of the yoyo will use it for a good cause, like creating an object so dense, it forms its own blackhole that'll suck up all the lobbyists in Washington. One could only hope.